Briefing the Nature of the Planet
Ketu is quite influential to make one lovable among the people in a social circle. It bestows love for god and high values. Ketu is also denoted as the representative of bringing luxuries and wealth if it is favourable. Ketu is also a sign of action, intuition and innovation.
Favourite Colour : Smoke Coloured
Favourite Day : Saturday
Favourite God / Deity : Lord Bhairav (An Incarnation of Shiva)
The ill effects of Ketu can be minimized and the good effects can be increased according to Indian mythology by doing the following tasks. Any or all of these, one can select as per one's convenience.
• Donating in charity blankets, iron and Black Til (Sesamum Seeds) on Saturday.
• Distributing all seven cereals (Wheat, Bajra, Kangani, Moong, Udad, Barley, Gram) to needy and poor on any Saturday.
• Wearing of smoke coloured clothes will immensely please Ketu to be benevolent.
• Worshipping Lord Hanuman or Bhairav everyday with Red Flowers and Dhoop.
• Eating of coconut and distributing the same in charity to the needy people.
• Offering of Smoke coloured flowers in fire sacrifice.
• Wearing of Lehsunia (Cat's Eye) in silver ring in the middle finger on any Saturday and continuing to wear for a period
• Burning of Loban (Benzoin) in worship everyday is likely to bring favours of Ketu.
• Reciting of Ketu's Vedic Mantra can bring blessings of Ketu Planet. The chanting of mantras is recommended with Red Sandal Beaded garland or Rudraksha Beaded Garland.
• Chanting of Ketu's seed Mantra can bring blessings of Ketu Planet. The use of
Red Sandal beaded Garland or Rudraksha Beaded Garland is recommended.
Dr.Tail / Ketu
Ketu is the rest of the body of Rahu, it bestows spiritual tendencies, asceticism, and nonattachment to worldly desires and ambitions. Ketu is also a half-planet that bestows wisdom, powers of discrimination, and gyana-spiritual knowledge, the knowledge of the self. It gives psychic abilities to its natives and makes them masters of the healing arts, natural healing, healing herbs, spices, foods, tantric healing, healing persons affected by evil spirits and ghosts. Ketu’s sign is Pisces – as Rahu’s is Virgo. The sign Pisces belongs the the guru, Jupiter, and Ketu also has dominion over it. Ketu’s body is supposed to be composed of a man’s torso in its upper half and a fish body as its lower half. Ashvini, Mul, and Magha nakshatras are Ketu’s nakshatras. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Pisces are its friendly signs. Cancer and Leo are enemy signs. Ketu is a friend of Mercury, Venus, and Saturn. Jupiter is neutral in friendship. Sun, Moon, and Mars are Ketu’s enemies. It is powerful in Taurus, Sagittarius, and Pisces.
When afflicted or ill-posited, Ketu gives imprisonment, accidents, fear, anxiety, leprosy, skin diseases, starvation, and death by starvation. Ketu makes people conspirators and gives nightmares. It gives pain in joints, diseases of joints and nerves, and excessive heat in the body.
Dr.Tail / Ketu Mantra to Chant
Aum Kaim Ketave Namah Aum
Gemstone for Ketu: Cat's eye/ lasuniya
It is an aluminate of beryllium - a mixture of aluminum and beryllium - having traces of oxide of iron and chromium, which serve as coloring agents and give it brownish and greenish tinges. It has a chatoyant glowing from inside like the eye of a cat and having white fibers. The brighter the fiber, the higher is the quality of the gem. Cat's-eye has a silky streak of light that moves with the turning of the stone like a gleam in a straight line across the stone.
General properties of Gemstone
Planet : Ketu
Cosmic Color : Beyond Visible Color Spectrum (Infra Red)
Sign : Pisces
Element : Water
Time : After Sunset
Day : Thursday
Straightness of the chatoyance
Brilliance of chatoyance
Quality of mineral
High specific gravity - heavier than average stone of the same size Having three streaks of light, similar to the sacred thread worn by Brahmins in India Cat's eye is found in many colors: yellow, black, dark or smoky-green, and white. The only thing common to all shades is the band of light moving across the stone, the chatoyance.
Some Flaws of Cat's Eye:
• Dullness - the cat's-eye that is not brilliant and is shining and flimsy is injurious for physical health and personal wealth
• Crack inside the gemstone - brings injuries from sharp-edged weapons
• Cobweb inside the gemstone - brings imprisonment and is harmful for the wearer
• Having five streaks or bands of light - brings misfortune
• Holes or dents - bring diseases of the stomach
• Flat - devoid of effect and therefore not suitable for wearing
• Uneven in shape - unlucky
Rituals for wearing Cat's Eye Gemstone
The weight of the gemstone should not be less than 3 Ratti (363 mg). Its effect increases with its increasing weight.
Cat's eye should be studded in gold.
After washing with water and unboiled milk and chanting Mantra. It should be worn in the middle/little finger of the right hand.
The wearer should donate sand colored cloth and iron based item should be donated and the person should feed bread to a goat with his own hands.
Day for wearing: Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday
Time for wearing: The best time to wear a cat's eye ring is two hours after sunset, or in the evening.
Cat's eye gemstone is found in India, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Brazil, China, Russia & Burma.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
GRAHA: RAHU GEMSTONE: Hessonite / Gomed
Briefing the Nature of the Planet
The planet Rahu relates to mind, insanity, Epilepsy, fights and trifles, and fruitless wonderings many a times.
Favourite Colour : Cola, Blue, Black
Favourite Day : Saturday
Favourite God / Deity : Lord Hanuman
The ill effects of Rahu can be minimized and the good effects can be increased according to Indian mythology by doing the following tasks. Any or all of these, one can select as per one's convenience.
• Donation in charity, a piece of cloth of cola colour or blue cloth to some needy person on any Saturday, will gain favours of Rahu.
• Donating in charity if possible Gold or Lead also appeases Rahu.
• Distributing Til (sesamum seeds) and mustard oil on any Saturday is another proposition to please the Rahu.
• Offering Black Flowers in Hawan (Fire Sacrifices) will go a long way to appease Rahu.
• Charity of black/Cola colour blanket in winter and also using black/Cola Colour blankets for self brings favour of Rahu.
• Deep devotion and worshipping Lord Hanuman with favourite Mantras, Hanuman Chalisa regularly at least for 40 days is a powerful source to appease Rahu.
• Eating of oily foods (if not hazardous to health) on Saturday is likely to retard
the annoyance of Rahu.
• Burning of Guggul (Gum bdellium olibanum) everyday in worship at least for a month is also recommended.
• Reciting Rahu's Vedic Mantra with Red Sandal or Rudraksha Beaded Garland is likely to bring encouraging results.
• Chanting Rahu's Seed (Beej) Mantra with Red Sandal or Rudraksha Beaded Garland is likely to bring encouraging results.
Dr.Head / Rahu
Rahu is regarded as similar to Saturn in its effect. Smoky blue is its color, instinctual and animalistic its nature. Rahu is interested only in achieving all that gives pleasure, and even if it achieves all it wants, it is never satisfied (which is true of our animalistic nature). Although Rahu rules no sign of the zodiac, the zodiacal sign Virgo is its sign. Virgo is in fact assigned to Mercury, but Rahu being akin to Saturn and Mercury being a friend of Saturn, Rahu thus has authority over Virgo. Friendly signs are Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Cancer and Leo are its enemy signs. Mercury, Venus, and Saturn are friendly planets. Rahu is an enemy of Sun, Moon, and Mars. Rahu gives auspicious results in Taurus and Libra. Rahu is capable of giving power when rightly posited or exalted, and it gives fame, success in politics, money, and physical beauty (i.e., attraction).
Rahu gives its effects between forty-two and forty-eight years of age. Although it gives beneficial results while posited in the above-mentioned signs, and houses, the gains obtained during its major period do not last long, and one always feels anxious and dissatisfied, even if one gets everything one desires. Rahu creates physical and mental illnesses that cannot be diagnosed and cured easily. It gives suicidal tendencies, fears, phobias, poisonous bites, murder, theft, imprisonment, and diseases like cholera, dysentery, skin diseases, swelling of the uterus, and constipation.
Dragon Head / Rahu Mantra to Chant
Aum Ram Rahuve Namah Aum
Gemstone for Rahu: Hessonite/ gomed
A good-quality hessonite, the gemstone of Rahu, is one that reflects a nice honey color. Zircon has a considerable range of colors and is found in red, blue, green, yellow, orange, and brown shades. Blue and green hessonite or the white colorless variety of hessonite is not associated with Rahu. A pure and transparent hessonite having a delicate hue, brilliance, lustre, and uniform color neutralizes the evil effects of Rahu, and if Rahu is well posited it gives beneficial results during its major period and sub-periods, removes fear, creates clarity of mind, and helps spiritual growth.
General properties of Gemstone
Planet : Rahu
Cosmic Color : Ultraviolet
Sign : Aquarius
Element : Ether
Time : Sunset
Day : Saturday
Attractive shape and size
Uniform color
Freedom from layers
Tender and smooth feel
Evenness of surface and waxy adamantine finish
Color similar to the clear urine of a cow
High specific gravity
Signs of well-placed Gemstone
Rahu is a spiritually inclined planet. When it is well-placed, the native usually has very strong spiritual tendencies, desire to do goodness to others and detachment to material goals. He is very influential and respected in society.
Power, fame, political success, money.
The gemstone helps to prevent the following diseases :
Cancer, fears, phobias, undiagnosable illnesses, poisons.
Effects of wearing a hessonite/gomed:
If Rahu is powerful in man's horoscope, it causes or bears many diseases, like mental strain, disturbance in abdomen. Man afflicted by Rahu faces hindrances in his business, struggles in life, continuous shortage of money, disturbed conjugal career, quarrel between husband and wife, a situation to be divorced and nightmares.
Hessonite gemstone is also useful to those who want to get success in law practice, court affairs government service, political spheres, gambling or any unsocial, illegal activities. Enemies can't stand longer before the wearer of Gomed. Blue and green hessonite or the white colorless variety of hessonite are not associated with Rahu. A pure and transparent gomed gemstone having a delicate hue, brilliance, luster, and uniform color neutralizes the evil effects of Rahu, and if Rahu is well posited it gives beneficial results during its major period and subperiods, removes fear, creates clarity of mind, and helps spiritual growth.
Rituals for wearing Hessonite Gemstone
The weight of the gemstone should not be less than 3 Ratti (480 mg).
Hessonite should be studded in silver ring.
After washing with water and unboiled milk and chanting Mantra. It should be worn in the litle/middle finger of the right hand.
The wearer should donate sesame seeds, mustard oil, blue cloth, blanket and money as much as possible to a Brahmin or priest and horse should be fed with grass and milk offered to a snake.
Day for wearing: Saturday
Time for wearing: The best time to wear a hessonite ring is two hourse after the sunset.
Hessonite gemstone is found in Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Tanzania, Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka & East Africa.
The planet Rahu relates to mind, insanity, Epilepsy, fights and trifles, and fruitless wonderings many a times.
Favourite Colour : Cola, Blue, Black
Favourite Day : Saturday
Favourite God / Deity : Lord Hanuman
The ill effects of Rahu can be minimized and the good effects can be increased according to Indian mythology by doing the following tasks. Any or all of these, one can select as per one's convenience.
• Donation in charity, a piece of cloth of cola colour or blue cloth to some needy person on any Saturday, will gain favours of Rahu.
• Donating in charity if possible Gold or Lead also appeases Rahu.
• Distributing Til (sesamum seeds) and mustard oil on any Saturday is another proposition to please the Rahu.
• Offering Black Flowers in Hawan (Fire Sacrifices) will go a long way to appease Rahu.
• Charity of black/Cola colour blanket in winter and also using black/Cola Colour blankets for self brings favour of Rahu.
• Deep devotion and worshipping Lord Hanuman with favourite Mantras, Hanuman Chalisa regularly at least for 40 days is a powerful source to appease Rahu.
• Eating of oily foods (if not hazardous to health) on Saturday is likely to retard
the annoyance of Rahu.
• Burning of Guggul (Gum bdellium olibanum) everyday in worship at least for a month is also recommended.
• Reciting Rahu's Vedic Mantra with Red Sandal or Rudraksha Beaded Garland is likely to bring encouraging results.
• Chanting Rahu's Seed (Beej) Mantra with Red Sandal or Rudraksha Beaded Garland is likely to bring encouraging results.
Dr.Head / Rahu
Rahu is regarded as similar to Saturn in its effect. Smoky blue is its color, instinctual and animalistic its nature. Rahu is interested only in achieving all that gives pleasure, and even if it achieves all it wants, it is never satisfied (which is true of our animalistic nature). Although Rahu rules no sign of the zodiac, the zodiacal sign Virgo is its sign. Virgo is in fact assigned to Mercury, but Rahu being akin to Saturn and Mercury being a friend of Saturn, Rahu thus has authority over Virgo. Friendly signs are Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Cancer and Leo are its enemy signs. Mercury, Venus, and Saturn are friendly planets. Rahu is an enemy of Sun, Moon, and Mars. Rahu gives auspicious results in Taurus and Libra. Rahu is capable of giving power when rightly posited or exalted, and it gives fame, success in politics, money, and physical beauty (i.e., attraction).
Rahu gives its effects between forty-two and forty-eight years of age. Although it gives beneficial results while posited in the above-mentioned signs, and houses, the gains obtained during its major period do not last long, and one always feels anxious and dissatisfied, even if one gets everything one desires. Rahu creates physical and mental illnesses that cannot be diagnosed and cured easily. It gives suicidal tendencies, fears, phobias, poisonous bites, murder, theft, imprisonment, and diseases like cholera, dysentery, skin diseases, swelling of the uterus, and constipation.
Dragon Head / Rahu Mantra to Chant
Aum Ram Rahuve Namah Aum
Gemstone for Rahu: Hessonite/ gomed
A good-quality hessonite, the gemstone of Rahu, is one that reflects a nice honey color. Zircon has a considerable range of colors and is found in red, blue, green, yellow, orange, and brown shades. Blue and green hessonite or the white colorless variety of hessonite is not associated with Rahu. A pure and transparent hessonite having a delicate hue, brilliance, lustre, and uniform color neutralizes the evil effects of Rahu, and if Rahu is well posited it gives beneficial results during its major period and sub-periods, removes fear, creates clarity of mind, and helps spiritual growth.
General properties of Gemstone
Planet : Rahu
Cosmic Color : Ultraviolet
Sign : Aquarius
Element : Ether
Time : Sunset
Day : Saturday
Attractive shape and size
Uniform color
Freedom from layers
Tender and smooth feel
Evenness of surface and waxy adamantine finish
Color similar to the clear urine of a cow
High specific gravity
Signs of well-placed Gemstone
Rahu is a spiritually inclined planet. When it is well-placed, the native usually has very strong spiritual tendencies, desire to do goodness to others and detachment to material goals. He is very influential and respected in society.
Power, fame, political success, money.
The gemstone helps to prevent the following diseases :
Cancer, fears, phobias, undiagnosable illnesses, poisons.
Effects of wearing a hessonite/gomed:
If Rahu is powerful in man's horoscope, it causes or bears many diseases, like mental strain, disturbance in abdomen. Man afflicted by Rahu faces hindrances in his business, struggles in life, continuous shortage of money, disturbed conjugal career, quarrel between husband and wife, a situation to be divorced and nightmares.
Hessonite gemstone is also useful to those who want to get success in law practice, court affairs government service, political spheres, gambling or any unsocial, illegal activities. Enemies can't stand longer before the wearer of Gomed. Blue and green hessonite or the white colorless variety of hessonite are not associated with Rahu. A pure and transparent gomed gemstone having a delicate hue, brilliance, luster, and uniform color neutralizes the evil effects of Rahu, and if Rahu is well posited it gives beneficial results during its major period and subperiods, removes fear, creates clarity of mind, and helps spiritual growth.
Rituals for wearing Hessonite Gemstone
The weight of the gemstone should not be less than 3 Ratti (480 mg).
Hessonite should be studded in silver ring.
After washing with water and unboiled milk and chanting Mantra. It should be worn in the litle/middle finger of the right hand.
The wearer should donate sesame seeds, mustard oil, blue cloth, blanket and money as much as possible to a Brahmin or priest and horse should be fed with grass and milk offered to a snake.
Day for wearing: Saturday
Time for wearing: The best time to wear a hessonite ring is two hourse after the sunset.
Hessonite gemstone is found in Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Tanzania, Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka & East Africa.
Dragon head,
GRAHA: RAHU GEMSTONE: Hessonite / Gomed,
Friday, November 13, 2009
Planet: Saturn / Shani Gemstone: Blue sapphire
Briefing the Nature of the Planet
Saturn is symbolic of cruelty and irritations in life for people. It is adverse in nature. It originates apprehensions of chronic diseases, accidents, enmity, financial crisis, depression of mind and retardation in business.
Favourite Colour : Blue, Black
Favourite Day : Saturday
Favourite God / Deity : Lord Hanuman
The ill effects of Saturn can be minimized and the good effects can be increased according to Indian mythology by doing the following tasks. Any or all of these, one can select as per one's convenience.
• Donating in charity a piece of black cloth, silk cloth, a cow, a buffalo, a mare, black grams and Black Til (Sesamum Seeds) on Saturday will amply influence Saturn to bestow benefits on devotees and to keep away from adverse effects, because these are the colours and objects dear to Saturn Planet.
• Donating a piece of copper to a Dakot (A Person who accepts the offerings forwarded on Shani Dev) on Saturday will reduce ill effects of Saturn.
• Donating in charity, Mustard oil on any Saturday to a Dakot will appease Saturn Planet.
• Wearing blue sapphire on any Saturday on the middle finger after testing its suitability is considered to bring favours of Saturn. Once worn on any Saturday, the ring should be continuously worn for a long time.
• Offering Mustard oil and Black Flowers in Hawan (Fire Sacrifice) will also add the favour of Saturn.
• Giving away in charity iron articles or immersing iron metal in flowing water are suggested to please Saturn.
• Distributing all seven cereals (Wheat, Bajra, Kangani, Moong, Urad, Barley and Black Gram) to the needy/poor on any Saturday will help to appease Saturn.
• Wearing of ring made out of worn out Black horse shoe on the middle finger starting from any Saturday and continuing to wear the same for the period under the influence of Saturn is likely to bring fruitful results in business, giving security against accidents and minimize the depressions of daily life.
• Wearing a ring in the middle finger, made out of old nail taken out of Boat also escorts the ill effects of Saturn Planet.
• Hanging black horse shoe (worn out one) on the door, driving with nails is strongly recommended to ward off evil effects of Saturn Planet and earn his favours.
• Applying black vermilion on the forehead (Tilak - Spinus Mark) will please Saturn.
• Charity and help given to physically handicap lepers are considered to please Saturn.
• Fasting on Saturdays, especially in winter season appeases Saturn.
• Chanting of Vedic Mantra of Saturn with Rudraksha Mala.
• Reciting of Beej (Seed) Mantra of Saturn with Rudraksha Mala.
Saturn / Sani
Saturn (In Sanskrit - Shani) is darkness, the enemy of light. When it is well placed in the seventh house, or well aspected, it gives its natives integrity, wisdom, spirituality, fame, patience, ability to lead, authority, long life, organizational abilities, sincerity, honesty, love of justice, awareness of right and wrong (because it rules the inner conscience), nonattachment, and asceticism. When it is ill-posited or ill-aspected it brings miseries, sorrow, delay, obstruction, disappointment, disharmony, disputes, dejection, difficulties, despondency, and destruction (death). It makes its natives undisciplined, irresponsible, dishonest, dull, addicted to drugs, sadistic, greedy, lonely and afraid. Accidents, humiliation, prison, lawsuits, suicidal tendencies, fear of theft, thefts, blame, enmity, pessimism, and premature aging are also attributed to an ill-aspected or ill-posited Saturn. In the body, Saturn rules the nails, hair, teeth, bones, and nervous system. Diseases of the ears, jaundice, gout, deafness, depression, anxiety, insanity, and asthma are also connected with a Saturn that is ill-aspected or badly placed in the birth chart.
Saturn rules over the zodiacal signs Capricorn and Aquarius. Mercury, Venus, Rahu, and Ketu are its friends and the Sun, the Moon, and Mars are its enemies. Jupiter is neutral in friendship. Its friendly zodiacal signs are Taurus and Gemini and it works well and gives good results in Sagittarius and Pisces. Enemy signs are Cancer, Leo, and Scorpio. Saturn gives its best results – or worst results – between thirty-six and forty-two years of age.
Saturn / Sani Mantra to Chant
Aum Sham Shanaishcharaye Namah Aum
Gemstone for this planet: Blue Sapphire/Neelam
The blue sapphire is a gem of the corundum family. Sometimes white sapphires, rubies, and blue sapphires are found in the same mine, and that is why there is a mixture of colors in the crystals of these gems. Ruby is harder than white sapphire (known as pukhraj), and blue sapphire is harder than ruby and it is hardest of all. Saturn is given the post of an attendant in the solar system. According to Linga Puran, Saturn is born from the exuberant light mass of the lord Rudra and according to Markendaya Purana , Saturn was born to Chhaya-the wife of the sun. Its speed is very slow that is why he is called 'Shaneshchar' which means a slow mover. In Indian astrology, Saturn is considered to be a malefic amongst the malefic but its last effect is happy. Throwing man into misfortunes and calamities, the Saturn ultimately saves the man. He is regarded the strongest of all planets. Saturn rules the owners of the zodiacal signs Capricorn and Aquarius. Blue Sapphire is the gemstone of Saturn. It rules the direction west.
General properties of Gemstone
Planet : Saturn
Cosmic Color : Violet
Sign : Capricorn
Element : Air
Time : Sunset
Day : Saturday
High specific gravity
Uniformity in color
Color similar to that of the neck of a peacock, or a velvety corn-flower-blue
Solid and compact body
Good cut and nice shape
Brilliance, exhibiting a star-like effect from inside when viewed in reflected light, emitting rays of light from inside.
Effect on the wearer:
Blue sapphire/Neelam shows its effects sooner than any other gem. It is proved fruitful or effective to the wearer, it will destroy his diseases, faults, sorrows, poverty and increases his food grains, prosperity, strength, glory, life-span and off-springs. It also restores the property which the wearer might have lost prior to the wearing of the blue sapphire. If it is proved unfavorable, it may make all the efforts, activities fruitless and may destroy every thing of the wearer.
Blue sapphire is most useful especially to the transporters, property dealers, contractors, mill owners, dealers in machines, laborers, hawkers, policemen, workers of local self-government and financers. It is also said that it can give peace to the heart of the man if it is worn near the heart. According to a Buddhist monk evil thoughts are destroyed and mind as well as behavior remains pacified by wearing blue sapphire. Morality remains firm in ladies who wear blue sapphire. It should be taken off, if its colour is changed or it is cracked because this is a warning to the wearer that he should change his gem.
The gemstone helps to prevent the following diseases :
Paralysis, asthma, rheumatisms, teeth problems, bones problems.
Rituals for wearing Blue sapphire:
The weight of the gemstone should not be less than 3 Ratti (360 mg).
Blue sapphire should be embedded in silver or iron ring.
Its ring should be kept in a copper bowl full of water on Saturday. It should be worn after pouring the water of the bowl on the roots of a peepal tree, two hours before the sun set in the left middle finger reciting the Mantra.
One should pray to Saturn for bestowing the best results and providing help in overcoming difficulties.
One should donate black urad, salt, mustard oil, soap, tea leaves, money (Dakshina) according to one's capacity at the feet of peepal tree and pray for well being. Male buffalo should be fed with green leaves and cotton seed and Shivalinga should be bathed with milk.
Day for wearing: Saturday
Time for wearing: Sunset
Blue sapphire is found in India, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Australia, Kashmir, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Tanzania, Kenya, and the United States.
Saturn is symbolic of cruelty and irritations in life for people. It is adverse in nature. It originates apprehensions of chronic diseases, accidents, enmity, financial crisis, depression of mind and retardation in business.
Favourite Colour : Blue, Black
Favourite Day : Saturday
Favourite God / Deity : Lord Hanuman
The ill effects of Saturn can be minimized and the good effects can be increased according to Indian mythology by doing the following tasks. Any or all of these, one can select as per one's convenience.
• Donating in charity a piece of black cloth, silk cloth, a cow, a buffalo, a mare, black grams and Black Til (Sesamum Seeds) on Saturday will amply influence Saturn to bestow benefits on devotees and to keep away from adverse effects, because these are the colours and objects dear to Saturn Planet.
• Donating a piece of copper to a Dakot (A Person who accepts the offerings forwarded on Shani Dev) on Saturday will reduce ill effects of Saturn.
• Donating in charity, Mustard oil on any Saturday to a Dakot will appease Saturn Planet.
• Wearing blue sapphire on any Saturday on the middle finger after testing its suitability is considered to bring favours of Saturn. Once worn on any Saturday, the ring should be continuously worn for a long time.
• Offering Mustard oil and Black Flowers in Hawan (Fire Sacrifice) will also add the favour of Saturn.
• Giving away in charity iron articles or immersing iron metal in flowing water are suggested to please Saturn.
• Distributing all seven cereals (Wheat, Bajra, Kangani, Moong, Urad, Barley and Black Gram) to the needy/poor on any Saturday will help to appease Saturn.
• Wearing of ring made out of worn out Black horse shoe on the middle finger starting from any Saturday and continuing to wear the same for the period under the influence of Saturn is likely to bring fruitful results in business, giving security against accidents and minimize the depressions of daily life.
• Wearing a ring in the middle finger, made out of old nail taken out of Boat also escorts the ill effects of Saturn Planet.
• Hanging black horse shoe (worn out one) on the door, driving with nails is strongly recommended to ward off evil effects of Saturn Planet and earn his favours.
• Applying black vermilion on the forehead (Tilak - Spinus Mark) will please Saturn.
• Charity and help given to physically handicap lepers are considered to please Saturn.
• Fasting on Saturdays, especially in winter season appeases Saturn.
• Chanting of Vedic Mantra of Saturn with Rudraksha Mala.
• Reciting of Beej (Seed) Mantra of Saturn with Rudraksha Mala.
Saturn / Sani
Saturn (In Sanskrit - Shani) is darkness, the enemy of light. When it is well placed in the seventh house, or well aspected, it gives its natives integrity, wisdom, spirituality, fame, patience, ability to lead, authority, long life, organizational abilities, sincerity, honesty, love of justice, awareness of right and wrong (because it rules the inner conscience), nonattachment, and asceticism. When it is ill-posited or ill-aspected it brings miseries, sorrow, delay, obstruction, disappointment, disharmony, disputes, dejection, difficulties, despondency, and destruction (death). It makes its natives undisciplined, irresponsible, dishonest, dull, addicted to drugs, sadistic, greedy, lonely and afraid. Accidents, humiliation, prison, lawsuits, suicidal tendencies, fear of theft, thefts, blame, enmity, pessimism, and premature aging are also attributed to an ill-aspected or ill-posited Saturn. In the body, Saturn rules the nails, hair, teeth, bones, and nervous system. Diseases of the ears, jaundice, gout, deafness, depression, anxiety, insanity, and asthma are also connected with a Saturn that is ill-aspected or badly placed in the birth chart.
Saturn rules over the zodiacal signs Capricorn and Aquarius. Mercury, Venus, Rahu, and Ketu are its friends and the Sun, the Moon, and Mars are its enemies. Jupiter is neutral in friendship. Its friendly zodiacal signs are Taurus and Gemini and it works well and gives good results in Sagittarius and Pisces. Enemy signs are Cancer, Leo, and Scorpio. Saturn gives its best results – or worst results – between thirty-six and forty-two years of age.
Saturn / Sani Mantra to Chant
Aum Sham Shanaishcharaye Namah Aum
Gemstone for this planet: Blue Sapphire/Neelam
The blue sapphire is a gem of the corundum family. Sometimes white sapphires, rubies, and blue sapphires are found in the same mine, and that is why there is a mixture of colors in the crystals of these gems. Ruby is harder than white sapphire (known as pukhraj), and blue sapphire is harder than ruby and it is hardest of all. Saturn is given the post of an attendant in the solar system. According to Linga Puran, Saturn is born from the exuberant light mass of the lord Rudra and according to Markendaya Purana , Saturn was born to Chhaya-the wife of the sun. Its speed is very slow that is why he is called 'Shaneshchar' which means a slow mover. In Indian astrology, Saturn is considered to be a malefic amongst the malefic but its last effect is happy. Throwing man into misfortunes and calamities, the Saturn ultimately saves the man. He is regarded the strongest of all planets. Saturn rules the owners of the zodiacal signs Capricorn and Aquarius. Blue Sapphire is the gemstone of Saturn. It rules the direction west.
General properties of Gemstone
Planet : Saturn
Cosmic Color : Violet
Sign : Capricorn
Element : Air
Time : Sunset
Day : Saturday
High specific gravity
Uniformity in color
Color similar to that of the neck of a peacock, or a velvety corn-flower-blue
Solid and compact body
Good cut and nice shape
Brilliance, exhibiting a star-like effect from inside when viewed in reflected light, emitting rays of light from inside.
Effect on the wearer:
Blue sapphire/Neelam shows its effects sooner than any other gem. It is proved fruitful or effective to the wearer, it will destroy his diseases, faults, sorrows, poverty and increases his food grains, prosperity, strength, glory, life-span and off-springs. It also restores the property which the wearer might have lost prior to the wearing of the blue sapphire. If it is proved unfavorable, it may make all the efforts, activities fruitless and may destroy every thing of the wearer.
Blue sapphire is most useful especially to the transporters, property dealers, contractors, mill owners, dealers in machines, laborers, hawkers, policemen, workers of local self-government and financers. It is also said that it can give peace to the heart of the man if it is worn near the heart. According to a Buddhist monk evil thoughts are destroyed and mind as well as behavior remains pacified by wearing blue sapphire. Morality remains firm in ladies who wear blue sapphire. It should be taken off, if its colour is changed or it is cracked because this is a warning to the wearer that he should change his gem.
The gemstone helps to prevent the following diseases :
Paralysis, asthma, rheumatisms, teeth problems, bones problems.
Rituals for wearing Blue sapphire:
The weight of the gemstone should not be less than 3 Ratti (360 mg).
Blue sapphire should be embedded in silver or iron ring.
Its ring should be kept in a copper bowl full of water on Saturday. It should be worn after pouring the water of the bowl on the roots of a peepal tree, two hours before the sun set in the left middle finger reciting the Mantra.
One should pray to Saturn for bestowing the best results and providing help in overcoming difficulties.
One should donate black urad, salt, mustard oil, soap, tea leaves, money (Dakshina) according to one's capacity at the feet of peepal tree and pray for well being. Male buffalo should be fed with green leaves and cotton seed and Shivalinga should be bathed with milk.
Day for wearing: Saturday
Time for wearing: Sunset
Blue sapphire is found in India, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Australia, Kashmir, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Tanzania, Kenya, and the United States.
PLANET: Venus/ Shukra GEMSTONE: Diamond
Briefing the Nature of the Planet
Venus Planet is mainly associated with family life, taste and business/livelihood. The benevolent influence of Venus favours accumulation of wealth, jewellery, landed
properties, happy home life, success in business and occupations, controlling obesity
and fatness.
Favourite Colour : Light Blue, White
Favourite Day : Friday
Favourite God / Deity : Goddess Lakshmi
The ill effects of Venus can be minimized and the good effects can be increased according to Indian mythology by doing the following tasks. Any or all of these, one can select as per one's convenience.
• Giving away in charity on any Friday, the light blue cloth, rice and Mishri (Sugar Crystals) to the poor is considered to minimize the ill effects of Venus and add the favour of the planet.
• White horse donated in charity is also remedial measure to combat the ill effects of Venus.
• Using white or light blue coloured clothes on Fridays may go to please the Venus Planet.
• Bathing the idol of Lakshmi with Milk, Honey, Ghee (Butter Oil), Curd, Sugar - Together called Panchamrit will please Venus Planet because, She i.e. Goddess Lakshmi is the Lord of Venus.
• Worshiping Goddess Lakshmi with white flowers and sandalwood paste (Tilak) regularly will appease Venus.
• Offering White Flowers and Sandalwood in Hawan (Fire Sacrifice) with the chanting of the mantra of Venus Will bestow the grace of Venus.
• Spraying of lotus scent on oneself and in the house is also recommended.
• Frequent use of Curd in diet also brings favour of Venus Planet.
• Wearing of diamond ring on Friday on small finger and continuing to wear it for a long time substantially improves a person's well-being, earning and status. It is also noticed that, this may also control the obesity of body.
• Reciting Venus Vedic Mantra helps to appease the Venus Planet.
• Chanting Venus Beej (Seed) Mantra.
Venus is feminine and gentle. An embodiment of love, he is a benefic planet and governs the refined attributes, romance, beauty, sensuality, passion, sexual pleasure, marriage, love matters, comforts, luxuries, jewelry, wealth, prosperity, art, music, dance, theater, actors, poets, musicians, the season of spring, rains and aquatic creatures. In the body he rules over the reproductive system, eyes, throat, chin, cheeks, and kidneys. Mercury and Saturn are its friends and the Sun and Moon are its enemies. Mars and Jupiter are neutral in friendship to Venus even though Venus considers Jupiter its enemy. Taurus and Libra are the zodiacal signs whom Venus rules, and Venus gives good results when placed in theses signs. When rightly aspected Venus is strong, and it brings wealth, comfort, attraction to the opposite sex in the early part of life, a well-proportioned body, and the attractive features necessary for a sensuous nature. It makes its natives tender, gentle, and considerate; lovers of jewelry, sour (pungent) taste, white dress, decoration, perfume, tasty food, and the fine arts. It inspires them to be poets, musicians, and seekers of truth and knowledge (secret sciences). The native loves the company of the members of the opposite sex, artists, and musicians.
When afflicted or ill-aspected, Venus creates problems in marriage. It causes diseases of the eyes and ovaries. The native may suffer from gout, cysts, swelling of the internal organs, anemia, eating and drinking, venereal disease. The nakshatras connected with Venus are Bharani, Purva Phalguni, and Purvashada. Sagittarius and Capricorn are its friendly signs and Cancer and Leo its enemy signs. Its greatest influence on an individual extends from the ages of twenty-five to twenty-seven.
Venus / Shukra Mantra to Chant
Aum Shum Shukraye Namah Aum
Gemstone for this Planet: Diamond
Most attractive to the eyes, the diamond is famous for its play of colors. It emits a very delicate bluish, reddish, or a mixture of blue and red radiance of glittering luster when exposed to light. The gem is luminous and dazzling, and emits sparks of light. A fine diamond is effulgent, radiant, and delightful. It is as soothing to the eyes as the Moon; it is lovely and magnificent and has the self-luminous quality of a clear crystal. It is brilliant and radiates rainbows of light all around. Ancient Hindu scriptures mention eight types of diamonds. They are Hanspati, Kamlapati, Vasanti, Vajraneel, Vanaspati, Sbyamvajra, Telia, and Sanloyi.
Following are the general properties of Gemstone
Planet : Venus
Cosmic Color : White
Sign : Taurus, Libra
Element : Water
Time : Sunrise
Day : Friday
Transparency, smoothness
Pleasant appearance
Play of colors - spraying blue, red, and rainbow-colored rays
Good color: The finest diamonds are colorless
Flaws in a Diamond:
• Dullness
• Feathers of a crow
• Red spots
• Black spots
• Greasy
• Pale or brown in color
• Ridges on the surface
• Brittleness
Effects of wearing a Diamond:
The wearing of diamond is much beneficial to poets, painters, artists, actors and sellers of perfumes and ornaments and their makers too. Diamond gemstone is advantages to confectioners, hoteliers, gold sellers, doctors and sellers of sugar and rice. The wearers of diamond can be saved from ominous things and evil spirits such as witches, ghosts, black magic and even the effect of poison also decreases. Diamond gemstones increases the stamina and makes the marital life happy and permanent. Diamond gemstone also improves health, checks untimely death also. Diamond gemstone is advantageous in diseases like epilepsy, impotency, rheumatism, hydrocil, shortage of semen and other sexual diseases.
Rituals for wearing Diamond Gemstone
The weight of the gemstone should not be less than 1 Ratti (121 mg).
Diamond/White Sapphire should be studded in silver or platinum.
After washing with water and unboiled milk and chanting Mantra, it should be worn in the little/middle finger of the right hand.
The wearer should donate white cloth, rice ground - sugar and money to a Brahmin. Elephant, white cow or white horse should be fed with fruits.
Day for wearing: Friday
Time for wearing: The best time to wear a diamond is between sunrise and 11:00 A.M.
Diamonds are found in South Africa, Angola, Botswana, Australia, Russia, India, Brazil and Venezuela.
Venus Planet is mainly associated with family life, taste and business/livelihood. The benevolent influence of Venus favours accumulation of wealth, jewellery, landed
properties, happy home life, success in business and occupations, controlling obesity
and fatness.
Favourite Colour : Light Blue, White
Favourite Day : Friday
Favourite God / Deity : Goddess Lakshmi
The ill effects of Venus can be minimized and the good effects can be increased according to Indian mythology by doing the following tasks. Any or all of these, one can select as per one's convenience.
• Giving away in charity on any Friday, the light blue cloth, rice and Mishri (Sugar Crystals) to the poor is considered to minimize the ill effects of Venus and add the favour of the planet.
• White horse donated in charity is also remedial measure to combat the ill effects of Venus.
• Using white or light blue coloured clothes on Fridays may go to please the Venus Planet.
• Bathing the idol of Lakshmi with Milk, Honey, Ghee (Butter Oil), Curd, Sugar - Together called Panchamrit will please Venus Planet because, She i.e. Goddess Lakshmi is the Lord of Venus.
• Worshiping Goddess Lakshmi with white flowers and sandalwood paste (Tilak) regularly will appease Venus.
• Offering White Flowers and Sandalwood in Hawan (Fire Sacrifice) with the chanting of the mantra of Venus Will bestow the grace of Venus.
• Spraying of lotus scent on oneself and in the house is also recommended.
• Frequent use of Curd in diet also brings favour of Venus Planet.
• Wearing of diamond ring on Friday on small finger and continuing to wear it for a long time substantially improves a person's well-being, earning and status. It is also noticed that, this may also control the obesity of body.
• Reciting Venus Vedic Mantra helps to appease the Venus Planet.
• Chanting Venus Beej (Seed) Mantra.
Venus is feminine and gentle. An embodiment of love, he is a benefic planet and governs the refined attributes, romance, beauty, sensuality, passion, sexual pleasure, marriage, love matters, comforts, luxuries, jewelry, wealth, prosperity, art, music, dance, theater, actors, poets, musicians, the season of spring, rains and aquatic creatures. In the body he rules over the reproductive system, eyes, throat, chin, cheeks, and kidneys. Mercury and Saturn are its friends and the Sun and Moon are its enemies. Mars and Jupiter are neutral in friendship to Venus even though Venus considers Jupiter its enemy. Taurus and Libra are the zodiacal signs whom Venus rules, and Venus gives good results when placed in theses signs. When rightly aspected Venus is strong, and it brings wealth, comfort, attraction to the opposite sex in the early part of life, a well-proportioned body, and the attractive features necessary for a sensuous nature. It makes its natives tender, gentle, and considerate; lovers of jewelry, sour (pungent) taste, white dress, decoration, perfume, tasty food, and the fine arts. It inspires them to be poets, musicians, and seekers of truth and knowledge (secret sciences). The native loves the company of the members of the opposite sex, artists, and musicians.
When afflicted or ill-aspected, Venus creates problems in marriage. It causes diseases of the eyes and ovaries. The native may suffer from gout, cysts, swelling of the internal organs, anemia, eating and drinking, venereal disease. The nakshatras connected with Venus are Bharani, Purva Phalguni, and Purvashada. Sagittarius and Capricorn are its friendly signs and Cancer and Leo its enemy signs. Its greatest influence on an individual extends from the ages of twenty-five to twenty-seven.
Venus / Shukra Mantra to Chant
Aum Shum Shukraye Namah Aum
Gemstone for this Planet: Diamond
Most attractive to the eyes, the diamond is famous for its play of colors. It emits a very delicate bluish, reddish, or a mixture of blue and red radiance of glittering luster when exposed to light. The gem is luminous and dazzling, and emits sparks of light. A fine diamond is effulgent, radiant, and delightful. It is as soothing to the eyes as the Moon; it is lovely and magnificent and has the self-luminous quality of a clear crystal. It is brilliant and radiates rainbows of light all around. Ancient Hindu scriptures mention eight types of diamonds. They are Hanspati, Kamlapati, Vasanti, Vajraneel, Vanaspati, Sbyamvajra, Telia, and Sanloyi.
Following are the general properties of Gemstone
Planet : Venus
Cosmic Color : White
Sign : Taurus, Libra
Element : Water
Time : Sunrise
Day : Friday
Transparency, smoothness
Pleasant appearance
Play of colors - spraying blue, red, and rainbow-colored rays
Good color: The finest diamonds are colorless
Flaws in a Diamond:
• Dullness
• Feathers of a crow
• Red spots
• Black spots
• Greasy
• Pale or brown in color
• Ridges on the surface
• Brittleness
Effects of wearing a Diamond:
The wearing of diamond is much beneficial to poets, painters, artists, actors and sellers of perfumes and ornaments and their makers too. Diamond gemstone is advantages to confectioners, hoteliers, gold sellers, doctors and sellers of sugar and rice. The wearers of diamond can be saved from ominous things and evil spirits such as witches, ghosts, black magic and even the effect of poison also decreases. Diamond gemstones increases the stamina and makes the marital life happy and permanent. Diamond gemstone also improves health, checks untimely death also. Diamond gemstone is advantageous in diseases like epilepsy, impotency, rheumatism, hydrocil, shortage of semen and other sexual diseases.
Rituals for wearing Diamond Gemstone
The weight of the gemstone should not be less than 1 Ratti (121 mg).
Diamond/White Sapphire should be studded in silver or platinum.
After washing with water and unboiled milk and chanting Mantra, it should be worn in the little/middle finger of the right hand.
The wearer should donate white cloth, rice ground - sugar and money to a Brahmin. Elephant, white cow or white horse should be fed with fruits.
Day for wearing: Friday
Time for wearing: The best time to wear a diamond is between sunrise and 11:00 A.M.
Diamonds are found in South Africa, Angola, Botswana, Australia, Russia, India, Brazil and Venezuela.
Friday, August 28, 2009
PLANET: Jupiter / Guru GEMSTONE: Yellow Sapphire
Briefing the Nature of the Planet
Jupiter is believed to be a bestower of successes. It is generally believed that one who is graced by Jupiter, commands respect from others. Cleanliness is a virtue preferred by Jupiter. Jupiter in astrology is named as 'Guru', meaning, biggest of all planets. The persons with grace of favour of Jupiter enjoy elderly quality, towering respect and business. If it is powerful, it can counter the ill effects of other planets comfortably.
Favourite Colour : Yellow
Favourite Day : Thursday
Favourite God / Deity : Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva, Indra, Goddess Parvati
The ill effects of Jupiter can be minimized and the good effects can be increased according to Indian mythology by doing the following tasks. Any or all of these, one can select as per one's convenience.
• Donating in charity a piece of pale yellow cloth on any Thursday keeps Jupiter pleased.
• Feed an Ox with Gud (Raw Sugar) and gram pulse on Thursdays.
• Wearing Pukhraj (Topaz) on the Index finger on any Thursday is considered to bring in pleasing results. The ring should be continuously worn for a long period starting from any Thursday.
• Distributing sweets and donating Gold or Copper on Thursdays, if the budget allows.
• Worshipping Lord Shiva by pouring some Butter oil on Shiva Linga daily is another way to seek the blessings of Jupiter. Do it for a week.
• Worshipping Lord Brahma, Indra and goddess Parvati with yellow flowers will also increase benefits and mitigate sufferings of the people under Jupiter's influence.
• Distributing religious books in charity, and also yellow fruits is likely to bring
magical results.
• Offerings made to Banana tree on Thursdays in the form of worship can also influence Jupiter to bring more pleasures.
• Mounavrat (Total Silence) on Thursday is also very effective.
• Using turmeric beaded garland in reciting Jupiter's Vedic Mantra.
• Chanting of Jupiters Beej (Seed) Mantra using turmeric beaded garland.
Jupiter is the teacher of the science of light, that is, astrology and astronomy. He is the ruler of the Sun and the Moon and controls the movement of the planets. Jupiter is a benefic planet, signifier of luck and fortune, and he rules religion, philosophy, spirituality, wealth, and progeny. He is noble, buoyant, dignified, fruitful, optimistic, jovial, and masculine. If favorable, this planet gives name, fame, success, honor, wealth, progeny and good relationship with progeny, and it brings benefits to whatever planets or house it is associated with.
The color of Jupiter is yellow. Thursday is his day, and north-east is his direction. He is big, old looking, and has a pot belly. He is self-illuminating (this is said also in Western astronomy). One of his names is Guru, which means “heavy’ (in weight)
and also “teacher”. Sun, Mars, and the Moon are its friends. Mercury and Venus are its enemies. Rahu, Ketu, and Saturn are neutral in friendship. Its signs of detriment are Gemini and Virgo. In the Uttra Phalguni, Uttrakshad, Punarvasu, Purva Bhadrapad, and Vishakha nakshatras it gives benefits.
Jupiter is very important for a female, because it determines her marriage and her
relationship with her husband. Jupiter rules over the liver, thighs, circulation of blood in arteries, and fat in the human organism. It rules over gold and bronze in metals, wheat and barley in grains, yellow flowers, fruits of yellow color, onions, and garlic. Jupiter influences people during the fifteenth, sixteenth, twenty-second, and fortieth year of age. Diseases connected with an afflicted or wrongly posited Jupiter are liver ailments, jaundice, arthritis, swelling, and tuberculosis.
Jupiter is a planet that governs the vital power of the body and brings luxuries, fame and peaceful life. Jupiter is also considered the king of planets and as such, the ill effects of other planets shun down automatically when Jupiter is powerful. We wish a powerful Jupiter Planet for you.
Jupiter / Guru Mantra to Chant
Aum Brim Brahaspataye Namah Aum
Gemstone for this Planet - Yellow Sapphire
A gem of the corundum family, yellow sapphire is a twin of ruby and blue sapphire. It is found in yellow, golden, and orange colors, as well as in a colorless variety known as white sapphire. The best gem is said to be of lemon-yellow color.
Following are the general properties of Gemstone
Planet : Jupiter
Cosmic Color : Light Blue
Sign : Sagittarius, Pisces
Element : Ether
Time : Sunset
Day : Thursday
Metal : Yellow Gold
Signs of well-placed Gemstone
• Wisdom, longevity
• Happiness
• Wealth, name, fame, success and honor
• Good children and grandchildren
The gemstone helps to prevent the following diseases :
• Liver complaints, jaundice, dropsy, flatulence, dyspepsia, abscess.
• disorders of pancreas, tumors, skin troubles, cerebral congestion.
• catarrh, circulation of blood in the arteries and fat in the body. Qualities
• Uniformity of color, without any layers
• Regular shape
• Pleasant appearance
• Transparency, which makes it clean and pure
• Rich velvety lustre that can be seen with the naked eye
• Solidity, hardness
• Smooth feel
• Self-luminous quality: it should emit light all over its surface
• Evenness in surface, without any variations in thickness
• Heaviness or high specific gravity that can be felt when placed on the palm.
• A hole, slit, or cavity inside the gem - brings poverty and bad luck
• Dullness - harmful for health
• Crack inside the gem - creates fear of thieves
• Fibers in the texture - create problems in the family
• White spots - shorten life span
• Asymmetrical shape - brings bad luck
• Visible stains or black spots - gives sorrow
• Red spots - bring poverty and destroy wealth
• Roughness in touch - brings ill luck
• Milky appearance inside - harmful for progeny
• Dents or pits - bring bad luck and poverty
• Black spots - bring sorrow and destroy pets and cattle
• Grainy surface - brings bad luck
• Flimsy inside the substance of the gem - brings injuries
• Mixed color, brownish color, or dark yellow - brings suffering
• Dry-looking, because of the lack of fire and water - brings disease
• When placed on a white cloth and exposed to sunlight, it gives yellow hue to the spot where the light is reflected.
• If kept in milk for twenty-four hours it does not change color.
• It increases in brilliance when rubbed on a touchstone.
• A synthetic gem becomes warm soon when placed on the eyelids.
• The milky spots in a synthetic gem are dry and without brilliance, whereas in a real gem these milky spots are rich in flicker and lustre and have the gleam of fresh cow's milk.
• The lustre of a synthetic gem resembles the lustre of glass.
• All other gems of the same color and appearance have lower specific gravity, are less hard, and have a different refractive index than the yellow sapphire.
• It cures poisonous insect bites immediately if rubbed on the afflicted area.
A yellow sapphire should be bought on a Thursday, in an ascending cycle of the Moon and when Pushya Nakshatra is present. If the nakshatra is not Pushya, then Punarvasu, Vishakha or Purva Bhadrapad are also auspicious for buying a yellow sapphire. The gem should be given to the jeweler on the same day, between sun rise and 11.00 A.M.
The best time to wear a yellow sapphire ring is in the early morning. Before wearing the ring for the first time it should be immersed in cow's milk for a few minutes and then it should be washed in rainwater, spring water, or water kept in a copper pot over night. After it has been washed, the ring should be placed on a yellow cloth upon which a Jupiter Yantra has been drawn with roli and a yantra (or idol of Jupiter in gold) engraved on a silver plate should be placed on the same cloth. One should offer flowers and incense to the engraved yantra and to the stone that has been set in the ring and then recite the mantra of Jupiter.
Aum Brim Brahaspataye Namah Aum
The mantra should be recited either 108 or 19,000 times, as prescribed, and then the wearer should meditate on the gemstone as a symbol of Lord Jupiter. After meditation the ring should be worn on the first finger, which is the Jupiter finger, otherwise on the ring finger of the right hand.
The yantra that needs to be drawn on the cloth and on the silver plate is the same numerical yantra and is as follows :

