Why the Moon ?
In the north Indian style of birth charts if the Moon is a house other than the lagna, two different charts are prepared to do readings, first from the lagna and then from the Moon. In the south Indian chart two charts need not to be prepared but the same scientific approach is adopted.
Why then is so much importance is given to the Moon must be understoodd.
1. The lagna is the body, and physical body.
2. Six divisional horoscopes are its six limbs, which are –
a. The birth horoscope is for the study of physical, general and broad
understanding of a man’s personality.
b. Hora which is a two fold division of a horoscope is to be seen for wealth, though it has some other uses also.
c. Dreshkona (Drekkana) is one third division of a horoscope for finding out mainly
about brothers and sisters though it has a wide variety of uses.
d. Navamsha or the one-ninth division of a horoscope for seeing the subtle, hidden
planetary stories but is used mainly for marital and relationship problems.
e. Dwadashamsha or the One-twelfth division is used to know about parents,
though it has most extraordinary uses of other kinds also.
f. Trimsamsha, one thirtieth division (actually five divisions) for misfortune, though it reveals a wealth of details about one’s talents also.
3. Other planets, i.e. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are the
flesh and blood of the body.
4. The Moon is the life-force and
5. The Sun is the soul.
To do astrology without seeing the very great role of the Moon in it is to do autopsy, not astrology, of a horoscope.
The great Vedic seers knew all about it and have used the Moon in so many ways
that it will need the efforts of a life-time to comprehend them and use them fully. No astrologer knows the full uses of the Moon in a horoscope. But a sound Hindu
astrologer knows the great importance of the Moon and knows that it is the life force
of the horoscope.
The Approach
To understand the role of the Moon in a horoscope, one must first understand broad
and general category for the psychological understanding of a personality.
Then understand it again in a less broad but general way by using the birth-star.
After that should come the manifold specific influence of the Moon in a horoscope
through microscopic views.
Broad Understanding of Moon's Influence in different Houses
The psychological influences generated by the Moon in different houses starting from
Mesha (Aries) must be understood first.
Moon in Mesha (Aries)
1. Quick moving and observant eyes (not steady on one object at one time).
2. Susceptibility to sickness is apparent.
3. Has the tendency to observe some religious norms.
4. His thighs are generally thicker.
5. Sense of gratitude is less.
6. Saves himself from sinning.
7. Has enough dynamism to win recognition in high circles.
8. Will be happy to make his spouse happy.
9. Is afraid of water.
10. Has clear tendency to be rash, over-dynamic.
11. Calms down in old age.
Moon in Vrisha (Taurus)
1. Inclinations to enjoy life’s gifts are strong.
2. Tendency to gift away things is apparent in his actions.
3. Generally his heart is pure as his emotions are noble.
4. Efficiency in the performance of duty is notable.
5. Can even have a very high level of spritual purity.
6. Makes generally a strong personal presence.
7. Prosperity comes to him easily.
8. Believes in good living and enjoyments.
9. Will have something magnetic about himself.
10. Has a wide circle of good friends.
Moon in Mithuna (Gemini)
1. His speech habits are pleasant.
2. Will have quick moving and observant eyes.
3. Has a sympathetic heart.
4. Is keen on enjoying life sexually.
5. Has musical, artistic gifts.
6. Is prone to develop diseases around the neck.
7. Desires to be well-known.
8. Wants to be prosperous.
9. Has notable intellectual gifts.
10. Will have bright complexion.
11. Will have more than normal height.
12. Has clever speech habits.
13. Generally strong-willed.
14. Efficient in the performance of duties.
15. Loves to be just in all situations.
Moon in Karka (Cancer)
1. Is like a voluntary worker.
2. Likes to be rich.
3. Likes to induge in bravado.
4. Has religious tendencies.
5. Serves his guru.
6. Tendency to develop problems like headaches.
7. Very clever in his dealings.
8. Understands the inner meaning of some rituals.
9. Likes to go on long journeys.
10. Loses all sense of proportion when he loses his temper.
11. Weakminded.
12. Develops a tendency to get dejected.
13. Likes to strike friendship with important persons.
14. In his own house, develops his own style.
Moon in Simha (Leo)
