Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Briefing the Nature of the Planet Sun

Planet Sun is treated as a ferocious and cruel planet. It's nature is hot and it is the controller of sharpness of mind, beauty and energy of body. It is also the master of successes in life and controls the family affairs along with the Mars. Sun is related to fulfilment of desires, eye diseases, care of eyes, leprosy, skin diseases, span and longevity of life, success in fortune.

Favourite Colour : Vermillion Red
Favourite Day : Sunday
Favourite God / Deity : Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati

The ill effects of Sun can be minimised and the good effects can be increased
according to Indian mythology by doing the following tasks. Any or all of these, one
can select as per one's convenience.
• Choose any Sunday and donate a piece of red cloth to the poor. Sun is
associated with red colour. Doing so will please the Sun and it's benevolence
will increase and it's malevolence will decrease considerably.
• Just at Sunrise, worship the Sun, pour pure water in front of the Sun, pray
soulfully. It is believed that the Sun will listen to you and bestow it's grace to
your prayers.
• Lord Shiva, the merciful god, will bless you when worshipped with offerings of
red flowers. Offering of such mode of prayer will appease the Sun Planet.
• If possible, donate, according to your capacity, gold or copper on a Sunday to
a needy person. But, this should fall within the reach of your budget. This will
help to retard the annoyance of the Sun.
• Feeding the needy and poor with roasted grams & Gud (Raw Sugar) on
Sunday is one more step to appease the Sun.
• To add effect to your prayers, use red sandal beaded garland in counting of
chanting mantras to propitiate Planet Sun.
• Distribute religious books and prayer books as per your capacity on any
Sunday. This will help reduce the opposite nature of the Sun.
• Sun is associated with knowledge. So, spread knowledge and your sincere
efforts will please the Sun. Doing this free of cost will bring brighter results.
• Everyday, use at least one cardamom in eating.
• Use Khas (Poppy Seeds) every day as Thandai shake (Cooling Syrup).
• Use a little Mulaiti (liquorice) by chewing a piece of it every day.
• Recline or rest in the shadow of pine trees - think and thank Sun.
• Put an auspicious mark of saffron (Spilus Mark) on the forehead (Red Tilak).
• Copper is a metal related to the Sun. Keep fresh water in a copper vessel
covered with a lid overnight and drink this water in the morning.
• Fasting will purify your soul; choose Sundays for your fasting if you are to get
the favour of the Sun.
• Speaking truth is a noble virtue. Inculcate the habit of speaking Truth. This will
appease the Sun.
• On an Amavasya day (No Moon Day), keep Mounavrat (Total Silence). This
can be repeated as many times as you desire to get the grace of the Sun more
and more.
• Spare some time every morning for reciting Sun's Vedic mantra.
• Religiously recite Sun's Beej (Seed) Mantra as often as possible.
• Wear ruby on your ring finger. Initially wear it on a Sunday & later continue to
wear it.

The Sun, according to the Vedas, is the parent of all existing phenomena in the
solar system. He is the ruler of all the planets that rotate around him. The Sun is
considered to be the soul of Kala Purusha (Kala = time, Purusha = being; combined,
it means the being that binds himself to Time).
Its colored is bloodred, its nature is bile-dominated, and it is the lord of the direction East.
It is the ruler of the zodiacal sign, Leo, and is exalted in the sign Aries, debilitated in Libra, and exiled in Aquarius. The Moon, Mars, and Jupiter are its natural friends, and Venus, Saturn, Rahu (dragon’s head, or the north node of the Moon), and Ketu (dragon’s tail, the south node of the Moon) are its natural enemies. Nakshatras Kritika, Uttra Phalguni, and Uttra Khad are ruled by the Sun.
The Sun gives us vitality and the power of resistance and immunity. It is responsible
for our physical makeup – the body’s constitution. The Sun gives life force, the
power of will, intellect, brilliance, prosperity, success in worldly affairs, wealth,
personal, conduct, activity, cheerfulness, good fortune, wisdom, ambition, fame, the
understanding of the phenomenal world, and the knowledge of medicine. It also
governs our relationship with temples and holy places.
The human spine is specially influenced by the Sun. Pingala Nadi, which represents
the Sun, originates at the base of the spine on the right side, is solar in nature, and terminates in the right nostril. The Sun is connected with the right eye in men and the left eye in women. The Sun rules the heart, liver, lungs, head (brain), nerves, and bones.
The Sun also represents kings, government officials, rich and famous people,
personnel of royal families. Gemologists, artists, dramatists, jewelers, and creative
people. Copper is its metal but it rules over gold, almonds, peanuts, coconut,
mustard seeds, wool, red flowers, red sandalwood, and what in India are called
“red” cows. It shows its influence from twelve to twenty-four years of age.
An afflicted and ill-aspected Sun gives low and high blood pressure, indigestion,
jaundice, cholera, fever, diabetes, appendicitis, hemorrhage, cardiac thrombosis,
eruptions on the face, typhoid, tuberculosis, mental problems caused by thinking too
much, diseases of the head, epilepsy, and disorders caused by aggravated bile.