A ring worn in the manner brings good luck, peace and prosperity. Pukhraj (yellow sapphire) bestows vigor, vitality, wisdom, longevity, name, and fame. If someone is having problems to finding a good mate for their daughter that problem will also be solved. One who wears yellow sapphire progresses in the spiritual field and becomes free of all fears of evil vibrations, ghosts, and genii. Disease and madness caused by afflicted planets also are cured. As long as the ring is on one's hand one will never die an accidental death.
Jupiter is believed to be a bestower of successes. It is generally believed that one who is graced by Jupiter, commands respect from others. Cleanliness is a virtue preferred by Jupiter. Jupiter in astrology is named as 'Guru', meaning, biggest of all planets. The persons with grace of favour of Jupiter enjoy elderly quality, towering respect and business. If it is powerful, it can counter the ill effects of other planets comfortably.
Favourite Colour : Yellow
Favourite Day : Thursday
Favourite God / Deity : Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva, Indra, Goddess Parvati
The ill effects of Jupiter can be minimized and the good effects can be increased according to Indian mythology by doing the following tasks. Any or all of these, one can select as per one's convenience.
• Donating in charity a piece of pale yellow cloth on any Thursday keeps Jupiter pleased.
• Feed an Ox with Gud (Raw Sugar) and gram pulse on Thursdays.
• Wearing Pukhraj (Topaz) on the Index finger on any Thursday is considered to bring in pleasing results. The ring should be continuously worn for a long period starting from any Thursday.
• Distributing sweets and donating Gold or Copper on Thursdays, if the budget allows.
• Worshipping Lord Shiva by pouring some Butter oil on Shiva Linga daily is another way to seek the blessings of Jupiter. Do it for a week.
• Worshipping Lord Brahma, Indra and goddess Parvati with yellow flowers will also increase benefits and mitigate sufferings of the people under Jupiter's influence.
• Distributing religious books in charity, and also yellow fruits is likely to bring
magical results.
• Offerings made to Banana tree on Thursdays in the form of worship can also influence Jupiter to bring more pleasures.
• Mounavrat (Total Silence) on Thursday is also very effective.
• Using turmeric beaded garland in reciting Jupiter's Vedic Mantra.
• Chanting of Jupiters Beej (Seed) Mantra using turmeric beaded garland.
Jupiter is the teacher of the science of light, that is, astrology and astronomy. He is the ruler of the Sun and the Moon and controls the movement of the planets. Jupiter is a benefic planet, signifier of luck and fortune, and he rules religion, philosophy, spirituality, wealth, and progeny. He is noble, buoyant, dignified, fruitful, optimistic, jovial, and masculine. If favorable, this planet gives name, fame, success, honor, wealth, progeny and good relationship with progeny, and it brings benefits to whatever planets or house it is associated with.
The color of Jupiter is yellow. Thursday is his day, and north-east is his direction. He is big, old looking, and has a pot belly. He is self-illuminating (this is said also in Western astronomy). One of his names is Guru, which means “heavy’ (in weight)
and also “teacher”. Sun, Mars, and the Moon are its friends. Mercury and Venus are its enemies. Rahu, Ketu, and Saturn are neutral in friendship. Its signs of detriment are Gemini and Virgo. In the Uttra Phalguni, Uttrakshad, Punarvasu, Purva Bhadrapad, and Vishakha nakshatras it gives benefits.
Jupiter is very important for a female, because it determines her marriage and her
relationship with her husband. Jupiter rules over the liver, thighs, circulation of blood in arteries, and fat in the human organism. It rules over gold and bronze in metals, wheat and barley in grains, yellow flowers, fruits of yellow color, onions, and garlic. Jupiter influences people during the fifteenth, sixteenth, twenty-second, and fortieth year of age. Diseases connected with an afflicted or wrongly posited Jupiter are liver ailments, jaundice, arthritis, swelling, and tuberculosis.
Jupiter is a planet that governs the vital power of the body and brings luxuries, fame and peaceful life. Jupiter is also considered the king of planets and as such, the ill effects of other planets shun down automatically when Jupiter is powerful. We wish a powerful Jupiter Planet for you.
Jupiter / Guru Mantra to Chant
Aum Brim Brahaspataye Namah Aum
Gemstone for this Planet - Yellow Sapphire
A gem of the corundum family, yellow sapphire is a twin of ruby and blue sapphire. It is found in yellow, golden, and orange colors, as well as in a colorless variety known as white sapphire. The best gem is said to be of lemon-yellow color.
Following are the general properties of Gemstone
Planet : Jupiter
Cosmic Color : Light Blue
Sign : Sagittarius, Pisces
Element : Ether
Time : Sunset
Day : Thursday
Metal : Yellow Gold
Signs of well-placed Gemstone
• Wisdom, longevity
• Happiness
• Wealth, name, fame, success and honor
• Good children and grandchildren
The gemstone helps to prevent the following diseases :
• Liver complaints, jaundice, dropsy, flatulence, dyspepsia, abscess.
• disorders of pancreas, tumors, skin troubles, cerebral congestion.
• catarrh, circulation of blood in the arteries and fat in the body. Qualities
• Uniformity of color, without any layers
• Regular shape
• Pleasant appearance
• Transparency, which makes it clean and pure
• Rich velvety lustre that can be seen with the naked eye
• Solidity, hardness
• Smooth feel
• Self-luminous quality: it should emit light all over its surface
• Evenness in surface, without any variations in thickness
• Heaviness or high specific gravity that can be felt when placed on the palm.
• A hole, slit, or cavity inside the gem - brings poverty and bad luck
• Dullness - harmful for health
• Crack inside the gem - creates fear of thieves
• Fibers in the texture - create problems in the family
• White spots - shorten life span
• Asymmetrical shape - brings bad luck
• Visible stains or black spots - gives sorrow
• Red spots - bring poverty and destroy wealth
• Roughness in touch - brings ill luck
• Milky appearance inside - harmful for progeny
• Dents or pits - bring bad luck and poverty
• Black spots - bring sorrow and destroy pets and cattle
• Grainy surface - brings bad luck
• Flimsy inside the substance of the gem - brings injuries
• Mixed color, brownish color, or dark yellow - brings suffering
• Dry-looking, because of the lack of fire and water - brings disease
• When placed on a white cloth and exposed to sunlight, it gives yellow hue to the spot where the light is reflected.
• If kept in milk for twenty-four hours it does not change color.
• It increases in brilliance when rubbed on a touchstone.
• A synthetic gem becomes warm soon when placed on the eyelids.
• The milky spots in a synthetic gem are dry and without brilliance, whereas in a real gem these milky spots are rich in flicker and lustre and have the gleam of fresh cow's milk.
• The lustre of a synthetic gem resembles the lustre of glass.
• All other gems of the same color and appearance have lower specific gravity, are less hard, and have a different refractive index than the yellow sapphire.
• It cures poisonous insect bites immediately if rubbed on the afflicted area.
A yellow sapphire should be bought on a Thursday, in an ascending cycle of the Moon and when Pushya Nakshatra is present. If the nakshatra is not Pushya, then Punarvasu, Vishakha or Purva Bhadrapad are also auspicious for buying a yellow sapphire. The gem should be given to the jeweler on the same day, between sun rise and 11.00 A.M.
The best time to wear a yellow sapphire ring is in the early morning. Before wearing the ring for the first time it should be immersed in cow's milk for a few minutes and then it should be washed in rainwater, spring water, or water kept in a copper pot over night. After it has been washed, the ring should be placed on a yellow cloth upon which a Jupiter Yantra has been drawn with roli and a yantra (or idol of Jupiter in gold) engraved on a silver plate should be placed on the same cloth. One should offer flowers and incense to the engraved yantra and to the stone that has been set in the ring and then recite the mantra of Jupiter.
Aum Brim Brahaspataye Namah Aum
The mantra should be recited either 108 or 19,000 times, as prescribed, and then the wearer should meditate on the gemstone as a symbol of Lord Jupiter. After meditation the ring should be worn on the first finger, which is the Jupiter finger, otherwise on the ring finger of the right hand.
The yantra that needs to be drawn on the cloth and on the silver plate is the same numerical yantra and is as follows :