1. Has a forgiving disposition.
2. Likes to accept challenges and face them.
3. Becomes unhappy easily.
4. Likes to eat food with less sense of discrimination.
5. Likes to wander from place to place.
6. Fears cold.
7. Likes to have good friends.
8. Apparently humble but gets angry very quickly.
9. Respects his parents.
10. Has generally some addiction.
11. Nurses the desire to be famous.
Moon in Kanya (Virgo)
1. Believes in enjoying life.
2. Gives utmost respect to good men and deals with them with pleasant manners.
3. Is generally good looking or at least dresses himself up tastefully toappear
4. His religious inclinations are transparent.
5. Believes in charity.
6. Clever in many dealings.
7. Has poetic talent.
8. Loves to stick to spiritual path.
9. Is loving and lovable.
10. Almost gets addicted to music and dances.
11. Likes to live in a place other than his birth place.
12. Generally is ill-adjusted in his marriage.
Moon in Tula (Libra)
1. Has the tendency to lose temper on wrong occasions.
2. Tendency to be detached and therefore sometimes, unhappy.
3. Soft and cultured in his speech.
4. Very kind mostly and therefore gets cheated.
5. His kindness makes him prosperous sometimes and also almost impoverished.
6. Asserts himself rarely, either at home or outside.
7. His eyes and pupils will have rare mobility.
8. Most sincerely spiritual, with no sense of hypocrisy.
9. If he takes to business of financial advicing, is very imaginative and balanced.
10. Loves and honours bonds of friendships.
11. Has almost an insatiable wander-lust.
Moon in Vrishchika (Scorpio)
1. Develops the tendency to move from place to place very early in life.
2. If he fails to exercise self-control may fall into life’s temptations very easily.
3. Eyes develop yellowish colour.
4. If unchecked, covets the wives of other persons.
5. Is rather haughty.
6. Is cruel even with his own kith and kin.
7. Does not mind becoming unscruplous in earning money.
8. Has little love for his own mother.
9. Knows most of the tricks of cheating.
Moon in Dhanu (Sagittarius)
1. Is brave.
2. Loves truth.
3. Has good qualities.
4. Would like to promote love and peace.
5. Loves prosperity.
6. Has a liking for beautiful women.
7. Respects his mother.
8. Is generous in donating money.
9. Employs many servants.
10. Has histrionic talents.
11. Develops corpulence.
12. Has the dangerous habit of destroying a flourishing family or an institution.
Moon in Makar (Capricorn)
1. Is generally not respected in his own family and develops complexes very early.
2. If in love, can listen to the advice of women more.
3. Has very scholarly tastes.
4. Is very clear in his preference for the non-traditional music and disciplines.
5. Succeeds in winning the respect of beautiful women.
6. Gets rich in very practical ways.
7. Has charitable tendencies.
8. Has good servants to help him.
9. Is kindhearted.
10. Is generally family-loving man.
11. Is worried about his own happiness.
Moon in Kumbha (Aquarius)
1. Has an innate sense of charity.
2. Tendency to be indolent is what he must overcome.
3. Is generally very helpful.
4. His desire to surround himself with wealth and other types of luxuries is very
5. Has impressive eyes.
6. Is mostly courteous.
7. Can work hard to be a scholar or to be rich
8. Earns good name for good deeds and loving nature.
9. Believes in spending the money earned by himself.
10. Is generally courageous.
Moon in Meena (Pisces)
1. Is self-controlled and dignified.
2. Has the capacity to be valorous.
3. Is tactful in speech.
4. Has inborn leadership qualities.
5. Gets angry quickly.
6. Has fear of spending money lavishly.
7. Has sterling qualities.
8. Is loved by his own family members.
9. Is very truly spiritual.
10. Has a tendency to walk quickly.
11. Can develop musical talents.
12. Is respected because of good conduct.
This is the most basic psycho-analytical framework with which a Hindu astrologer
should start. These should not be applied literally as they undergo at least twenty
modifications. Let one such instance of modification be given here.
For Mesha Lagna with the Moon: As the fourth lord in the lagna has a good mother
and other domestic comforts.
For Vrisha Lagna with the Moon: Loves to be spiritual but is negligent of serious
For Mithuna Lagna with the Moon: Has a tendency to grow rich, can be obstinate,
and does lot of work for others.
For Karka Lagna with Moon: Will be healthy, brave, very fickle and loves to move in
the company of the opposite sex.
For Simha Lagna with the Moon: Spendthrift, does bad planning as a result of which
loses money.
For Kanya Lagna with the Moon: Rich, good natured, poet, equanimous and is always
anxious to grow rich.
For Tula Lagna with the Moon: Is a born scholar, has many good qualities, sickly in
childhood but later happy and becomes prosperous.