Sun is associated with Health, Pay and Success. A sound mind resides in a sound
body. So, acquire sound health getting Sun's favour, thanks to Sun's influence. Carve
out success through your sound mind. You will obtain through the Sun's grace,
longevity, health, wealth, success in business, occupation etc... we hope and desire

Sun / Surya Mantra to Chant

Aum Hring Hamsah Suryaye Namah Aum
Gemstone for SUN is RUBY(Manik)

Ruby ~ Manik
Ruby is a gemstone of the corundum family and is attractive...
Ruby is a gemstone of the corundum family and is attractive because of its brilliance, if it is crystal clear and transparent. It is found in a variety of crimson and scarlet red colors ranging from pink to a deep ruddy violet color. It has the smooth and delicate luster of clarified butter. The finest quality ruby has a delicate rose color, similar to the eye of a living cuckoo.

Planet : Sun
Cosmic Color : Red
Sign : Leo
Element : Fire
Time : Sunrise
Day : Sunday
Metal : Yellow Gold

Signs of well-placed Gemstone

• Royalty, high position in administration
• Creative, vital, resistant, determined and decisive
• Successful activity, authority
• Cheerful outlook, good fortune, ambition to achieve great heights, brilliance,
optimism, success in worldly affairs

The gemstone helps to prevent the following diseases :

• Hemorrhage, cardiac thrombosis, heated and bilious constitution
• Heart diseases, eye inflammation, low or high blood pressure
• Cerebral meningitis, eruption of the face, typhoid, polypus, epilepsy, bile
complaints, sun-stroke, scorches, diseases of the head


• Brilliance
• Smoothness
• Hardness
• Luster
• Silky or milky inclusions
• Heaviness in weight, high density
• Color, transparent carmine red with bluish tint like pigeon blood
• Transparence
• Regular shape


• Blackish or whitish tint - loss of wealth; bad reputation
• Not homogeneous - brings troubles for father and for self
• Feather - gives bad luck
• Dullness - gives problems with brothers
• Honey color, milky color - destroys animals and pets (Pashudhan)
• Smoky color - divine obstacles, bad luck
• Bluishness in color - gives stomach problems
• Forms similar to shape of trident, triangle, or cross - troubles in having children, bad name, loss of wealth, early death
• Bubbles - makes the gem ineffective
• Brittleness - gives problems in having a son
• Irregular lines inside - domestic quarrels, disturbance
• Dirty - ineffective
• Lack of water and fire (brittle, dull, opaque, lacking glitter) - gives bad luck
• Two colors - restlessness, obstacles, disease, and problems for father and self
• Cracks - gives bad luck
• Spotty (spots of black or honey color) - gives restlessness, problems in having children
• Slit, cavity, hole - bad luck, diseases, weakness
• Flimsiness - gives problems with lightning