A ring worn in the manner brings good luck, peace and prosperity. Pukhraj (yellow sapphire) bestows vigor, vitality, wisdom, longevity, name, and fame. If someone is having problems to finding a good mate for their daughter that problem will also be solved. One who wears yellow sapphire progresses in the spiritual field and becomes free of all fears of evil vibrations, ghosts, and genii. Disease and madness caused by afflicted planets also are cured. As long as the ring is on one's hand one will never die an accidental death.
PLANET: Mercury / Budh GEMSTONE: Emerald
Briefing the Nature of the Planet
Mercury is adored for bestowment of blessings of good education, business, sharp intellect, and pleasing appearance and also to keep off from heat-induced ailments,
general debility and depressions. The planet also monitors the family affairs in life. It is related to peace of mind, earnings, intellect, education and business, if it is favourable.
Favourite Colour : Green
Favourite Day : Wednesday
Favourite God / Deity : Goddess Parvati
The ill effects of Mercury can be minimized and the good effects can be increased
according to Indian mythology by doing the following tasks. Any or all of these, one
can select as per one's convenience.
• Green is the colour and Wednesday is the weekday dear to Mercury. So, astrologers recommend donation of green coloured clothes on any Wednesday.
• Worshipping goddess Parvati with yellow or green flowers is recommended for better beneficial results.
• Giving away in charity alloy or alloy utensils according to capacity is considered to keep one away from ill effects of Mercury.
• Distributing Khand (Sugar Powder), butter oil, grams to needy persons and fodders to animals will appease Mercury.
• Distributing fruits is another way recommended to please mercury.
• Offering of multiple coloured flowers or flowers of assorted colour in the Hawan (Fire Sacrifices) is another proposition to please Mercury.
• Putting a Tilak (Spilus Mark) on forehead of paste of ivory or wearing bead of ivory are suggested to appease Mercury. Tilak (Spilus Mark) of saffron can also do good.
• Reciting Mercury's Vedic Mantra will also go a long way to appease the planet.
• Chanting Mercury's Beej (Seed) Mantra will also propitiate the Planet.
• Fasting on Wednesdays is another way to get favourable results.
Mercury is the planet of intellect and communication. It can be seen in the morning
and evening as a shining star – and sometimes even during the day because of its power of radiation. Mercury is the smallest planet of our solar system. Mercury rules education, writers, lecturers, artists, teachers, traders, businessmen, the nervous system, lungs, and intestines. It rules intelligence, speech, selfconfidence, humor, wit, astrology, mathematics, and short journeys.
Mercury rules the zodiacal signs Virgo and Gemini. Friends of Mercury are the Sun, Venus, Rahu, and Ketu, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are neutral to Mercury, and Mercury maintains enmity with the Moon.
It works well with Ashlekha, Jyeshtha, Revati, Rohini, Hast, and Shravan nakshatras
and gives auspicious results. It gives inauspicious results in Adra, Svati, Pushya,
Anuradha, Chitra, and Magha nakshatras.
It gives its best results when its native is between thirty-two and thirty-five years of age. When ill-aspected, Mercury gives chronic dysentery, constipation, lack of digestive fire, lung diseases, asthma, restlessness, kidney problems, fear, neurosis, and madness.
Mercury's benevolent influence will keep a person in god stead in relation to family,
society and occupation linked with accounting and education. It also makes you
lovable and favourite among your relatives. May Mercury help and bestow you with
all the good ways, we wish.
Mercury / Budh Mantra to Chant
Aum Bum Budhaye Namah Aum
Gemstone for this Planet - Emerald
Emerald is a gemstone of green color belonging to the family of beryl gems. This gemstone is rare because it is very difficult to find a flawless emerald. Most emeralds are defective, having a feather - like crack and inclusions. To find an emerald that is of rich green color, perfectly transparent, with a velvety reflection and high specific gravity is difficult.
Following are the general properties of Gemstone
Planet : Mercury
Cosmic Color : Green
Sign : Gemini, Virgo
Element : Earth
Time : Sunrise
Day : Wednesday
• Compactness, which gives it high specific gravity
• Retains its color and lustre in all kinds of lights and shades
• Vitreous lustre, radiance, luminescence, brilliance
• Smoothness that comes when the stone has a fine finish
• Soothing touch and pleasant sight, which gives peaceful vibrations and captivates the heart
• Fine cut, which illuminates it from all sides
• Transparence, which makes it rare and costlier than diamonds
• Rich green homogeneous color that is deep and pleasant, like a blade of fresh grass
• Velvety reflection
• Dullness; devoid of inner glow
• Harsh appearance smokiness
• Odd form, flatness, unevenness, depression
• Presence of a hole
• Brittleness
• Low specific gravity
• Black or yellow spots
• Emitting bluish reflection
• Foreign matter inside the crystalline structure
• Graininess
• Unevenness of color
• Smokiness
• Micaceous glitter due to the presence of mica, mica particles clearly visible
• Concavity or dent in surface
• Lack of water or glittering look, lustre, luminescence; gem looks dry
• Fissure in the surface
• Brown or blackish yellow color
Such flaws have no merit and should be discarded . Flaws in an emerald create problems and that is why one should not wear the following :
• An emerald having a yellow spot is harmful for one’s son.
• An emerald that has a smoky substance, micaceous glitter, threads or visible lines
destroys the clan and is harmful to the progeny.
• An emerald having a drop like the honey drop is inauspicious for one’s mother and
• An emerald having a dent creates fear.
• An emerald with a red spot destroys wealth.
• An emerald having uneven colour or two colours is harmful to vitality and intelligence.
• An emerald that has spots of black or other colors harms one’s spouse.
• An emerald that is devoid of water and is dry harms one’s pets, cattle, horses and other animals.
• An emerald having a cobweb is harmful to one’s physical well-being.
• When rubbed against a piece of wood an imitation becomes shinier whereas the real
emerald does not.
• If a real emerald is placed in a glass pot with water it radiates green light, whereas the imitation does not.
• If a real emerald is placed on a piece of white cloth in such a way that its reflected light can be seen, it reflects green light and the spot where the light falls looks like a green patch of cloth.
• The refractive index of an imitation is lower than that of the real gemstone.
• An imitation emerald has a bright rather than pale hue.
• If a real emerald is placed on the eyes it gives a cool feeling, whereas an imitation becomes warm very quickly.
• If an imitation emerald is rubbed against a piece of turmeric root it makes the turmeric red, whereas a real emerald does not.
• A drop of water on a real gemstone retains its shape and does not spread around like water. Even moving and inverting the gemstone does not harm the drop, whereas in an imitation it does not remain a drop but spreads like water.
• The specific gravity of an imitation is lower than that of a real emerald.
• In an imitation there are white spots.
An emerald should be bought on a Wednesday when the Sun is in the northern quarter in an ascending cycle. The gem should be bought and given to the jeweler two hours after sunrise. The emerald in the ring should be set when Ashlesha, Jyeshtha, Revti, or Rohini nakshatra is present - on a Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday when Virgo or Gemini is rising on the horizon.
The best time to wear the ring is two hours after sunrise. Before wearing the ring for the first time it should be kept immersed for some time in raw cow's milk. Then it should be washed with Ganga-water, spring water, rainwater, or water kept in a
copper pot. After it has been washed the ring should be kept in a green cloth on which a Mercury Yantra is drawn with red sandalwood paste, roli, or saffron. An engraved yantra of Mercury on a bronze plate or an idol of Mercury made of bronze should be placed on the green cloth on which the yantra is drawn. The ring should be placed before the yantra engraved on a bronze plate and flowers and incense should be offered to the yantra. The engraved yantra and the gemstone in the ring should then be worshiped by reciting the mantra of Mercury.
Aum Bum Budhaye Namah Aum
The mantra should be recited either 108 or 4,000 times and then one should meditate on the gemstone as a symbol of Mercury. After meditation one should wear the ring on the little finger or the ring finger of the right hand. Afterwards the yantra should be wrapped in the green cloth and either donated to a priest or kept in a shrine.
The yantra to be drawn on the cloth and engraved on the bronze plate is the same, as follows :
Mercury is adored for bestowment of blessings of good education, business, sharp intellect, and pleasing appearance and also to keep off from heat-induced ailments,
general debility and depressions. The planet also monitors the family affairs in life. It is related to peace of mind, earnings, intellect, education and business, if it is favourable.
Favourite Colour : Green
Favourite Day : Wednesday
Favourite God / Deity : Goddess Parvati
The ill effects of Mercury can be minimized and the good effects can be increased
according to Indian mythology by doing the following tasks. Any or all of these, one
can select as per one's convenience.
• Green is the colour and Wednesday is the weekday dear to Mercury. So, astrologers recommend donation of green coloured clothes on any Wednesday.
• Worshipping goddess Parvati with yellow or green flowers is recommended for better beneficial results.
• Giving away in charity alloy or alloy utensils according to capacity is considered to keep one away from ill effects of Mercury.
• Distributing Khand (Sugar Powder), butter oil, grams to needy persons and fodders to animals will appease Mercury.
• Distributing fruits is another way recommended to please mercury.
• Offering of multiple coloured flowers or flowers of assorted colour in the Hawan (Fire Sacrifices) is another proposition to please Mercury.
• Putting a Tilak (Spilus Mark) on forehead of paste of ivory or wearing bead of ivory are suggested to appease Mercury. Tilak (Spilus Mark) of saffron can also do good.
• Reciting Mercury's Vedic Mantra will also go a long way to appease the planet.
• Chanting Mercury's Beej (Seed) Mantra will also propitiate the Planet.
• Fasting on Wednesdays is another way to get favourable results.
Mercury is the planet of intellect and communication. It can be seen in the morning
and evening as a shining star – and sometimes even during the day because of its power of radiation. Mercury is the smallest planet of our solar system. Mercury rules education, writers, lecturers, artists, teachers, traders, businessmen, the nervous system, lungs, and intestines. It rules intelligence, speech, selfconfidence, humor, wit, astrology, mathematics, and short journeys.
Mercury rules the zodiacal signs Virgo and Gemini. Friends of Mercury are the Sun, Venus, Rahu, and Ketu, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are neutral to Mercury, and Mercury maintains enmity with the Moon.
It works well with Ashlekha, Jyeshtha, Revati, Rohini, Hast, and Shravan nakshatras
and gives auspicious results. It gives inauspicious results in Adra, Svati, Pushya,
Anuradha, Chitra, and Magha nakshatras.
It gives its best results when its native is between thirty-two and thirty-five years of age. When ill-aspected, Mercury gives chronic dysentery, constipation, lack of digestive fire, lung diseases, asthma, restlessness, kidney problems, fear, neurosis, and madness.
Mercury's benevolent influence will keep a person in god stead in relation to family,
society and occupation linked with accounting and education. It also makes you
lovable and favourite among your relatives. May Mercury help and bestow you with
all the good ways, we wish.
Mercury / Budh Mantra to Chant
Aum Bum Budhaye Namah Aum
Gemstone for this Planet - Emerald
Emerald is a gemstone of green color belonging to the family of beryl gems. This gemstone is rare because it is very difficult to find a flawless emerald. Most emeralds are defective, having a feather - like crack and inclusions. To find an emerald that is of rich green color, perfectly transparent, with a velvety reflection and high specific gravity is difficult.
Following are the general properties of Gemstone
Planet : Mercury
Cosmic Color : Green
Sign : Gemini, Virgo
Element : Earth
Time : Sunrise
Day : Wednesday
• Compactness, which gives it high specific gravity
• Retains its color and lustre in all kinds of lights and shades
• Vitreous lustre, radiance, luminescence, brilliance
• Smoothness that comes when the stone has a fine finish
• Soothing touch and pleasant sight, which gives peaceful vibrations and captivates the heart
• Fine cut, which illuminates it from all sides
• Transparence, which makes it rare and costlier than diamonds
• Rich green homogeneous color that is deep and pleasant, like a blade of fresh grass
• Velvety reflection
• Dullness; devoid of inner glow
• Harsh appearance smokiness
• Odd form, flatness, unevenness, depression
• Presence of a hole
• Brittleness
• Low specific gravity
• Black or yellow spots
• Emitting bluish reflection
• Foreign matter inside the crystalline structure
• Graininess
• Unevenness of color
• Smokiness
• Micaceous glitter due to the presence of mica, mica particles clearly visible
• Concavity or dent in surface
• Lack of water or glittering look, lustre, luminescence; gem looks dry
• Fissure in the surface
• Brown or blackish yellow color
Such flaws have no merit and should be discarded . Flaws in an emerald create problems and that is why one should not wear the following :
• An emerald having a yellow spot is harmful for one’s son.
• An emerald that has a smoky substance, micaceous glitter, threads or visible lines
destroys the clan and is harmful to the progeny.
• An emerald having a drop like the honey drop is inauspicious for one’s mother and
• An emerald having a dent creates fear.
• An emerald with a red spot destroys wealth.
• An emerald having uneven colour or two colours is harmful to vitality and intelligence.
• An emerald that has spots of black or other colors harms one’s spouse.
• An emerald that is devoid of water and is dry harms one’s pets, cattle, horses and other animals.
• An emerald having a cobweb is harmful to one’s physical well-being.
• When rubbed against a piece of wood an imitation becomes shinier whereas the real
emerald does not.
• If a real emerald is placed in a glass pot with water it radiates green light, whereas the imitation does not.
• If a real emerald is placed on a piece of white cloth in such a way that its reflected light can be seen, it reflects green light and the spot where the light falls looks like a green patch of cloth.
• The refractive index of an imitation is lower than that of the real gemstone.
• An imitation emerald has a bright rather than pale hue.
• If a real emerald is placed on the eyes it gives a cool feeling, whereas an imitation becomes warm very quickly.
• If an imitation emerald is rubbed against a piece of turmeric root it makes the turmeric red, whereas a real emerald does not.
• A drop of water on a real gemstone retains its shape and does not spread around like water. Even moving and inverting the gemstone does not harm the drop, whereas in an imitation it does not remain a drop but spreads like water.
• The specific gravity of an imitation is lower than that of a real emerald.
• In an imitation there are white spots.
An emerald should be bought on a Wednesday when the Sun is in the northern quarter in an ascending cycle. The gem should be bought and given to the jeweler two hours after sunrise. The emerald in the ring should be set when Ashlesha, Jyeshtha, Revti, or Rohini nakshatra is present - on a Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday when Virgo or Gemini is rising on the horizon.
The best time to wear the ring is two hours after sunrise. Before wearing the ring for the first time it should be kept immersed for some time in raw cow's milk. Then it should be washed with Ganga-water, spring water, rainwater, or water kept in a
copper pot. After it has been washed the ring should be kept in a green cloth on which a Mercury Yantra is drawn with red sandalwood paste, roli, or saffron. An engraved yantra of Mercury on a bronze plate or an idol of Mercury made of bronze should be placed on the green cloth on which the yantra is drawn. The ring should be placed before the yantra engraved on a bronze plate and flowers and incense should be offered to the yantra. The engraved yantra and the gemstone in the ring should then be worshiped by reciting the mantra of Mercury.
Aum Bum Budhaye Namah Aum
The mantra should be recited either 108 or 4,000 times and then one should meditate on the gemstone as a symbol of Mercury. After meditation one should wear the ring on the little finger or the ring finger of the right hand. Afterwards the yantra should be wrapped in the green cloth and either donated to a priest or kept in a shrine.
The yantra to be drawn on the cloth and engraved on the bronze plate is the same, as follows :