For Vrishchika Lagna with the Moon: Is generally lucky, is handsome, scholarly and is
liked both by the rich and the poor.
For Dhanu Lagna with the Moon: Has generally less longevity of life, is weak, has
thieving tendencies and is ungrateful to his preceptors.
For Makar Lagna with the Moon: Is addicted to extra-marital affairs, is very clever
and is prone to sickness.
For Kumbha Lagna with the Moon: Has a bad health, earns fame, is courageous but
does not get on well with people generally.
For Meena Lagna with the Moon: Is miserly, scheming but scholarly and has the
tendency to cheat others of money.
Now apply to the Moon the full Memory Tablet - PAC and DARES. There are already
now nine modifications.
Go into the subtle meaning of the birth star in which the Moon is positioned.
Examine the Moon in the other five divisional charts, Hora, Drekkanna, Navamsha,
Dwadamsha and Thrimsamsha.
There are subtler uses of the Moon in each horoscope which alone will be around
If even some of these are well understood and applied the entire psycho-analytical
structure will open out. All this cannot be done in one hour or even one day.
Uttermost caution is to be exercised if the Moon is in the last degrees of Meena or
early degrees of Mesha, If in the last degrees of Karka and early degrees of Simha,
and if in the last degree of Vrischika and early degrees of Dhanu. These are known
as gandanta areas and have many hidden dangers.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
R (Rajayogas)
After "D" and "A" we now come to "R" which represents Rajayogas or planetary
combinations for rise in one’s work, job, avocation or profession. There are many
ways of examining it. The simplest principle is to see the combination of the lords of trikonas (trines) and kendras (quadrants). First remember the following three points:
1. It has been stated earlier that trines are known as Lakshmi sthanas or houses of
2. It has also been stated the quadrants are Vishnu sthanas or the houses of
3. It has also been stated that the lagna lord is the lord both of the trikona and the kendra.
Therefore the Rajayogas for each horoscope will have to be seen thus.
1. Lagna lord and the fourth lord.
2. Lagna lord and the fifth lord.
3. Lagna lord and the seventh lord.
4. Lagna lord and the ninth lord.
5. Lagna lord and the tenth lord.
6. The fourth lord and the fifth lord.
7. The fourth lord and the ninth lord.
8. The fifth lord and the seventh lord.
9. The fifth lord and the tenth lord.
10. The ninth lord and the seventh lord.
11. The ninth lord and the tenth lord.
Importance of the Navamsha
In Hindu Astrology what is apparent in the birth horoscope may improve or
deteriorate in the navamsha. It is never safe to make any prediction without using
the navamsha. So we will go deeper from here onwards.
Modern Researches
In industrial times so many new opportunities have opened up before today’s
generations that one can move from one job to another and keep rising higher. Here
the so-called evil houses must have new meaning. What is necessary to stress is not
to undermine the importance of houses other than the kendras and trikonas.
Directional Strength
Out of the six-fold strength of planets popular in Hindu Astrology, we shall make use
only of directional strength here, which is to be seen as follows:
1. Jupiter and Mercury are strong in the lagna.
2. The Moon and Venus are strong in the fourth house.
3. Saturn is strong in the seventh house.
4. The Sun and Mars are strong in the tenth house.
5. Rahu and Ketu in the kendras behave like kendra lords and in trikonas behave like
trikona lords.
Note – Rahu and Ketu in the houses of Jupiter, Dhanu or Meena are generally
good. If they are aspected by Jupiter they acquire beneficence.
Importance of the Dasha
In view of the importance of making careers early in life, it is of utmost important to see what dasha one gets at the right time for achieving what one has achieved. A
check-list is being given here.
1. See what are the Rajayogas in a horoscope, by which what is meant is the
combination of kendra and trikona lords.
2. See whether the planets promising high things in the birth horoscope have
deteriorated in the navamsha or have improved.
3. Look out for new meanings in the changed times in which we are living.
4. Note the planets with directional strength.
5. See what is the mahadasha and antar-dasha or major and sub-periods running at
a given time.
6. Wherever necessary use the sub-sub-period also. Some illustrations will be given
in the book.
7. Last will come transit of planets. To give exaggerated importance to transits is to mistake the feather of a bird for the bird itself.
Note – A planet which remains at the same place as in the birth horoscope is called
vargottama planet also.