• An imitation ruby appears orange when placed under an ultra violet lamp.
• A crack in a real ruby will not shine and will have a zigzag quality, whereas in an
imitation ruby a crack is shiny, straight, and clearly visible.
• If a ruby is placed in cow's milk in a glass jar the milk will appear of rosy color, whereas normally it has a yellowish tint.
• If you place a real ruby in a glass jar, a red hue of light will be seen to emit from the jar.
• Bubbles in a real ruby are rarely found, they are not round and have the same color as the gem, but in an imitation stone bubbles are round, bare, white, and sometimes
• If a ruby is placed in a silver plate and seen in sunlight the plate will reflect a reddish tint.
• A real ruby is heavier and denser than an imitation or a similar stone.
• If pearls are put together with a real ruby in a silver plate and placed in sunlight, the silver plate will appear blackish, the pearls will have a red hue, and the ruby will shine like the Sun.
• Layers of a real ruby are linear and straight, whereas in an imitation they are circular.
• A real ruby continues shining after it has been x-rayed, but an imitation shines only as long as the source of light is shining on it.
• A ruby will appear dark red from one angle and pale when viewed from the other side.
• If you place a real ruby on an unopened lotus bud it will open up and become a
blossoming lotus in a short time.
• If the silky spot, which remains stationary, has bluish tint and does not emit flickering light, the gem is an imitation.
• The color in a natural real ruby is not uniform, whereas in an imitation the color is homogeneous.
• A real ruby, when placed on the eyelids, remains cool longer than an imitation does
because of its compact molecular structure. A piece of glass or imitation gem, that is, a synthetic ruby, gets warm quickly.


A ruby should be bought on a Sunday, Monday, or Thursday in the ascending moon cycle. It should be bought, set, and worn when the Sun is in Leo and it is Pushya Nakshatra. If the nakshatra is not Pushya, then the nakshatras ruled by the Sun, i.e., Kritika, UttraPhalguni, and Uttrashad, are also suitable for it. The stone should be given to the jeweler on the same day and should be set and polished on the same days as mentioned above. The stone should be mounted in an open backed ring made of a mixture of gold and copper and the gemstone should touch the skin of the wearer's finger.
The best time to wear a ruby ring is sunrise. Before wearing, the ring should be kept for some time in raw cow's milk and should be washed with Ganga water (if available) or water kept in a copper pot or rainwater. After it has been washed, the ring should be kept on a red cloth, on which a sun yantra is drawn with either red sandalwood paste or roli or a mixture of turmeric powder. The person who wants to wear the
ring can do the rituals himself. The ring should be placed in front of the idol or engraved copper yantra made in gold, on the red cloth on which the numerical yantra of the sun is drawn.
Flowers and incense should be offered to the engraved copper yantra and the yantra and the gemstone mounted in the ring should be worshiped, reciting the mantra of the sun god.


Aum Hring Hamsah Suryaye Namah Aum

The Mantra should be recited 108 times. Then the wearer should meditate on the gemstone and wear the ring on the ring finger of the right hand.
The yantra to be drawn on red cloth with red sandalwood paste or roli is as follows :

Sun / Surya

The following yantra written with red sandalwood paste or roli, engraved on a copper plate should be placed on the cloth asana :

A ring worn by the above methods brings good luck, peace, and prosperity.

How to Influence Stars and Planets


GEMS have made lives of many individuals happier and more successful. Gemstones according to vedic astrology and also with modern science relevance have both positive and negative impact on the wearer. Gemstones and Vedic astrology affect every aspect of one’s life be it any. Gemstones can have extraordinary effects on us spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, and financially. In fact wearing the appropriate gem does wonders in solving problems, protects from evil influences of planets and enhances their beneficial effect. Worn as pendants and rings, gemstones can help us unlock our potential as human beings by expanding our level of consciousness, calming our stress levels, and infusing our dreams with healing energies.