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Planet: Mars / Mangal Gemstone: Coral
Briefing the Nature of the Planet
Mars, a powerful planet, can work out miracles for it's devotees. It can protect it's
devotees from impending dangers and blood-related ailments. It is instrumental in
the acquisition of landed properties, acquiring of status, affluence in profession/occupation and even relieves from steep debts.
Favourite Colour : Red
Favourite Day : Tuesday
Favourite God / Deity : Lord Hanuman
The ill effects of Mars can be minimized and the good effects can be increased
according to Indian mythology by doing the following tasks. Any or all of these, one
can select as per one's convenience.
• Donation of a piece of Red cloth on any Tuesday is an ideal proposition,
recommended by the astrologers, as red is the colour dear to Mars.
• Wearing of coral ring made of Gold or Copper on the Index or Ring finger on
any Tuesday and continuing to wear it thereafter is likely to appease Mars.
• Wearing Gold or Copper ring is also recommended to bring effective
beneficial results.
• Offering Red Kaner (Red Oleander) in Hawan (Fire Sacrifices) is also an
effective measure to appease Mars.
• Fasting on Tuesday is very effective effort to get the grace of the Mars. But, if
fasting is not congenial to health, make a habit of using Masoor Pulse (Lentil
Pulse) on Tuesday. This will prove to be substitutive.
• Worshipping Lord Hanuman, the mighty and powerful god and controller of
Mars Planet with Red Goolar (Ficus Glomerata) or Kaner (Oleander) for 41
days can bring fruitful results.
• Offering red sandalwood in Hawan (Fire Sacrifice) is advocated by the
astrological wise heads.
• Applying vermilion of Saffron to gods, immensely pleases Mars, it is firmly
• Distributing of Gud (Raw Sugar) as Prasad is also beneficial.
• Donating in charity, Red Ox, if the circumstances permit.
• Chanting of Mars Vedic mantra with Red Sandal Beaded Garland.
• Reciting of Mars seed mantra with Red Sandal Beaded Garland.
Mars is a masculine, dry, and fiery planet. It is said to be the commander-in-chief of the assembly of the nine planets. It is also personified as the god of war. Mars is a warrior by nature-bile-dominated in temperament – and it rules over courage,
bravery, patience, self-confidence, leadership abilities, physical strength, forcefulness, violence, animal nature, cattle, land as property, earth, fire, saffron, musk, mercury (the metal), cuts, burns, bruises, anger, hatred, impulsive nature, and insensitivity. Mars makes its natives short-tempered, argumentative; lovers of weapons, guns, and explosives; commanders; generals; soldiers; and policeman. It also gives them great technical and mechanical abilities and makes them builders, designers, engineers, and good surgeons.
Mars is fond of law and order – and arrangement. It gives energy ,determination,
great administrative ability, and independent spirit. Mars gives its best effect from twenty-seven to twenty-eight and up to thirty-two years of age. Its metal is copper; its day is Tuesday. Sun, Moon, and Jupiter are its natural friends, Venus and Saturn are neutral in friendships, and Mercury, Rahu, and Ketu are its enemies. It is powerful in Pisces and Aquarius, Mrighshira, Dhanishtha, and Chitra and its nakshatras. Leo, Sagittarius, and Pisces are friendly zodiacal signs and Gemini, Taurus, Libra, and Virgo are enemy zodiacal signs.
If Mars is afflicted or weak, it causes troubles; it makes its natives cruel, violent, aggressive, rough, and rude. It causes eczema, rashes, disorders of the blood and bile, cuts, wounds, electric shocks, gunshots, knife wounds, burns, bruises, anger, hatred, psychic disturbances, poverty, infections, smallpox, plague, tuberculosis, thirst, piles, ulcers, fevers, poisoning, surgical operations, and diseases of the stomach, liver, lungs, nose, and ears. Afflicted Mars gives lack of ambition and motivation, and success in life becomes difficult.
Mars is highly benevolent to it's devotees and equally ferocious to ignorers. To fulfill the ambitions of acquiring high status and abundant success, the blessings of Mars are very much needed. Mars softens it's irritant and ferocious nature to it's sincere devotees and he i.e. the devotee is left with no worries and fear in the offing.
Mars / Mangal Mantra to Chant
Aum Bhaum Bhaumaye Namah Aum
Gemstone for this Planet - Coral ~ Moonga
Coral is a calcareous, skeleton-like deposit of the coral polyp- a tiny invertebrate that dwells in quiet waters and is found at depths ranging from 20 to 1,000 feet. The color of coral depends on the depth at which it is found - below 160 feet its color is light. The best-colored corals are found between depths of 100 and 160 feet. It is found in many shades of red and pink. The color usually ranges from white to pink to vermilion red and deep scarlet. Corals of yellow ocher, cream, chocolate and black color are also available. A good coral that is related to the planet Mars and
recommended by astrologers, gem therapists and jewelers is a deep red coral, which resembles well ripened bimb fruit or an unripe cherry.
Following are the general properties of Gemstone
Planet : Mars
Cosmic Color : Yellow
Sign : Aries, Scorpio
Element : Earth
Time : Sunrise
Day : Tuesday
Metal : Yellow Gold and Copper
Signs of well-placed Gemstone
• Courage, charisma, leadership
• Mechanical and technical jobs
• Rapid advancement and success
• Great energy and motivation
• Physical strength, forcefulness
• Acquiring properties
• Ambition
The gemstone helps to prevent the following diseases :
• Eruptions of the face and body
• General diseases of the blood, muscular system, bone marrow
• Cuts, burns, bruises
• Round or oval shape.
• Large, with proportionate thickness
• Heavier than average corals of its size.
• Shininess and the quality of emitting honey-like, lovely and delicate splendor.
• Smooth
• Free of dents, holes, or perforations
• Deep red color.
• Regular shape and even surface
• A coral uneven in thickness increases suffering
• A coral having holes, according to the shastras, is harmful for the health of the one who wears it.
• A coral having a crack on the surface or the body brings injuries from sharp-edged
• A coral having black spots brings accidents and is sometimes fatal.
• A coral that is very light in weight brings misfortune.
• A coral with dents increases suffering and is bad for martial relationships.
• A coral that is broken or has a cutting mark is harmful to peace, prosperity, and
• A coral having white spots worsens disease and destroys mental peace.
• A coral similar to the color of lacquer (dark brown) gives fear of weapons and thieves.
• A coral having many shades in one piece destroys comfort, wealth, and peace of mind.
• A coral having perforations gives pain in the body and migraine.
• A true coral changes color according to the physical well being of the wearer. It fades before the disorder in physical health is noticeable and resumes its original color when physical health restored.
• If real coral is placed in a glass of cow's milk, the color of the milk will appear pink or take on a red tinge. Imitation coral will not affect the whiteness of milk.
• A synthetic coral has higher specific gravity than a real coral and it is heavier in weight.
• An imitation coral turns a piece of turmeric root red when rubbed against it.
• An imitation coral produces a distinct sound when rubbed, which resembles the sound
of glass being rubbed.
• An imitation coral shows granules in its texture when examined under a magnifying
• If a coral is dropped in blood, blood will thicken around it.
A coral should be bought on a Tuesday when the Moon is in Aries or Scorpio, when any of the four nakshatras Mrigshira, Chitra, Annuradha, or Dhanishtha is present. The coral should be bought between sunrise and 11.00 A.M. and should be given to the jeweler within this time. The jeweler should set it on a Tuesday when the Moon is in any of the four nakshatras mentioned above, between the same hours. The stone should be set so that it touches the skin. The coral's weight should be no less than 6 carats. The metal used should be a mixture of copper and gold - any other metal should not be used in the mixture. Preparing a ring on a Tuesday when the Moon is in Capricorn is very auspicious. The best time to wear a coral ring is one hour after sunrise or up until 11.00 A.M. as mentioned above. Before wearing the ring for the first time, immerse it in raw cow's milk and wash it in Ganga water, rainwater, spring water, or water kept in a copper pot for some time. After being washed, the ring should be placed on a red cloth on which a numerical Mars Yantra is drawn with red sandalwood paste, gorochan (a red calcium from cowhorn), saffron, or roli. An engraved yantra of Mars on copper, or an idol of Mars made in copper should be placed on the red cloth and worshiped. Flowers and incense should be offered after the yantra engraved on copper or the idol is bathed. The yantra and the gemstone set in the ring should be worshiped by reciting the mantra of Mars.
Aum Bhaum Bhaumaye Namah Aum
The mantra should be recited 108 or 10,000 times, and then the wearer should meditate on the gemstone as a symbol of Mars. After meditation the ring should be worn on the ring finger of the right hand. The yantra to be drawn on red cloth with red sandalwood paste or with ground saffron paste made thin like an ink is as follows:

The yantra to be engraved on silver is as follows:

After worship the yantra should be wrapped in the red cloth on which the other yantra is drawn and it should either be donated to a priest or kept in a shrine.
Mars, a powerful planet, can work out miracles for it's devotees. It can protect it's
devotees from impending dangers and blood-related ailments. It is instrumental in
the acquisition of landed properties, acquiring of status, affluence in profession/occupation and even relieves from steep debts.
Favourite Colour : Red
Favourite Day : Tuesday
Favourite God / Deity : Lord Hanuman
The ill effects of Mars can be minimized and the good effects can be increased
according to Indian mythology by doing the following tasks. Any or all of these, one
can select as per one's convenience.
• Donation of a piece of Red cloth on any Tuesday is an ideal proposition,
recommended by the astrologers, as red is the colour dear to Mars.
• Wearing of coral ring made of Gold or Copper on the Index or Ring finger on
any Tuesday and continuing to wear it thereafter is likely to appease Mars.
• Wearing Gold or Copper ring is also recommended to bring effective
beneficial results.
• Offering Red Kaner (Red Oleander) in Hawan (Fire Sacrifices) is also an
effective measure to appease Mars.
• Fasting on Tuesday is very effective effort to get the grace of the Mars. But, if
fasting is not congenial to health, make a habit of using Masoor Pulse (Lentil
Pulse) on Tuesday. This will prove to be substitutive.
• Worshipping Lord Hanuman, the mighty and powerful god and controller of
Mars Planet with Red Goolar (Ficus Glomerata) or Kaner (Oleander) for 41
days can bring fruitful results.
• Offering red sandalwood in Hawan (Fire Sacrifice) is advocated by the
astrological wise heads.
• Applying vermilion of Saffron to gods, immensely pleases Mars, it is firmly
• Distributing of Gud (Raw Sugar) as Prasad is also beneficial.
• Donating in charity, Red Ox, if the circumstances permit.
• Chanting of Mars Vedic mantra with Red Sandal Beaded Garland.
• Reciting of Mars seed mantra with Red Sandal Beaded Garland.
Mars is a masculine, dry, and fiery planet. It is said to be the commander-in-chief of the assembly of the nine planets. It is also personified as the god of war. Mars is a warrior by nature-bile-dominated in temperament – and it rules over courage,
bravery, patience, self-confidence, leadership abilities, physical strength, forcefulness, violence, animal nature, cattle, land as property, earth, fire, saffron, musk, mercury (the metal), cuts, burns, bruises, anger, hatred, impulsive nature, and insensitivity. Mars makes its natives short-tempered, argumentative; lovers of weapons, guns, and explosives; commanders; generals; soldiers; and policeman. It also gives them great technical and mechanical abilities and makes them builders, designers, engineers, and good surgeons.
Mars is fond of law and order – and arrangement. It gives energy ,determination,
great administrative ability, and independent spirit. Mars gives its best effect from twenty-seven to twenty-eight and up to thirty-two years of age. Its metal is copper; its day is Tuesday. Sun, Moon, and Jupiter are its natural friends, Venus and Saturn are neutral in friendships, and Mercury, Rahu, and Ketu are its enemies. It is powerful in Pisces and Aquarius, Mrighshira, Dhanishtha, and Chitra and its nakshatras. Leo, Sagittarius, and Pisces are friendly zodiacal signs and Gemini, Taurus, Libra, and Virgo are enemy zodiacal signs.
If Mars is afflicted or weak, it causes troubles; it makes its natives cruel, violent, aggressive, rough, and rude. It causes eczema, rashes, disorders of the blood and bile, cuts, wounds, electric shocks, gunshots, knife wounds, burns, bruises, anger, hatred, psychic disturbances, poverty, infections, smallpox, plague, tuberculosis, thirst, piles, ulcers, fevers, poisoning, surgical operations, and diseases of the stomach, liver, lungs, nose, and ears. Afflicted Mars gives lack of ambition and motivation, and success in life becomes difficult.
Mars is highly benevolent to it's devotees and equally ferocious to ignorers. To fulfill the ambitions of acquiring high status and abundant success, the blessings of Mars are very much needed. Mars softens it's irritant and ferocious nature to it's sincere devotees and he i.e. the devotee is left with no worries and fear in the offing.
Mars / Mangal Mantra to Chant
Aum Bhaum Bhaumaye Namah Aum
Gemstone for this Planet - Coral ~ Moonga
Coral is a calcareous, skeleton-like deposit of the coral polyp- a tiny invertebrate that dwells in quiet waters and is found at depths ranging from 20 to 1,000 feet. The color of coral depends on the depth at which it is found - below 160 feet its color is light. The best-colored corals are found between depths of 100 and 160 feet. It is found in many shades of red and pink. The color usually ranges from white to pink to vermilion red and deep scarlet. Corals of yellow ocher, cream, chocolate and black color are also available. A good coral that is related to the planet Mars and
recommended by astrologers, gem therapists and jewelers is a deep red coral, which resembles well ripened bimb fruit or an unripe cherry.
Following are the general properties of Gemstone
Planet : Mars
Cosmic Color : Yellow
Sign : Aries, Scorpio
Element : Earth
Time : Sunrise
Day : Tuesday
Metal : Yellow Gold and Copper
Signs of well-placed Gemstone
• Courage, charisma, leadership
• Mechanical and technical jobs
• Rapid advancement and success
• Great energy and motivation
• Physical strength, forcefulness
• Acquiring properties
• Ambition
The gemstone helps to prevent the following diseases :
• Eruptions of the face and body
• General diseases of the blood, muscular system, bone marrow
• Cuts, burns, bruises
• Round or oval shape.
• Large, with proportionate thickness
• Heavier than average corals of its size.
• Shininess and the quality of emitting honey-like, lovely and delicate splendor.
• Smooth
• Free of dents, holes, or perforations
• Deep red color.
• Regular shape and even surface
• A coral uneven in thickness increases suffering
• A coral having holes, according to the shastras, is harmful for the health of the one who wears it.
• A coral having a crack on the surface or the body brings injuries from sharp-edged
• A coral having black spots brings accidents and is sometimes fatal.
• A coral that is very light in weight brings misfortune.
• A coral with dents increases suffering and is bad for martial relationships.
• A coral that is broken or has a cutting mark is harmful to peace, prosperity, and
• A coral having white spots worsens disease and destroys mental peace.
• A coral similar to the color of lacquer (dark brown) gives fear of weapons and thieves.
• A coral having many shades in one piece destroys comfort, wealth, and peace of mind.
• A coral having perforations gives pain in the body and migraine.
• A true coral changes color according to the physical well being of the wearer. It fades before the disorder in physical health is noticeable and resumes its original color when physical health restored.
• If real coral is placed in a glass of cow's milk, the color of the milk will appear pink or take on a red tinge. Imitation coral will not affect the whiteness of milk.
• A synthetic coral has higher specific gravity than a real coral and it is heavier in weight.
• An imitation coral turns a piece of turmeric root red when rubbed against it.
• An imitation coral produces a distinct sound when rubbed, which resembles the sound
of glass being rubbed.
• An imitation coral shows granules in its texture when examined under a magnifying
• If a coral is dropped in blood, blood will thicken around it.
A coral should be bought on a Tuesday when the Moon is in Aries or Scorpio, when any of the four nakshatras Mrigshira, Chitra, Annuradha, or Dhanishtha is present. The coral should be bought between sunrise and 11.00 A.M. and should be given to the jeweler within this time. The jeweler should set it on a Tuesday when the Moon is in any of the four nakshatras mentioned above, between the same hours. The stone should be set so that it touches the skin. The coral's weight should be no less than 6 carats. The metal used should be a mixture of copper and gold - any other metal should not be used in the mixture. Preparing a ring on a Tuesday when the Moon is in Capricorn is very auspicious. The best time to wear a coral ring is one hour after sunrise or up until 11.00 A.M. as mentioned above. Before wearing the ring for the first time, immerse it in raw cow's milk and wash it in Ganga water, rainwater, spring water, or water kept in a copper pot for some time. After being washed, the ring should be placed on a red cloth on which a numerical Mars Yantra is drawn with red sandalwood paste, gorochan (a red calcium from cowhorn), saffron, or roli. An engraved yantra of Mars on copper, or an idol of Mars made in copper should be placed on the red cloth and worshiped. Flowers and incense should be offered after the yantra engraved on copper or the idol is bathed. The yantra and the gemstone set in the ring should be worshiped by reciting the mantra of Mars.
Aum Bhaum Bhaumaye Namah Aum
The mantra should be recited 108 or 10,000 times, and then the wearer should meditate on the gemstone as a symbol of Mars. After meditation the ring should be worn on the ring finger of the right hand. The yantra to be drawn on red cloth with red sandalwood paste or with ground saffron paste made thin like an ink is as follows:

The yantra to be engraved on silver is as follows:

After worship the yantra should be wrapped in the red cloth on which the other yantra is drawn and it should either be donated to a priest or kept in a shrine.
Planet: Moon / Chandra Gemstone: Pearl/Moti
Briefing the Nature of the Planet
Moon is associated with the functionality of mind. It is believed that the moon controls the power of mind and versatility. It is also believed to provide power of meditation, concentration and resistance against cold diseases.
Favourite Colour : White
Favourite Day : Monday
Favourite God / Deity : Lord Shiva
The ill effects of Moon can be minimized and the good effects can be increased
according to Indian mythology by doing the following tasks. Any or all of these, one
can select as per one's convenience.
• To propitiate Moon, astrologers recommend donation of white cloth to needy
and poor on any Monday. It is also authoritatively stated that chanting of "Om
Namah Shivaya" for a good length of time continuously leads to please Moon.
• Worshipping Lord Shiva daily keeps Moon immensely pleased to quench even
high ambitions of the person concerned, it is stated emphatically in astrology.
• Fasting on Monday brings favours granted by Moon.
• 'Mounavrat' (Total Silence) practiced on Poornima (Full Moon) provides power
and strengthening of mind.
• Wearing of Pearl ring on the small finger on any Monday and continuing to
wear it thereafter is yet one more piece of advice from our ancestors to please
the Moon.
• It is appropriate to recommend that use of "Rudrakshamala" in
meditation/worship will increase the power of such observances.
• Astro Scriptures further suggest Tilak (Spilus Mark) of Sandal vermilion to be
applied on the forehead.
• Reciting of Moon's Vedic Mantra will enhance good results and achievements.
• Chanting of Moon's Seed Mantra if the Vedic mantra is hard to recite.
Moon / Chandra
Moon is the presiding deity of the element water, and rules over the tides of the sea. The sphere of the Moon is the reservoir of rainwater and thus Moon is the ruler of plants and the vegetable kingdom. The color of Moon is white. Its nature is wise, and learned. It rules peace of mind, comfort, general well-being, and also the fortune of a person. It shows its influence around twenty-four to twenty-five years of age. The Moon gives illumination, intuitive nature, sensuality, taste, youth, love of poetry, fine arts and music, love of jewelry, attractive appearance, wealth and good fortune. It makes us moody, emotional and sensitive. It rules milk, grains, liquids, growth, fertility, impregnation, and conception.
It influences the infant stage of an individual, which guides his behavior in the later in the later part of his life. It is cold and moist. It also influence childbirth and rules the left nostril, eyesight, the breasts, and the brain (memory). Moon influences travelers, human, fisherman, prostitutes, cooks, nurses, and caterers.
Sun, Mars, and Jupiter and the Moon’s natural friends, and Mercury, Venus, and
Saturn are its natural enemies. In Rohini, Hast, Shravan, Punarvasu, Vishakha, and
Purva Bhadrapad nakshatras it gives good and beneficial effect. It also gives
favorable effects if it is in Kritika, Uttra Phalguni, Ashlekha, Jyestha, Uttra Khad, and Revati nakshatras.
For persons whose Moon is not rightly placed in their natal chart or is ill-aspected,
success becomes difficult, sometimes it even becomes difficult to achieve a
comfortable life on earth. It makes such people weak or sick in their early years.
An afflicted, debilitated, exiled, or weak Moon causes cold, cough, fever, eye
ailments, lunacy, paralysis, epilepsy, hysteria, colic pains, beriberi, intestinal
disorders, throat troubles, bronchitis, dysentery, neurosis, typhoid, and cancer.
Moon's cool and pleasant rays are significantly influential on medicinal plants and
herbs on earth. It is worshipped and praised as 'Oshadhi Raja' or 'King of Herbs'- It's worship wards of chronic diseases and leads to health and success, controls
longevity with sound health.
Moon / Chandra Mantra to Chant
Aum Som Somaye Namah Aum
Gemstone for this Planet – Pearl
Pearl ~ Moti
Formation of a pearl inside a pearl oyster occurs because of the presence of foreign material inside the body of the oyster. To save itself from the undesired material the mollusk coats the object with layer after layer of nacre. It takes many years for a mollusk to produce a pearl of substantial size. The process through which the pearls are formed inside the body of the mollusk is very delicate, and a little disturbance at any stage of development of a pearl can influence its shape and lustre. The finest pearl is that which has no foreign matter in its core. Pearls are obtained from eight sources, which are Sky Pearl, Cobra Pearl, Bamboo Pearl, Hog Pearl, Elephantine Pearl, Conch Pearl, Fish Pearl and Oyster Pearl.
Following are the general properties of Gemstone
Planet : Moon
Cosmic Color : Orange
Sign : Cancer
Element : Water
Time : Evening
Day : Monday
Metal : Silver
Signs of well-placed Gemstone
• Emotions under control
• The native will have good affluence, good fortune, recognition and fame
• Good memory
• Balanced emotional life
The gemstone helps to prevent the following diseases :
• Throat troubles, asthma, bronchitis, varicose loins, nervous debility, cancer,
• Colic pains, worms, intestinal disorders, tumors, peritonitis.
• Eye diseases, lunacy, paralysis, hysteria, epilepsy, cold, cough.
A genuine pearl is supposed to have the following qualities :
• Moonlike, shining white color
• Perfectly round, globular shape and size
• Spotlessness and freedom from blemishes (dents, scratches, ridges) and impurities.
• Compactness, which gives it a high specific gravity.
• Lustre, soft glamor, attractiveness and brilliance of reflection
• Smoothness, which gives an agreeable sensation to the eyes
One who wears or possesses a pearl with all of the above mentioned qualities enjoys good fortune and is blessed by the goddess Lakshmi (the goddess of prosperity), lives long and becomes sinless, and obtains vitality and intelligence. He achieves high position by his wisdom and becomes famous. A pearl with a yellow lustre brings prosperity. Red-tinted pearls make one intelligent, shining white pearls bring fame, and a pearl with a bluish hue brings good fortune. A pearl devoid of lustre, that is, dirty, broken, having no gleam of circulating water, black or copper colored, partly white and partly colored, irregular, odd in shape having holes, dents, or
sports is defective and should be avoided.
• Dullness or absence of lustre - brings poverty or financial crisis: shortens one's life
• A mole-like formation on the surface layer - brings sadness and disease
• Having three corners (triangular in shape) - causes impotence, brings bad luck
• Hole or pouch-like formation - cause leprosy
• Cracks or ridges - wearing of such a pearl is injurious to one's health
• Dusty, having clay or sand particles inside - is devoid of any good or bad effect
• Broken - loss of job, wealth, and earnings
• Protrusion like the beak of a bird - harmful to progeny, brings humiliation
• Dents - bring loss of wealth
• Oval and long in shape - makes one foolish
• A stain on the surface - brings humiliation and is harmful to progeny
• A blister or swelling - injurious to wealth, brings bad luck
• Sheathy, having a thin epithelium and wood-like material inside - is inauspicious
• Copper tint - harmful to brothers and sisters
• Dome-shaped, in which the lower half is composed of foreign material - brings bad luck
• Tiny spots like the marks of smallpox - harmful to progeny
• Flash-eye spot, spot looking like the eye of a fish - loss of progeny
• Square shape and flat - harmful to one's spouse
• Wavy thin line on the surface - brings misfortune
• A juncture line or a girdle - induces fear and is injurious to physical well-being
• Coral-like appearance - brings misfortune and poverty
Cultured Pearls
Cultured pearls are also a natural growth inside the pearl oyster, but they are created by
human surgical skill.
A good pearl produced by this process has the same qualities as a genuine pearl - and it is
difficult to distinguish between the two. They have a similar effect on the human organism as
genuine pearls.
It is firmly believed that wearing of pearl ensure happy conjugal life and protection from widowhood.
Anybody wearing an unblemished Pearl earns riches and is blessed by goddess of
wealth Lakshmi. He or she lives long and all his sins are said be washed away. He gets vitality,
becomes intelligent and achieves a high position in life. Pearl with a yellow luster brings
wealth. A reddish pearl makes one intelligent. White Pearl bestows fame and the Pearl with
blue hue is the giver of good fortune.
The wearing of a defective pearl brings troubles. The Pearl, in which there is spot without
luster like the hole, that pearl, is likely to cause leprosy to the wearer. If in any pearl there is a
spot or sign looking like the eye of a fish, the wearer suffers loss of children. The Pearl, devoid
of luster is said to shorten life. The Pearl that is flat brings a bad name to the wearer. The Pearl
that is long instead of being round makes the wearer foolish and an idiot. If a side of the Pearl
is broken, the wearer of such stones suffers the loss of his livelihood.
The following are the flaws found in Pearls:
1. Cracks on surface
2. Lines on the body of the Pearl.
3. Joint like appearance.
4. Mole of black colour, the wearing of such Pearl gives very inauspicious results
5. Without any luster
6. With spots
7. One with dirt inside it.
• Difference in structure : In genuine pearls the structure is concentric, whereas in the cultured pearl it is parallel, as it is in the mother-of-pearl bead introduced into the mollusk to produce a cultured pearl.
• Difference in the Bore : There is uniformity in the bore of genuine pearls, whereas in cultured pearls it is thin at the starting point and wide in the middle.
• Difference in luster : When culture, imitation, or artificial pearls are treated with a mixture of cow's urine and saltpeter for twenty-four hours, their lustre decreases. Genuine pearls retain their lustre after such treatment.
• Difference in epithelium : It is hard in cultured pearls and soft in genuine pearls.
• Difference can also be detected with the help of a pearl illuminator, but this detection is only possible in the case of drilled pearls. Another method used for undrilled pearls is to x-ray them.
It would be ideal to buy a pearl on a Monday of an ascending cycle when the Moon is in Pushya, Rohini, Hast, or Sharavan nakshatra. Sunday and Thursday are also prescribed as good days for buying a pearl, but Saturday is not a good day in any way for it. The pearl should be given to the jeweler on the same day, and the ring should be constructed and polished on the same days as mentioned above under the influence of the same nakshatras. The pearl should be mounted in silver. The setting should be open-backed so that the pearl touches the skin of the of the finger. The best time to wear a pearl ring is evening, or when the Moon is rising. Before wearing, the ring for the first time, it should be immersed in raw cow's milk for some time and then should be washed with Ganga water, rain water or water kept in a copper pot. After it has been washed, the ring should be placed on a white cloth on which a Moon yantra
has been drawn with white sandalwood paste. The person who would wear the ring can do the worship himself. The ring should be placed in front of the silver engraved yantra on the white cloth on which the yantra is written with white sandalwood paste. Flowers and incense should be offered to the engraved silver Yantra and the pearl mounted in the ring should be worshiped by reciting the mantra of Moon god.
Aum Som Somaye Namah Aum
The mantra should be recited 108 or 11,000 times and one should meditate on the gemstone as a symbol of the Moon god. After meditating, one should place the ring on the left hand, either on the ring finger or the little finger.
The yantra used for drawing on the cloth with white sandalwood paste is as follows :

The yantra to be engraved on silver is as follows :

The ring worn in this manner brings good luck, neutralizes problems caused by the Moon, gives mental peace, progeny, and financial gains, fulfills the desires of the one who wears it, and cures ailments caused by a weak and afflicted Moon.
Moon is associated with the functionality of mind. It is believed that the moon controls the power of mind and versatility. It is also believed to provide power of meditation, concentration and resistance against cold diseases.
Favourite Colour : White
Favourite Day : Monday
Favourite God / Deity : Lord Shiva
The ill effects of Moon can be minimized and the good effects can be increased
according to Indian mythology by doing the following tasks. Any or all of these, one
can select as per one's convenience.
• To propitiate Moon, astrologers recommend donation of white cloth to needy
and poor on any Monday. It is also authoritatively stated that chanting of "Om
Namah Shivaya" for a good length of time continuously leads to please Moon.
• Worshipping Lord Shiva daily keeps Moon immensely pleased to quench even
high ambitions of the person concerned, it is stated emphatically in astrology.
• Fasting on Monday brings favours granted by Moon.
• 'Mounavrat' (Total Silence) practiced on Poornima (Full Moon) provides power
and strengthening of mind.
• Wearing of Pearl ring on the small finger on any Monday and continuing to
wear it thereafter is yet one more piece of advice from our ancestors to please
the Moon.
• It is appropriate to recommend that use of "Rudrakshamala" in
meditation/worship will increase the power of such observances.
• Astro Scriptures further suggest Tilak (Spilus Mark) of Sandal vermilion to be
applied on the forehead.
• Reciting of Moon's Vedic Mantra will enhance good results and achievements.
• Chanting of Moon's Seed Mantra if the Vedic mantra is hard to recite.
Moon / Chandra
Moon is the presiding deity of the element water, and rules over the tides of the sea. The sphere of the Moon is the reservoir of rainwater and thus Moon is the ruler of plants and the vegetable kingdom. The color of Moon is white. Its nature is wise, and learned. It rules peace of mind, comfort, general well-being, and also the fortune of a person. It shows its influence around twenty-four to twenty-five years of age. The Moon gives illumination, intuitive nature, sensuality, taste, youth, love of poetry, fine arts and music, love of jewelry, attractive appearance, wealth and good fortune. It makes us moody, emotional and sensitive. It rules milk, grains, liquids, growth, fertility, impregnation, and conception.
It influences the infant stage of an individual, which guides his behavior in the later in the later part of his life. It is cold and moist. It also influence childbirth and rules the left nostril, eyesight, the breasts, and the brain (memory). Moon influences travelers, human, fisherman, prostitutes, cooks, nurses, and caterers.
Sun, Mars, and Jupiter and the Moon’s natural friends, and Mercury, Venus, and
Saturn are its natural enemies. In Rohini, Hast, Shravan, Punarvasu, Vishakha, and
Purva Bhadrapad nakshatras it gives good and beneficial effect. It also gives
favorable effects if it is in Kritika, Uttra Phalguni, Ashlekha, Jyestha, Uttra Khad, and Revati nakshatras.
For persons whose Moon is not rightly placed in their natal chart or is ill-aspected,
success becomes difficult, sometimes it even becomes difficult to achieve a
comfortable life on earth. It makes such people weak or sick in their early years.
An afflicted, debilitated, exiled, or weak Moon causes cold, cough, fever, eye
ailments, lunacy, paralysis, epilepsy, hysteria, colic pains, beriberi, intestinal
disorders, throat troubles, bronchitis, dysentery, neurosis, typhoid, and cancer.
Moon's cool and pleasant rays are significantly influential on medicinal plants and
herbs on earth. It is worshipped and praised as 'Oshadhi Raja' or 'King of Herbs'- It's worship wards of chronic diseases and leads to health and success, controls
longevity with sound health.
Moon / Chandra Mantra to Chant
Aum Som Somaye Namah Aum
Gemstone for this Planet – Pearl
Pearl ~ Moti
Formation of a pearl inside a pearl oyster occurs because of the presence of foreign material inside the body of the oyster. To save itself from the undesired material the mollusk coats the object with layer after layer of nacre. It takes many years for a mollusk to produce a pearl of substantial size. The process through which the pearls are formed inside the body of the mollusk is very delicate, and a little disturbance at any stage of development of a pearl can influence its shape and lustre. The finest pearl is that which has no foreign matter in its core. Pearls are obtained from eight sources, which are Sky Pearl, Cobra Pearl, Bamboo Pearl, Hog Pearl, Elephantine Pearl, Conch Pearl, Fish Pearl and Oyster Pearl.
Following are the general properties of Gemstone
Planet : Moon
Cosmic Color : Orange
Sign : Cancer
Element : Water
Time : Evening
Day : Monday
Metal : Silver
Signs of well-placed Gemstone
• Emotions under control
• The native will have good affluence, good fortune, recognition and fame
• Good memory
• Balanced emotional life
The gemstone helps to prevent the following diseases :
• Throat troubles, asthma, bronchitis, varicose loins, nervous debility, cancer,
• Colic pains, worms, intestinal disorders, tumors, peritonitis.
• Eye diseases, lunacy, paralysis, hysteria, epilepsy, cold, cough.
A genuine pearl is supposed to have the following qualities :
• Moonlike, shining white color
• Perfectly round, globular shape and size
• Spotlessness and freedom from blemishes (dents, scratches, ridges) and impurities.
• Compactness, which gives it a high specific gravity.
• Lustre, soft glamor, attractiveness and brilliance of reflection
• Smoothness, which gives an agreeable sensation to the eyes
One who wears or possesses a pearl with all of the above mentioned qualities enjoys good fortune and is blessed by the goddess Lakshmi (the goddess of prosperity), lives long and becomes sinless, and obtains vitality and intelligence. He achieves high position by his wisdom and becomes famous. A pearl with a yellow lustre brings prosperity. Red-tinted pearls make one intelligent, shining white pearls bring fame, and a pearl with a bluish hue brings good fortune. A pearl devoid of lustre, that is, dirty, broken, having no gleam of circulating water, black or copper colored, partly white and partly colored, irregular, odd in shape having holes, dents, or
sports is defective and should be avoided.
• Dullness or absence of lustre - brings poverty or financial crisis: shortens one's life
• A mole-like formation on the surface layer - brings sadness and disease
• Having three corners (triangular in shape) - causes impotence, brings bad luck
• Hole or pouch-like formation - cause leprosy
• Cracks or ridges - wearing of such a pearl is injurious to one's health
• Dusty, having clay or sand particles inside - is devoid of any good or bad effect
• Broken - loss of job, wealth, and earnings
• Protrusion like the beak of a bird - harmful to progeny, brings humiliation
• Dents - bring loss of wealth
• Oval and long in shape - makes one foolish
• A stain on the surface - brings humiliation and is harmful to progeny
• A blister or swelling - injurious to wealth, brings bad luck
• Sheathy, having a thin epithelium and wood-like material inside - is inauspicious
• Copper tint - harmful to brothers and sisters
• Dome-shaped, in which the lower half is composed of foreign material - brings bad luck
• Tiny spots like the marks of smallpox - harmful to progeny
• Flash-eye spot, spot looking like the eye of a fish - loss of progeny
• Square shape and flat - harmful to one's spouse
• Wavy thin line on the surface - brings misfortune
• A juncture line or a girdle - induces fear and is injurious to physical well-being
• Coral-like appearance - brings misfortune and poverty
Cultured Pearls
Cultured pearls are also a natural growth inside the pearl oyster, but they are created by
human surgical skill.
A good pearl produced by this process has the same qualities as a genuine pearl - and it is
difficult to distinguish between the two. They have a similar effect on the human organism as
genuine pearls.
It is firmly believed that wearing of pearl ensure happy conjugal life and protection from widowhood.
Anybody wearing an unblemished Pearl earns riches and is blessed by goddess of
wealth Lakshmi. He or she lives long and all his sins are said be washed away. He gets vitality,
becomes intelligent and achieves a high position in life. Pearl with a yellow luster brings
wealth. A reddish pearl makes one intelligent. White Pearl bestows fame and the Pearl with
blue hue is the giver of good fortune.
The wearing of a defective pearl brings troubles. The Pearl, in which there is spot without
luster like the hole, that pearl, is likely to cause leprosy to the wearer. If in any pearl there is a
spot or sign looking like the eye of a fish, the wearer suffers loss of children. The Pearl, devoid
of luster is said to shorten life. The Pearl that is flat brings a bad name to the wearer. The Pearl
that is long instead of being round makes the wearer foolish and an idiot. If a side of the Pearl
is broken, the wearer of such stones suffers the loss of his livelihood.
The following are the flaws found in Pearls:
1. Cracks on surface
2. Lines on the body of the Pearl.
3. Joint like appearance.
4. Mole of black colour, the wearing of such Pearl gives very inauspicious results
5. Without any luster
6. With spots
7. One with dirt inside it.
• Difference in structure : In genuine pearls the structure is concentric, whereas in the cultured pearl it is parallel, as it is in the mother-of-pearl bead introduced into the mollusk to produce a cultured pearl.
• Difference in the Bore : There is uniformity in the bore of genuine pearls, whereas in cultured pearls it is thin at the starting point and wide in the middle.
• Difference in luster : When culture, imitation, or artificial pearls are treated with a mixture of cow's urine and saltpeter for twenty-four hours, their lustre decreases. Genuine pearls retain their lustre after such treatment.
• Difference in epithelium : It is hard in cultured pearls and soft in genuine pearls.
• Difference can also be detected with the help of a pearl illuminator, but this detection is only possible in the case of drilled pearls. Another method used for undrilled pearls is to x-ray them.
It would be ideal to buy a pearl on a Monday of an ascending cycle when the Moon is in Pushya, Rohini, Hast, or Sharavan nakshatra. Sunday and Thursday are also prescribed as good days for buying a pearl, but Saturday is not a good day in any way for it. The pearl should be given to the jeweler on the same day, and the ring should be constructed and polished on the same days as mentioned above under the influence of the same nakshatras. The pearl should be mounted in silver. The setting should be open-backed so that the pearl touches the skin of the of the finger. The best time to wear a pearl ring is evening, or when the Moon is rising. Before wearing, the ring for the first time, it should be immersed in raw cow's milk for some time and then should be washed with Ganga water, rain water or water kept in a copper pot. After it has been washed, the ring should be placed on a white cloth on which a Moon yantra
has been drawn with white sandalwood paste. The person who would wear the ring can do the worship himself. The ring should be placed in front of the silver engraved yantra on the white cloth on which the yantra is written with white sandalwood paste. Flowers and incense should be offered to the engraved silver Yantra and the pearl mounted in the ring should be worshiped by reciting the mantra of Moon god.
Aum Som Somaye Namah Aum
The mantra should be recited 108 or 11,000 times and one should meditate on the gemstone as a symbol of the Moon god. After meditating, one should place the ring on the left hand, either on the ring finger or the little finger.
The yantra used for drawing on the cloth with white sandalwood paste is as follows :