There are so many gemstones but only nine are considered as ‘precious gems’ these are called ‘nav ratnas’. These nine gemstones are given great importance in vedic astrology. These nine gemstones and planets they are related to namely;
1.Ruby Sun
2.Diamond Venus
3.Emerald mercury
4.Yellow sapphire Jupiter
5.blue sapphire Saturn
6.Gomeda Rahu
7.Pearl Moon
8.Cat’s eye Ketu
9.Coral Mars
Of all these gems, only pearl and coral are taken out from the ocean, while cat’s eye, gomeda, yellow sapphire, blue sapphire, emerald, ruby, are mined from the earth.
These gemstones should be set in rings or pendants to enable the planetary rays to pass right through the gem into our body.


Gemstone colours result from extra added or trapped atoms within the molecular structure of the stone. Atoms, which make up all matter, produce vibrations. Consequently, humans, light, sound, minerals, and colour emit vibrations produced by their unique atomic make-up. Although they all vibrate at different frequencies, nevertheless their vibrations interact with one another. Many people don’t realize that colour is a form of energy, one that you perceive with your eyes but that also exists and affects you on many levels besides the visual. When light passes through a prism, a rainbow of seven colours appears, each projected ray has a specific wavelength and vibration. The lowest and longest vibration on the spectrum is red, which is followed by increasingly shorter rays of orange, yellow, green, blue and indigo, ending with violet that is the highest frequency-vibrating colour. The rays on the lower end of the spectrum have earth-oriented properties and are associated with physical world energies such as self-survival and preservation, self-worth, sexuality, and courage. The upper-spectrum colours correspond to the higher aspects of unconditional love, communication and spiritual enlightenment.
We are surrounded by a “sea of energy” which is invisible, boundless and in perfect order. This energy is called "Prana” in the Hindu tradition and “Chi” in the Chinese tradition. We can ultimately affect the health of our physical bodies, as well as our emotional, mental, and spiritual states, by changing the energy field surrounding the body. Gemstones can be used to augment chakra energies by acting as amplifiers when brought into contact with the human body. By rotating at different speeds, the chakras release energies and fill our bodies with precious life forces. Our chakras can sometimes become clogged however; thereby their rotation slows down, which in turn disrupts our body’s energy system. The use of gemstones can balance these energy points, strengthening the aura and promoting health, happiness, well-being, and prosperity.

Hence we can see that Planets bestow benefits and cause ill effects as are aspected in the Rashi. Indian mythology affords ample proof of these. To optimize beneficial results and to mitigate ill effects, our great seers and learned ancestors have worked out prescriptions. Now you see what they are and what they can do for you.
Now next post onwards you will see characteristics and influence of each planet, its gemstone and the effects of these gemstone on the wearer.

Pisces / Meena Rashi

Master Planet : Jupiter / Guru
Rashi Letter's : Di, Dee ,Du, Doo ,Tha ,Jha, Ja ,Ana ,De, Day, De ,Do, Dau ,Cha ,Chi, Chee
This Rashi comprises of the last charan of Poorvabhadrapada, complete Uttara-bhadrapada and Revti Nakshatras. The persons under this sign have good qualities like truthfulness, innocence, logical thinking and love for mankind. They are dwarf-heighted,have small parts of body and beautiful nose,are lazy by nature but versatile, ardent lovers of pleasure, good writers. They easily trust people. They have simple life. They face dangers in early life and are sometimes courageous and at times timid. They develop friendship with leading and popular people. They do work after meticulously pondering over matters and issues.
They drink more water. They commonly become popular because of their easygoing
nature. They tend to be more emotional rather than rational. They have limited
concentration and will power. They are gifted with commanding and impressive
personality. They sensibly divide their time between work and rest. They are idle
and careless, sometimes dishonest in their dealings.
They are afraid of sins. They have good speculative power. They earn large sums
all of a sudden in life. They are calm and cool by nature and earn by dint of their
own efforts in life. They travel a lot and have many children.
They are unprejudiced, frank, tolerant, quick-witted, practical, intuitive and
imaginative. They inherit property but face litigation, sometimes of disputes in the
process of inheritance. They are patients of arthritis, stomach ailments, heart and
eye diseases. They start earning at 20-21 years of their age.

Adverse Years : 8, 13, 36, 48
Favourable Years : 6, 12, 24, 39, 56

Aquarius / Kumbh Rashi

Master Planet : Saturn / Sani
Rashi Letter's : Gu, Goo, Ghu ,Gey, Gay, Ghe ,Go, Gau, Gho ,Sa, Sha ,Si, See, Shi, Shee ,Su, Soo, Shu, Shoo ,Say, Shaa ,So, Sho

This Rashi sign consists of last two charans of Dhanishta ,Shatbhisha complete and
the first three charans of Poorvabhadrapada Nakshatras. Aquarians are lovers of
personal freedom. The height of the body is dwarf or medium. The forehead is small
and face less attractive. They are imaginative, serious and spiritual in nature. Their back is wide and sound. They are behaviourists, kind and helpful. They tend to hide their character and are attracted to the opposite sex.
They do not make friends easily but like the friends they have. They are afraid of
sins. They acquire friends of higher status and caliber.
They are of fair complexion and have fatty fore and hind limbs. They are emotional
and cannot see the adversities of others. They are affected with headaches,
indigestion and stomach irregularities. They are theists and believe in religious
values. They are attached to their spouses and are called gentlemen. They have to
travel for their livelihood and usually have more than one source of income.
They are unprejudiced, frank, tolerant, quick-witted, practical, intuitive and
imaginative. They inherit property but face litigation, sometimes of disputes in the
process of inheritance.

Adverse Years : 2, 28, 33, 48
Favourable Years : 11, 25, 35, 46, 56

Capricorn / Makara Rashi

Master Planet : Saturn / Sani
Rashi Letter's : Bho, Bhau ,Ja ,Ji, Jee, Jhi ,Khi, Khee ,Khu, Khoo ,Khey, Khay ,Kho, Khau ,Ga ,Gi, Gee, Ghee

This Rashi sign comprises of the first three charans of Uttarashad, Shravan
complete and two charans of Dhanishta Nakshatras. The people under this sign are
thin in body, long-necked and have thin teeth. They have hard hair on their scalp.
They have strong bones. Sharpened chin is usually noticeable. They are stable and
serious in nature. They set high standards for themselves. Sometimes their private
and social lives are different. They are critical in nature and even do not spare
themselves in criticism.
They are slow workers but work confidently only. They are usually seen having large
families. They are usually not sensitive about means but aim at the end only.
They are introverts and are reserved in nature. They are highly ambitious and try
utmost to acquire higher status in life. Their will power is strong. They are
disappointed when they fail to achieve the goal they aspire set goal in their life. The seers and sages are also found under this sign. They may have to face rivalry and
strong enmity in life. They are showy sometimes. Rise in destiny is marked at 32-33
years of age. They develop ailments associated with allergies, hypertension and

Adverse Years : 5, 13, 27, 36, 57, 62, 67, 72
Favourable Years : 10, 20, 34, 55, 65

Sagittarius / Dhanu Rashi

Master Planet : Jupiter / Guru
Rashi Letter's : Ye ,Yo, Yho ,Bha ,Bhi, Bhee ,Bhu, Bhoo ,Dha ,Pha, Fa,Dhaa, Dhha ,Bhe, Bhay

This Rashi sign is made up of full Nakshatras of Mool and Poorvashada and the first
charan of Uttarashadha. The people under this sign are men of principle, following
their religion. They are the nucleus of their families, earning for all.
They have great potentials, happy and lucky attitude towards life. They are
enterprising, logical, leaders, have healthy attitude towards life. They gain popularity through their actions and intelligence. They are optimistic, truthful and generous.
They are loyal, independent, modest, and virtuous. They attain their goals in life.
They are usually born in rich families and do not acquire riches by their efforts.
They have long faces and necks and other parts of body attractive but conspicuous.
They are soft-spoken and quite popular. They stick to their friendship. They are
courageous but tolerant. They lose their hair of their head early. They work without
thinking of fruits. Even if they are traders they are honest. They are quick to anger; are more idealistic and dominating. They attain rise of destiny at the age of 22-23 years.