The yantra to be engraved on silver is as follows :

The ring worn in this manner brings good luck, neutralizes problems caused by the Moon, gives mental peace, progeny, and financial gains, fulfills the desires of the one who wears it, and cures ailments caused by a weak and afflicted Moon.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Briefing the Nature of the Planet Sun
Planet Sun is treated as a ferocious and cruel planet. It's nature is hot and it is the controller of sharpness of mind, beauty and energy of body. It is also the master of successes in life and controls the family affairs along with the Mars. Sun is related to fulfilment of desires, eye diseases, care of eyes, leprosy, skin diseases, span and longevity of life, success in fortune.
Favourite Colour : Vermillion Red
Favourite Day : Sunday
Favourite God / Deity : Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati
The ill effects of Sun can be minimised and the good effects can be increased
according to Indian mythology by doing the following tasks. Any or all of these, one
can select as per one's convenience.
• Choose any Sunday and donate a piece of red cloth to the poor. Sun is
associated with red colour. Doing so will please the Sun and it's benevolence
will increase and it's malevolence will decrease considerably.
• Just at Sunrise, worship the Sun, pour pure water in front of the Sun, pray
soulfully. It is believed that the Sun will listen to you and bestow it's grace to
your prayers.
• Lord Shiva, the merciful god, will bless you when worshipped with offerings of
red flowers. Offering of such mode of prayer will appease the Sun Planet.
• If possible, donate, according to your capacity, gold or copper on a Sunday to
a needy person. But, this should fall within the reach of your budget. This will
help to retard the annoyance of the Sun.
• Feeding the needy and poor with roasted grams & Gud (Raw Sugar) on
Sunday is one more step to appease the Sun.
• To add effect to your prayers, use red sandal beaded garland in counting of
chanting mantras to propitiate Planet Sun.
• Distribute religious books and prayer books as per your capacity on any
Sunday. This will help reduce the opposite nature of the Sun.
• Sun is associated with knowledge. So, spread knowledge and your sincere
efforts will please the Sun. Doing this free of cost will bring brighter results.
• Everyday, use at least one cardamom in eating.
• Use Khas (Poppy Seeds) every day as Thandai shake (Cooling Syrup).
• Use a little Mulaiti (liquorice) by chewing a piece of it every day.
• Recline or rest in the shadow of pine trees - think and thank Sun.
• Put an auspicious mark of saffron (Spilus Mark) on the forehead (Red Tilak).
• Copper is a metal related to the Sun. Keep fresh water in a copper vessel
covered with a lid overnight and drink this water in the morning.
• Fasting will purify your soul; choose Sundays for your fasting if you are to get
the favour of the Sun.
• Speaking truth is a noble virtue. Inculcate the habit of speaking Truth. This will
appease the Sun.
• On an Amavasya day (No Moon Day), keep Mounavrat (Total Silence). This
can be repeated as many times as you desire to get the grace of the Sun more
and more.
• Spare some time every morning for reciting Sun's Vedic mantra.
• Religiously recite Sun's Beej (Seed) Mantra as often as possible.
• Wear ruby on your ring finger. Initially wear it on a Sunday & later continue to
wear it.
The Sun, according to the Vedas, is the parent of all existing phenomena in the
solar system. He is the ruler of all the planets that rotate around him. The Sun is
considered to be the soul of Kala Purusha (Kala = time, Purusha = being; combined,
it means the being that binds himself to Time).
Its colored is bloodred, its nature is bile-dominated, and it is the lord of the direction East.
It is the ruler of the zodiacal sign, Leo, and is exalted in the sign Aries, debilitated in Libra, and exiled in Aquarius. The Moon, Mars, and Jupiter are its natural friends, and Venus, Saturn, Rahu (dragon’s head, or the north node of the Moon), and Ketu (dragon’s tail, the south node of the Moon) are its natural enemies. Nakshatras Kritika, Uttra Phalguni, and Uttra Khad are ruled by the Sun.
The Sun gives us vitality and the power of resistance and immunity. It is responsible
for our physical makeup – the body’s constitution. The Sun gives life force, the
power of will, intellect, brilliance, prosperity, success in worldly affairs, wealth,
personal, conduct, activity, cheerfulness, good fortune, wisdom, ambition, fame, the
understanding of the phenomenal world, and the knowledge of medicine. It also
governs our relationship with temples and holy places.
The human spine is specially influenced by the Sun. Pingala Nadi, which represents
the Sun, originates at the base of the spine on the right side, is solar in nature, and terminates in the right nostril. The Sun is connected with the right eye in men and the left eye in women. The Sun rules the heart, liver, lungs, head (brain), nerves, and bones.
The Sun also represents kings, government officials, rich and famous people,
personnel of royal families. Gemologists, artists, dramatists, jewelers, and creative
people. Copper is its metal but it rules over gold, almonds, peanuts, coconut,
mustard seeds, wool, red flowers, red sandalwood, and what in India are called
“red” cows. It shows its influence from twelve to twenty-four years of age.
An afflicted and ill-aspected Sun gives low and high blood pressure, indigestion,
jaundice, cholera, fever, diabetes, appendicitis, hemorrhage, cardiac thrombosis,
eruptions on the face, typhoid, tuberculosis, mental problems caused by thinking too
much, diseases of the head, epilepsy, and disorders caused by aggravated bile.
Sun is associated with Health, Pay and Success. A sound mind resides in a sound
body. So, acquire sound health getting Sun's favour, thanks to Sun's influence. Carve
out success through your sound mind. You will obtain through the Sun's grace,
longevity, health, wealth, success in business, occupation etc... we hope and desire
Sun / Surya Mantra to Chant
Aum Hring Hamsah Suryaye Namah Aum
Gemstone for SUN is RUBY(Manik)
Ruby ~ Manik
Ruby is a gemstone of the corundum family and is attractive...
Ruby is a gemstone of the corundum family and is attractive because of its brilliance, if it is crystal clear and transparent. It is found in a variety of crimson and scarlet red colors ranging from pink to a deep ruddy violet color. It has the smooth and delicate luster of clarified butter. The finest quality ruby has a delicate rose color, similar to the eye of a living cuckoo.
Planet : Sun
Cosmic Color : Red
Sign : Leo
Element : Fire
Time : Sunrise
Day : Sunday
Metal : Yellow Gold
Signs of well-placed Gemstone
• Royalty, high position in administration
• Creative, vital, resistant, determined and decisive
• Successful activity, authority
• Cheerful outlook, good fortune, ambition to achieve great heights, brilliance,
optimism, success in worldly affairs
The gemstone helps to prevent the following diseases :
• Hemorrhage, cardiac thrombosis, heated and bilious constitution
• Heart diseases, eye inflammation, low or high blood pressure
• Cerebral meningitis, eruption of the face, typhoid, polypus, epilepsy, bile
complaints, sun-stroke, scorches, diseases of the head
• Brilliance
• Smoothness
• Hardness
• Luster
• Silky or milky inclusions
• Heaviness in weight, high density
• Color, transparent carmine red with bluish tint like pigeon blood
• Transparence
• Regular shape
• Blackish or whitish tint - loss of wealth; bad reputation
• Not homogeneous - brings troubles for father and for self
• Feather - gives bad luck
• Dullness - gives problems with brothers
• Honey color, milky color - destroys animals and pets (Pashudhan)
• Smoky color - divine obstacles, bad luck
• Bluishness in color - gives stomach problems
• Forms similar to shape of trident, triangle, or cross - troubles in having children, bad name, loss of wealth, early death
• Bubbles - makes the gem ineffective
• Brittleness - gives problems in having a son
• Irregular lines inside - domestic quarrels, disturbance
• Dirty - ineffective
• Lack of water and fire (brittle, dull, opaque, lacking glitter) - gives bad luck
• Two colors - restlessness, obstacles, disease, and problems for father and self
• Cracks - gives bad luck
• Spotty (spots of black or honey color) - gives restlessness, problems in having children
• Slit, cavity, hole - bad luck, diseases, weakness
• Flimsiness - gives problems with lightning
• An imitation ruby appears orange when placed under an ultra violet lamp.
• A crack in a real ruby will not shine and will have a zigzag quality, whereas in an
imitation ruby a crack is shiny, straight, and clearly visible.
• If a ruby is placed in cow's milk in a glass jar the milk will appear of rosy color, whereas normally it has a yellowish tint.
• If you place a real ruby in a glass jar, a red hue of light will be seen to emit from the jar.
• Bubbles in a real ruby are rarely found, they are not round and have the same color as the gem, but in an imitation stone bubbles are round, bare, white, and sometimes
• If a ruby is placed in a silver plate and seen in sunlight the plate will reflect a reddish tint.
• A real ruby is heavier and denser than an imitation or a similar stone.
• If pearls are put together with a real ruby in a silver plate and placed in sunlight, the silver plate will appear blackish, the pearls will have a red hue, and the ruby will shine like the Sun.
• Layers of a real ruby are linear and straight, whereas in an imitation they are circular.
• A real ruby continues shining after it has been x-rayed, but an imitation shines only as long as the source of light is shining on it.
• A ruby will appear dark red from one angle and pale when viewed from the other side.
• If you place a real ruby on an unopened lotus bud it will open up and become a
blossoming lotus in a short time.
• If the silky spot, which remains stationary, has bluish tint and does not emit flickering light, the gem is an imitation.
• The color in a natural real ruby is not uniform, whereas in an imitation the color is homogeneous.
• A real ruby, when placed on the eyelids, remains cool longer than an imitation does
because of its compact molecular structure. A piece of glass or imitation gem, that is, a synthetic ruby, gets warm quickly.
A ruby should be bought on a Sunday, Monday, or Thursday in the ascending moon cycle. It should be bought, set, and worn when the Sun is in Leo and it is Pushya Nakshatra. If the nakshatra is not Pushya, then the nakshatras ruled by the Sun, i.e., Kritika, UttraPhalguni, and Uttrashad, are also suitable for it. The stone should be given to the jeweler on the same day and should be set and polished on the same days as mentioned above. The stone should be mounted in an open backed ring made of a mixture of gold and copper and the gemstone should touch the skin of the wearer's finger.
The best time to wear a ruby ring is sunrise. Before wearing, the ring should be kept for some time in raw cow's milk and should be washed with Ganga water (if available) or water kept in a copper pot or rainwater. After it has been washed, the ring should be kept on a red cloth, on which a sun yantra is drawn with either red sandalwood paste or roli or a mixture of turmeric powder. The person who wants to wear the
ring can do the rituals himself. The ring should be placed in front of the idol or engraved copper yantra made in gold, on the red cloth on which the numerical yantra of the sun is drawn.
Flowers and incense should be offered to the engraved copper yantra and the yantra and the gemstone mounted in the ring should be worshiped, reciting the mantra of the sun god.
Aum Hring Hamsah Suryaye Namah Aum
The Mantra should be recited 108 times. Then the wearer should meditate on the gemstone and wear the ring on the ring finger of the right hand.
The yantra to be drawn on red cloth with red sandalwood paste or roli is as follows :

Sun / Surya
The following yantra written with red sandalwood paste or roli, engraved on a copper plate should be placed on the cloth asana :