Adverse Years : 2, 10, 18, 31, 38, 42
Favourable Years : 9, 18, 36, 45, 54

Scorpio / Vrischik Rashi

Master Planet : Mars / Mangal
Rashi Letter's : To, Tho ,Na, Nau ,Ni, Nee ,Nu, Noo ,Ne, Nay ,No, Nau ,Ya,Yi, Yee ,Yu, Yoo

The scorpions are quite serious in nature mixed with a blend of jealousy. The sign
comprises of the last charan of Vishakha, full Anuradha and Jyeshta Nakshatras.
The people with this sign are trustworthy, honest, truthful and sincere. They have
big teeth, big jaws, fair complexion, medium height and fat body. They are of
medium height and possess fat body appearance.
They are short tempered, self-confident and courageous people. They normally
seek jobs associated with chemicals, army and technology. They are also
successful in business. They are violent and do not care for repercussions in
scuffles and trifles. They sometimes harm their health by addictions. They use rough
language and are straightforward in their speech. They do and finish their work quite
fast but irritate others by their nature.
They speak less but believe more in action. They are learned, intelligent, and helpful to others and do social work. They may have a thick nose but are attractive. They believe in religion. They are repellent to opposite sex. The early stages of their lives are usually marked with hardships, but destiny shines to them between 32-35 of their age.
They are clever in earning. They don't have good relations with their brothers and
sisters. They may have scars on hands and legs. They are impatient and love rituals
more than truth. Though they are outspoken, a soft heart within them worries about
children usually surrounding them.

Adverse Years : 11, 28, 38, 52, 62
Favourable Years : 8, 23, 32, 44, 64

Libra / Tula Rashi

Master Planet : Venus / Shukra
Rashi Letter's : Ra, Rha ,Ri, Ree, Rhi ,Ru, Roo, Rhu ,Rey, Ray, Rhe ,Ro, Rau, Rho, Rhau ,Ta ,Tii,Tee, Thee, Thii ,Tu, Thu, Tho ,Te, The, Tay
The Librans are usually thin and tall. They have conspicuous veins. This sign includes the last two charans of Chitra, Swati and three charans of Vishakha
They are logical with their nature and are dominated by balance and harmony. They are sensitive, curious, will - principled, gentle, critical, good in perception, but are
intolerant. Charming and easily mixing with people around are their sterling
qualities. They are pious and spiritual. They are logical and as such balance all their deeds and relations with logic.
They speak less but believe more in action. They are learned, intelligent, and helpful to others and do social work. They may have a thick nose but are attractive. They believe in religion. They are repellent to opposite sex. The early stages of their lives are usually marked with hardships, but destiny shines to them between 32-35 of their age.
Great people help them. They are likely to have skin disorders like boils etc. They
impress people effortlessly. They are prone to kidney diseases. They marry usually
rich spouse. They come up in life in their native place itself.

Virgo / Kanya Rashi

Master Planet : Mercury / Budh
Rashi Letter's : To, Tau ,Pa, Pha ,Pi, Pee, Phi ,Pu, Poo, Phu ,Sha ,Ana, Ane, Na ,Th ,Pe, Pay, Pha ,Po, Pau, Pho

Virgoans are shy and sensitive. They usually walk with a
curved neck. Smiling is a peculiar sign of their nature.
They are practical, intelligent and love refinement in life.
This sign is made up of the last three charans of uttara phalguni, Hasta, and the first two charans of Chitra Nakshatras.
The persons with the influence have lively smiling faces, and carefree gait. They are
lazy and lethargic by nature. They are slow workers also. They have shrill voice.
They sometimes lose luster of body.
They are intelligent, middle-heighted. They are artisans by nature. They are
observant, patient, sensible, studious, soft spoken, and logical. They do not reveal
their secrets. They are shrewd but discrete.
They fall victims to stomach ailments like diarrhoea, loose motions, stomach aches.
Allergy of skin is also their ailment.
Travel is their favourite passion. They seldom lose temper. Lottery, speculation is
their taste .Usually they shift from their place of birth .They acquire estate or
property at the fag end of life.

Adverse Years : 4, 16, 23, 36, 55
Favourable Years : 10, 15, 25, 39, 53, 66

Leo / Simha Rashi

Master Planet : Sun / Surya
Rashi Letter's : Ma ,Mi, Mee ,Mu, Moo ,May, Me ,Mo, Mau ,Ta ,Ti, Tee,Tu, Too ,Te, Tay

This rashi includes complete Magha, Poorva Phalguni and
first charan of Uttara Phalguni. The people of this sign are
courageous, tall in height and have powerful physique and
broad chest. They possess impressive and commanding
personality. They are born with leadership qualities and
have magnetic power of attraction.
They have reddish complexion. They have strong bones, broad forehead, beautiful
eyes and big nose. They are ambitious and have dominating nature. They seek
such occupations like military, police services or administrative services.
They are proud, pious and clean hearted. They get fewer results for their deeds but
are never disappointed. They love travels of hills and are adventurous. They like fast driving and fast moving vehicles. They achieve rise in destiny very late sometimes above 30 yrs of age. They have small families. Their pitch of voice is high. They are ambitious, autocratic, independent, strong-willed, suspicious, violent, ill tempered and jealous. They are strong and rough towards their subordinates.

Adverse Years : 5, 13, 28, 36, 48
Favourable Years : 10, 15, 25, 39, 53, 66

Cancer / Karka Rashi

Master Planet : Moon / Chandra
Rashi Letter's ::Hi, He ,Hu, Hoo ,Hey, Hay ,Ho, Hau ,Da, Dha ,Di, Dee, Dhe ,Du, Doo, Dhu ,De, Day, Dha ,Do, Dho

The persons under the influence of cancer sign are sensitive, conservative. They
are introverts. They love occult science. They are sympathetic, energetic and
imaginative. They usually live outside their native place. The sign includes last
charans of Punarvasu, full Pushya and full Aashlesha Nakshatras.
They are water lovers. They like natural scenery. They love traveling and roaming.
Their upper jaws are usually big. They possess round face and long organs of body.
They are brisk in walking; they are fearless and somewhat rough in talks but are
straightforward. They love the opposite sex. Sometimes are bigamous. They are
inventive and intuitive and are hurt easily. They are obstinate, non-emotional and
show less hospitality and quite often are sentimental.
They are slow workers. They have protruding hips and have slanted vision sight.
They obtain quick gains of their company. They also acquire inherited property.
They love luxuries in life and are usually pious people. They are prone to gastric
aliments. They love fine arts like drama, music, acting etc.
They are showy people. They often catch diseases. They have soft bones and are
good critics. They are highly prone to chest and lung infections. They have moles,
scars, warts etc., on the left side of their body.

Adverse Years : 5, 25, 40, 48, 62
Favourable Years : 4 , 16, 32, 36, 54

Gemini / Mithun Rashi

Gemini / Mithun Rashi
Master Planet : Mercury / Budh
Rashi Letter's: Ka, Ca ,Ki, Ke ,Ku, Cu, Koo, Coo ,Gha ,Yan ,Cha, Chh,Kay, Kew ,Ko, co ,Ha

The persons with Gemini sign have small face, pointing towards chin. They may
possess dual nature. They have effective personality, depicting their intelligence,
judicious and humane nature. Their nature is versatile, imaginative, pleasant,
thoughtful and adaptable. This rashi sign covers the last two charans of Mrigshira;
complete Ardra and first three charans of Punarvasu Nakshatras.
The people of this sign usually have thin physique, are tall in height, medium
complexion, dark eyes, thin hair. They are generally soft-spoken, with good power of
oration. They are learned people with good command of language. They use
phrases frequently while talking. They lean while walking. They have pointed nose
and long organs of the body.
They are fast at work. They advance their logic in talk, conversations. They love
change and possess foresightedness. As a rule, they are short tempered but cool
down quite easily. They can consistently work without feeling fatigue, which
adversely affects their health. They get help from friends and relatives. They are
more passionate towards sex. They learn quickly the traits of their service or
occupation and are usually successful. They usually have big families. They are
prone to addictions. They are comedians by nature. Professions of Engineering,
architecture or apparel are of their taste. They are religious. They rise quite late in their lives. They are prone to cold and eye diseases. They have poor digestive