A ring worn by the above methods brings good luck, peace, and prosperity.
Planet Sun is treated as a ferocious and cruel planet. It's nature is hot and it is the controller of sharpness of mind, beauty and energy of body. It is also the master of successes in life and controls the family affairs along with the Mars. Sun is related to fulfilment of desires, eye diseases, care of eyes, leprosy, skin diseases, span and longevity of life, success in fortune.
Favourite Colour : Vermillion Red
Favourite Day : Sunday
Favourite God / Deity : Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati
The ill effects of Sun can be minimised and the good effects can be increased
according to Indian mythology by doing the following tasks. Any or all of these, one
can select as per one's convenience.
• Choose any Sunday and donate a piece of red cloth to the poor. Sun is
associated with red colour. Doing so will please the Sun and it's benevolence
will increase and it's malevolence will decrease considerably.
• Just at Sunrise, worship the Sun, pour pure water in front of the Sun, pray
soulfully. It is believed that the Sun will listen to you and bestow it's grace to
your prayers.
• Lord Shiva, the merciful god, will bless you when worshipped with offerings of
red flowers. Offering of such mode of prayer will appease the Sun Planet.
• If possible, donate, according to your capacity, gold or copper on a Sunday to
a needy person. But, this should fall within the reach of your budget. This will
help to retard the annoyance of the Sun.
• Feeding the needy and poor with roasted grams & Gud (Raw Sugar) on
Sunday is one more step to appease the Sun.
• To add effect to your prayers, use red sandal beaded garland in counting of
chanting mantras to propitiate Planet Sun.
• Distribute religious books and prayer books as per your capacity on any
Sunday. This will help reduce the opposite nature of the Sun.
• Sun is associated with knowledge. So, spread knowledge and your sincere
efforts will please the Sun. Doing this free of cost will bring brighter results.
• Everyday, use at least one cardamom in eating.
• Use Khas (Poppy Seeds) every day as Thandai shake (Cooling Syrup).
• Use a little Mulaiti (liquorice) by chewing a piece of it every day.
• Recline or rest in the shadow of pine trees - think and thank Sun.
• Put an auspicious mark of saffron (Spilus Mark) on the forehead (Red Tilak).
• Copper is a metal related to the Sun. Keep fresh water in a copper vessel
covered with a lid overnight and drink this water in the morning.
• Fasting will purify your soul; choose Sundays for your fasting if you are to get
the favour of the Sun.
• Speaking truth is a noble virtue. Inculcate the habit of speaking Truth. This will
appease the Sun.
• On an Amavasya day (No Moon Day), keep Mounavrat (Total Silence). This
can be repeated as many times as you desire to get the grace of the Sun more
and more.
• Spare some time every morning for reciting Sun's Vedic mantra.
• Religiously recite Sun's Beej (Seed) Mantra as often as possible.
• Wear ruby on your ring finger. Initially wear it on a Sunday & later continue to
wear it.
The Sun, according to the Vedas, is the parent of all existing phenomena in the
solar system. He is the ruler of all the planets that rotate around him. The Sun is
considered to be the soul of Kala Purusha (Kala = time, Purusha = being; combined,
it means the being that binds himself to Time).
Its colored is bloodred, its nature is bile-dominated, and it is the lord of the direction East.
It is the ruler of the zodiacal sign, Leo, and is exalted in the sign Aries, debilitated in Libra, and exiled in Aquarius. The Moon, Mars, and Jupiter are its natural friends, and Venus, Saturn, Rahu (dragon’s head, or the north node of the Moon), and Ketu (dragon’s tail, the south node of the Moon) are its natural enemies. Nakshatras Kritika, Uttra Phalguni, and Uttra Khad are ruled by the Sun.
The Sun gives us vitality and the power of resistance and immunity. It is responsible
for our physical makeup – the body’s constitution. The Sun gives life force, the
power of will, intellect, brilliance, prosperity, success in worldly affairs, wealth,
personal, conduct, activity, cheerfulness, good fortune, wisdom, ambition, fame, the
understanding of the phenomenal world, and the knowledge of medicine. It also
governs our relationship with temples and holy places.
The human spine is specially influenced by the Sun. Pingala Nadi, which represents
the Sun, originates at the base of the spine on the right side, is solar in nature, and terminates in the right nostril. The Sun is connected with the right eye in men and the left eye in women. The Sun rules the heart, liver, lungs, head (brain), nerves, and bones.
The Sun also represents kings, government officials, rich and famous people,
personnel of royal families. Gemologists, artists, dramatists, jewelers, and creative
people. Copper is its metal but it rules over gold, almonds, peanuts, coconut,
mustard seeds, wool, red flowers, red sandalwood, and what in India are called
“red” cows. It shows its influence from twelve to twenty-four years of age.
An afflicted and ill-aspected Sun gives low and high blood pressure, indigestion,
jaundice, cholera, fever, diabetes, appendicitis, hemorrhage, cardiac thrombosis,
eruptions on the face, typhoid, tuberculosis, mental problems caused by thinking too
much, diseases of the head, epilepsy, and disorders caused by aggravated bile.
Sun is associated with Health, Pay and Success. A sound mind resides in a sound
body. So, acquire sound health getting Sun's favour, thanks to Sun's influence. Carve
out success through your sound mind. You will obtain through the Sun's grace,
longevity, health, wealth, success in business, occupation etc... we hope and desire
Sun / Surya Mantra to Chant
Aum Hring Hamsah Suryaye Namah Aum
Gemstone for SUN is RUBY(Manik)
Ruby ~ Manik
Ruby is a gemstone of the corundum family and is attractive...
Ruby is a gemstone of the corundum family and is attractive because of its brilliance, if it is crystal clear and transparent. It is found in a variety of crimson and scarlet red colors ranging from pink to a deep ruddy violet color. It has the smooth and delicate luster of clarified butter. The finest quality ruby has a delicate rose color, similar to the eye of a living cuckoo.
Planet : Sun
Cosmic Color : Red
Sign : Leo
Element : Fire
Time : Sunrise
Day : Sunday
Metal : Yellow Gold
Signs of well-placed Gemstone
• Royalty, high position in administration
• Creative, vital, resistant, determined and decisive
• Successful activity, authority
• Cheerful outlook, good fortune, ambition to achieve great heights, brilliance,
optimism, success in worldly affairs
The gemstone helps to prevent the following diseases :
• Hemorrhage, cardiac thrombosis, heated and bilious constitution
• Heart diseases, eye inflammation, low or high blood pressure
• Cerebral meningitis, eruption of the face, typhoid, polypus, epilepsy, bile
complaints, sun-stroke, scorches, diseases of the head
• Brilliance
• Smoothness
• Hardness
• Luster
• Silky or milky inclusions
• Heaviness in weight, high density
• Color, transparent carmine red with bluish tint like pigeon blood
• Transparence
• Regular shape
• Blackish or whitish tint - loss of wealth; bad reputation
• Not homogeneous - brings troubles for father and for self
• Feather - gives bad luck
• Dullness - gives problems with brothers
• Honey color, milky color - destroys animals and pets (Pashudhan)
• Smoky color - divine obstacles, bad luck
• Bluishness in color - gives stomach problems
• Forms similar to shape of trident, triangle, or cross - troubles in having children, bad name, loss of wealth, early death
• Bubbles - makes the gem ineffective
• Brittleness - gives problems in having a son
• Irregular lines inside - domestic quarrels, disturbance
• Dirty - ineffective
• Lack of water and fire (brittle, dull, opaque, lacking glitter) - gives bad luck
• Two colors - restlessness, obstacles, disease, and problems for father and self
• Cracks - gives bad luck
• Spotty (spots of black or honey color) - gives restlessness, problems in having children
• Slit, cavity, hole - bad luck, diseases, weakness
• Flimsiness - gives problems with lightning
• An imitation ruby appears orange when placed under an ultra violet lamp.
• A crack in a real ruby will not shine and will have a zigzag quality, whereas in an
imitation ruby a crack is shiny, straight, and clearly visible.
• If a ruby is placed in cow's milk in a glass jar the milk will appear of rosy color, whereas normally it has a yellowish tint.
• If you place a real ruby in a glass jar, a red hue of light will be seen to emit from the jar.
• Bubbles in a real ruby are rarely found, they are not round and have the same color as the gem, but in an imitation stone bubbles are round, bare, white, and sometimes
• If a ruby is placed in a silver plate and seen in sunlight the plate will reflect a reddish tint.
• A real ruby is heavier and denser than an imitation or a similar stone.
• If pearls are put together with a real ruby in a silver plate and placed in sunlight, the silver plate will appear blackish, the pearls will have a red hue, and the ruby will shine like the Sun.
• Layers of a real ruby are linear and straight, whereas in an imitation they are circular.
• A real ruby continues shining after it has been x-rayed, but an imitation shines only as long as the source of light is shining on it.
• A ruby will appear dark red from one angle and pale when viewed from the other side.
• If you place a real ruby on an unopened lotus bud it will open up and become a
blossoming lotus in a short time.
• If the silky spot, which remains stationary, has bluish tint and does not emit flickering light, the gem is an imitation.
• The color in a natural real ruby is not uniform, whereas in an imitation the color is homogeneous.
• A real ruby, when placed on the eyelids, remains cool longer than an imitation does
because of its compact molecular structure. A piece of glass or imitation gem, that is, a synthetic ruby, gets warm quickly.
A ruby should be bought on a Sunday, Monday, or Thursday in the ascending moon cycle. It should be bought, set, and worn when the Sun is in Leo and it is Pushya Nakshatra. If the nakshatra is not Pushya, then the nakshatras ruled by the Sun, i.e., Kritika, UttraPhalguni, and Uttrashad, are also suitable for it. The stone should be given to the jeweler on the same day and should be set and polished on the same days as mentioned above. The stone should be mounted in an open backed ring made of a mixture of gold and copper and the gemstone should touch the skin of the wearer's finger.
The best time to wear a ruby ring is sunrise. Before wearing, the ring should be kept for some time in raw cow's milk and should be washed with Ganga water (if available) or water kept in a copper pot or rainwater. After it has been washed, the ring should be kept on a red cloth, on which a sun yantra is drawn with either red sandalwood paste or roli or a mixture of turmeric powder. The person who wants to wear the
ring can do the rituals himself. The ring should be placed in front of the idol or engraved copper yantra made in gold, on the red cloth on which the numerical yantra of the sun is drawn.
Flowers and incense should be offered to the engraved copper yantra and the yantra and the gemstone mounted in the ring should be worshiped, reciting the mantra of the sun god.
Aum Hring Hamsah Suryaye Namah Aum
The Mantra should be recited 108 times. Then the wearer should meditate on the gemstone and wear the ring on the ring finger of the right hand.
The yantra to be drawn on red cloth with red sandalwood paste or roli is as follows :

Sun / Surya
The following yantra written with red sandalwood paste or roli, engraved on a copper plate should be placed on the cloth asana :

A ring worn by the above methods brings good luck, peace, and prosperity.
How to Influence Stars and Planets
GEMS have made lives of many individuals happier and more successful. Gemstones according to vedic astrology and also with modern science relevance have both positive and negative impact on the wearer. Gemstones and Vedic astrology affect every aspect of one’s life be it any. Gemstones can have extraordinary effects on us spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, and financially. In fact wearing the appropriate gem does wonders in solving problems, protects from evil influences of planets and enhances their beneficial effect. Worn as pendants and rings, gemstones can help us unlock our potential as human beings by expanding our level of consciousness, calming our stress levels, and infusing our dreams with healing energies.
There are so many gemstones but only nine are considered as ‘precious gems’ these are called ‘nav ratnas’. These nine gemstones are given great importance in vedic astrology. These nine gemstones and planets they are related to namely;
1.Ruby Sun
2.Diamond Venus
3.Emerald mercury
4.Yellow sapphire Jupiter sapphire Saturn
6.Gomeda Rahu
7.Pearl Moon
8.Cat’s eye Ketu
9.Coral Mars
Of all these gems, only pearl and coral are taken out from the ocean, while cat’s eye, gomeda, yellow sapphire, blue sapphire, emerald, ruby, are mined from the earth.
These gemstones should be set in rings or pendants to enable the planetary rays to pass right through the gem into our body.
Gemstone colours result from extra added or trapped atoms within the molecular structure of the stone. Atoms, which make up all matter, produce vibrations. Consequently, humans, light, sound, minerals, and colour emit vibrations produced by their unique atomic make-up. Although they all vibrate at different frequencies, nevertheless their vibrations interact with one another. Many people don’t realize that colour is a form of energy, one that you perceive with your eyes but that also exists and affects you on many levels besides the visual. When light passes through a prism, a rainbow of seven colours appears, each projected ray has a specific wavelength and vibration. The lowest and longest vibration on the spectrum is red, which is followed by increasingly shorter rays of orange, yellow, green, blue and indigo, ending with violet that is the highest frequency-vibrating colour. The rays on the lower end of the spectrum have earth-oriented properties and are associated with physical world energies such as self-survival and preservation, self-worth, sexuality, and courage. The upper-spectrum colours correspond to the higher aspects of unconditional love, communication and spiritual enlightenment.
We are surrounded by a “sea of energy” which is invisible, boundless and in perfect order. This energy is called "Prana” in the Hindu tradition and “Chi” in the Chinese tradition. We can ultimately affect the health of our physical bodies, as well as our emotional, mental, and spiritual states, by changing the energy field surrounding the body. Gemstones can be used to augment chakra energies by acting as amplifiers when brought into contact with the human body. By rotating at different speeds, the chakras release energies and fill our bodies with precious life forces. Our chakras can sometimes become clogged however; thereby their rotation slows down, which in turn disrupts our body’s energy system. The use of gemstones can balance these energy points, strengthening the aura and promoting health, happiness, well-being, and prosperity.
Hence we can see that Planets bestow benefits and cause ill effects as are aspected in the Rashi. Indian mythology affords ample proof of these. To optimize beneficial results and to mitigate ill effects, our great seers and learned ancestors have worked out prescriptions. Now you see what they are and what they can do for you.
Now next post onwards you will see characteristics and influence of each planet, its gemstone and the effects of these gemstone on the wearer.
GEMS have made lives of many individuals happier and more successful. Gemstones according to vedic astrology and also with modern science relevance have both positive and negative impact on the wearer. Gemstones and Vedic astrology affect every aspect of one’s life be it any. Gemstones can have extraordinary effects on us spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, and financially. In fact wearing the appropriate gem does wonders in solving problems, protects from evil influences of planets and enhances their beneficial effect. Worn as pendants and rings, gemstones can help us unlock our potential as human beings by expanding our level of consciousness, calming our stress levels, and infusing our dreams with healing energies.
There are so many gemstones but only nine are considered as ‘precious gems’ these are called ‘nav ratnas’. These nine gemstones are given great importance in vedic astrology. These nine gemstones and planets they are related to namely;
1.Ruby Sun
2.Diamond Venus
3.Emerald mercury
4.Yellow sapphire Jupiter sapphire Saturn
6.Gomeda Rahu
7.Pearl Moon
8.Cat’s eye Ketu
9.Coral Mars
Of all these gems, only pearl and coral are taken out from the ocean, while cat’s eye, gomeda, yellow sapphire, blue sapphire, emerald, ruby, are mined from the earth.
These gemstones should be set in rings or pendants to enable the planetary rays to pass right through the gem into our body.
Gemstone colours result from extra added or trapped atoms within the molecular structure of the stone. Atoms, which make up all matter, produce vibrations. Consequently, humans, light, sound, minerals, and colour emit vibrations produced by their unique atomic make-up. Although they all vibrate at different frequencies, nevertheless their vibrations interact with one another. Many people don’t realize that colour is a form of energy, one that you perceive with your eyes but that also exists and affects you on many levels besides the visual. When light passes through a prism, a rainbow of seven colours appears, each projected ray has a specific wavelength and vibration. The lowest and longest vibration on the spectrum is red, which is followed by increasingly shorter rays of orange, yellow, green, blue and indigo, ending with violet that is the highest frequency-vibrating colour. The rays on the lower end of the spectrum have earth-oriented properties and are associated with physical world energies such as self-survival and preservation, self-worth, sexuality, and courage. The upper-spectrum colours correspond to the higher aspects of unconditional love, communication and spiritual enlightenment.
We are surrounded by a “sea of energy” which is invisible, boundless and in perfect order. This energy is called "Prana” in the Hindu tradition and “Chi” in the Chinese tradition. We can ultimately affect the health of our physical bodies, as well as our emotional, mental, and spiritual states, by changing the energy field surrounding the body. Gemstones can be used to augment chakra energies by acting as amplifiers when brought into contact with the human body. By rotating at different speeds, the chakras release energies and fill our bodies with precious life forces. Our chakras can sometimes become clogged however; thereby their rotation slows down, which in turn disrupts our body’s energy system. The use of gemstones can balance these energy points, strengthening the aura and promoting health, happiness, well-being, and prosperity.
Hence we can see that Planets bestow benefits and cause ill effects as are aspected in the Rashi. Indian mythology affords ample proof of these. To optimize beneficial results and to mitigate ill effects, our great seers and learned ancestors have worked out prescriptions. Now you see what they are and what they can do for you.
Now next post onwards you will see characteristics and influence of each planet, its gemstone and the effects of these gemstone on the wearer.
Pisces / Meena Rashi
Master Planet : Jupiter / Guru
Rashi Letter's : Di, Dee ,Du, Doo ,Tha ,Jha, Ja ,Ana ,De, Day, De ,Do, Dau ,Cha ,Chi, Chee
This Rashi comprises of the last charan of Poorvabhadrapada, complete Uttara-bhadrapada and Revti Nakshatras. The persons under this sign have good qualities like truthfulness, innocence, logical thinking and love for mankind. They are dwarf-heighted,have small parts of body and beautiful nose,are lazy by nature but versatile, ardent lovers of pleasure, good writers. They easily trust people. They have simple life. They face dangers in early life and are sometimes courageous and at times timid. They develop friendship with leading and popular people. They do work after meticulously pondering over matters and issues.
They drink more water. They commonly become popular because of their easygoing
nature. They tend to be more emotional rather than rational. They have limited
concentration and will power. They are gifted with commanding and impressive
personality. They sensibly divide their time between work and rest. They are idle
and careless, sometimes dishonest in their dealings.
They are afraid of sins. They have good speculative power. They earn large sums
all of a sudden in life. They are calm and cool by nature and earn by dint of their
own efforts in life. They travel a lot and have many children.
They are unprejudiced, frank, tolerant, quick-witted, practical, intuitive and
imaginative. They inherit property but face litigation, sometimes of disputes in the
process of inheritance. They are patients of arthritis, stomach ailments, heart and
eye diseases. They start earning at 20-21 years of their age.
Adverse Years : 8, 13, 36, 48
Favourable Years : 6, 12, 24, 39, 56
Rashi Letter's : Di, Dee ,Du, Doo ,Tha ,Jha, Ja ,Ana ,De, Day, De ,Do, Dau ,Cha ,Chi, Chee
This Rashi comprises of the last charan of Poorvabhadrapada, complete Uttara-bhadrapada and Revti Nakshatras. The persons under this sign have good qualities like truthfulness, innocence, logical thinking and love for mankind. They are dwarf-heighted,have small parts of body and beautiful nose,are lazy by nature but versatile, ardent lovers of pleasure, good writers. They easily trust people. They have simple life. They face dangers in early life and are sometimes courageous and at times timid. They develop friendship with leading and popular people. They do work after meticulously pondering over matters and issues.
They drink more water. They commonly become popular because of their easygoing
nature. They tend to be more emotional rather than rational. They have limited
concentration and will power. They are gifted with commanding and impressive
personality. They sensibly divide their time between work and rest. They are idle
and careless, sometimes dishonest in their dealings.
They are afraid of sins. They have good speculative power. They earn large sums
all of a sudden in life. They are calm and cool by nature and earn by dint of their
own efforts in life. They travel a lot and have many children.
They are unprejudiced, frank, tolerant, quick-witted, practical, intuitive and
imaginative. They inherit property but face litigation, sometimes of disputes in the
process of inheritance. They are patients of arthritis, stomach ailments, heart and
eye diseases. They start earning at 20-21 years of their age.
Adverse Years : 8, 13, 36, 48
Favourable Years : 6, 12, 24, 39, 56
Aquarius / Kumbh Rashi
Master Planet : Saturn / Sani
Rashi Letter's : Gu, Goo, Ghu ,Gey, Gay, Ghe ,Go, Gau, Gho ,Sa, Sha ,Si, See, Shi, Shee ,Su, Soo, Shu, Shoo ,Say, Shaa ,So, Sho
This Rashi sign consists of last two charans of Dhanishta ,Shatbhisha complete and
the first three charans of Poorvabhadrapada Nakshatras. Aquarians are lovers of
personal freedom. The height of the body is dwarf or medium. The forehead is small
and face less attractive. They are imaginative, serious and spiritual in nature. Their back is wide and sound. They are behaviourists, kind and helpful. They tend to hide their character and are attracted to the opposite sex.
They do not make friends easily but like the friends they have. They are afraid of
sins. They acquire friends of higher status and caliber.
They are of fair complexion and have fatty fore and hind limbs. They are emotional
and cannot see the adversities of others. They are affected with headaches,
indigestion and stomach irregularities. They are theists and believe in religious
values. They are attached to their spouses and are called gentlemen. They have to
travel for their livelihood and usually have more than one source of income.
They are unprejudiced, frank, tolerant, quick-witted, practical, intuitive and
imaginative. They inherit property but face litigation, sometimes of disputes in the
process of inheritance.
Adverse Years : 2, 28, 33, 48
Favourable Years : 11, 25, 35, 46, 56
Rashi Letter's : Gu, Goo, Ghu ,Gey, Gay, Ghe ,Go, Gau, Gho ,Sa, Sha ,Si, See, Shi, Shee ,Su, Soo, Shu, Shoo ,Say, Shaa ,So, Sho
This Rashi sign consists of last two charans of Dhanishta ,Shatbhisha complete and
the first three charans of Poorvabhadrapada Nakshatras. Aquarians are lovers of
personal freedom. The height of the body is dwarf or medium. The forehead is small
and face less attractive. They are imaginative, serious and spiritual in nature. Their back is wide and sound. They are behaviourists, kind and helpful. They tend to hide their character and are attracted to the opposite sex.
They do not make friends easily but like the friends they have. They are afraid of
sins. They acquire friends of higher status and caliber.
They are of fair complexion and have fatty fore and hind limbs. They are emotional
and cannot see the adversities of others. They are affected with headaches,
indigestion and stomach irregularities. They are theists and believe in religious
values. They are attached to their spouses and are called gentlemen. They have to
travel for their livelihood and usually have more than one source of income.
They are unprejudiced, frank, tolerant, quick-witted, practical, intuitive and
imaginative. They inherit property but face litigation, sometimes of disputes in the
process of inheritance.
Adverse Years : 2, 28, 33, 48
Favourable Years : 11, 25, 35, 46, 56
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