Adverse Years : 1, 3, 6, 8, 33, 44, 52, 61
Favourable Years : 2, 10, 16, 18, 20, 22, 36, 40, 56

Taurus / Vrishabh Rashi

Master Planet : Venus / Shukra
Rashi Letter's: I, Ee, Ei, Eh ,U, Oo ,Ae, Ai, E ,Oh, Ou ,Va, Ba ,Bee, Bi, Vee, Wee, Vi, Wi ,Vu, Voo, Wu, Bu, Boo, Woo ,Vey, Vay,
Way, Wey, Be, Bay, Veh, Weh, Beh ,Vo, Wo, Bo

The person of this sign possesses charming physique with a medium height, have
sparkling teeth, fair complexion, attractive face and beautiful eyes. This rashi
comprises of the later three charans of Krittika, complete Rohini and the first two
charans of Mrigshira Nakshatras.
The people under this sign have sound physique, thick neck and round face. They
have curly hair; they may have distinctive image scar on their face. They are
labourious and steady but slow workers. They are nurtures of old traditions and
They seldom lose temper, but when they do so they don't care for the
repercussions. They seldom seek the advice of others. They are pleasure lovers
and possess serious nature. They make friends easily and are behaviour efficient.
Whatever they do, they do efficiently and with total self-confidence. They love music
and adore jewellery and fine clothes.
They have regulated habits and possess remarkable tolerance power. They are
devotees of respectable people and are obedient to their parents. They acquire
riches and develop qualities. They may suffer a lot in the early age of their lives but gradually in the middle age and later in life, they acquire luxuries. They believe in religion and run their family with noble principles. They love travel and have aptitude for purchase and selection of things. They have good power of digestion. They areprone to cold, cough and diseases. They seldom fall sick. They have worry free nature. They feel happy in every situation to which they adapt themselves easily.

Adverse Years : 1, 3, 6, 8, 33, 44, 52, 61

Favourable Years : 2, 10, 16, 18, 20, 22, 36, 40, 56

Aries/Mesh Rashi

Master Planet : Mars / Mangal
Starting Letter's: Chu, Choo ,Che, Chay ,Cho ,La, Lha ,Li, Lee, Lhi ,Lu, Loo, Lhu ,Le, Lay ,Lo ,A

The persons born under Aries sign have a bit dark complexioned face, eyes
somewhat brown, dwarf or medium height, sturdy and strong body, long neck and
they talk cleverly. This rashi includes Ashwini, Bharani and first Charan of Krittika
The persons of this sign as a rule are solitary by nature; they have smiling faces and are less spoken. They are brisk walkers. They have thin teeth in the lower jaw,
upper jaw may sometimes have long teeth protruding out of the mouth. Anger
reflects from their faces. They have ample travels and frequent transfers from place
to place in life. Service or business they acquire has touring feature. Usually they
may have bleeding teeth. They possess limited intelligence. They prefer to work
under directions and guidance from others. Their eyes acquire red or pale colour.
They have scars on forehead or face. They are temperamental in nature and are
prone to fevers and blood diseases. They may have some skin diseases or are
prone to them. They have large eyes and rough hair.
They are usually short tempered and impatient in nature. They are ambitious,
courageous and vigilant for self-respect. They shape their own destiny by dint of
struggle and hard work. They are straight forward, generous and lovers of freedom.
They are practical at work and work for welfare in many areas of the social fabric.
They may have weak knees and are allergic to suffocation of closed chambers.
Many of them are water phobic. They like to stick to the profession or job they do.
They may sometimes be acknowledged as friend offenders in the society because
they don't open up with their likes and dislikes. They usually have fewer children.
They are gluttonous.

Adverse Years : 1, 3, 6, 8, 15, 21, 36, 40, 45, 56, 63
Favourable Years : 16, 20, 28, 34, 41, 48, 51