8. Therefore add vargottama planets also.
9. Do not forget to examine "A" (arishta) first, before launching into a prediction.
Note – An astrologer is not infallible. Yet a sound and detailed analysis of a
horoscope will give to him a life average of eighty percent correct predictions.
combinations for rise in one’s work, job, avocation or profession. There are many
ways of examining it. The simplest principle is to see the combination of the lords of trikonas (trines) and kendras (quadrants). First remember the following three points:
1. It has been stated earlier that trines are known as Lakshmi sthanas or houses of
2. It has also been stated the quadrants are Vishnu sthanas or the houses of
3. It has also been stated that the lagna lord is the lord both of the trikona and the kendra.
Therefore the Rajayogas for each horoscope will have to be seen thus.
1. Lagna lord and the fourth lord.
2. Lagna lord and the fifth lord.
3. Lagna lord and the seventh lord.
4. Lagna lord and the ninth lord.
5. Lagna lord and the tenth lord.
6. The fourth lord and the fifth lord.
7. The fourth lord and the ninth lord.
8. The fifth lord and the seventh lord.
9. The fifth lord and the tenth lord.
10. The ninth lord and the seventh lord.
11. The ninth lord and the tenth lord.
Importance of the Navamsha
In Hindu Astrology what is apparent in the birth horoscope may improve or
deteriorate in the navamsha. It is never safe to make any prediction without using
the navamsha. So we will go deeper from here onwards.
Modern Researches
In industrial times so many new opportunities have opened up before today’s
generations that one can move from one job to another and keep rising higher. Here
the so-called evil houses must have new meaning. What is necessary to stress is not
to undermine the importance of houses other than the kendras and trikonas.
Directional Strength
Out of the six-fold strength of planets popular in Hindu Astrology, we shall make use
only of directional strength here, which is to be seen as follows:
1. Jupiter and Mercury are strong in the lagna.
2. The Moon and Venus are strong in the fourth house.
3. Saturn is strong in the seventh house.
4. The Sun and Mars are strong in the tenth house.
5. Rahu and Ketu in the kendras behave like kendra lords and in trikonas behave like
trikona lords.
Note – Rahu and Ketu in the houses of Jupiter, Dhanu or Meena are generally
good. If they are aspected by Jupiter they acquire beneficence.
Importance of the Dasha
In view of the importance of making careers early in life, it is of utmost important to see what dasha one gets at the right time for achieving what one has achieved. A
check-list is being given here.
1. See what are the Rajayogas in a horoscope, by which what is meant is the
combination of kendra and trikona lords.
2. See whether the planets promising high things in the birth horoscope have
deteriorated in the navamsha or have improved.
3. Look out for new meanings in the changed times in which we are living.
4. Note the planets with directional strength.
5. See what is the mahadasha and antar-dasha or major and sub-periods running at
a given time.
6. Wherever necessary use the sub-sub-period also. Some illustrations will be given
in the book.
7. Last will come transit of planets. To give exaggerated importance to transits is to mistake the feather of a bird for the bird itself.
Note – A planet which remains at the same place as in the birth horoscope is called
vargottama planet also.
8. Therefore add vargottama planets also.
9. Do not forget to examine "A" (arishta) first, before launching into a prediction.
Note – An astrologer is not infallible. Yet a sound and detailed analysis of a
horoscope will give to him a life average of eighty percent correct predictions.
D. A. R. E. S.
Expanded Memory Tablet
D. A. R. E. S.
Earlier, part of Memory Tablet was given, P.A.C. Now the full Memory Table is being
which I have taught successfully to thousands of students in India and in U.S.A. who
have found it working as a sound methodological analysis. The second half of the
memory tablet is D.A.R.E.S.
D for Dhana or wealth, monetary gains, the lords that should be seen for this are of
the first, second, fifth, ninth and eleventh and of course cords of those houses.
A for Arista or misfortunes of ill health and tragic events. The lords and houses to be seen are the third, sixth, eight and twelfth including the lagna invariably and its lord.
R for Rajayoga or combination for rise professionally and otherwise promise of
distinctions in various fields. The houses and the lords to be seen are the first,
fourth, seventh and tenth and their combinations (PAC) with the lords of the fifth and the ninth houses.
E for Exchange Some horoscopes have some very special features by overlooking
which we astrologers commit serious mistakes.
S for special aspects, if any.
So the full Memory Tablet is P.A.C.D.A.R.E.S.
This is to be applied with the mahadasha and its sub-periods and then transit of
planets of predictions.
Each of the D.A.R.E.S. is being explained now, one by one.
The method evolved here helps one grasp the essentials of horoscope well. It is after
this preliminary exercise has been done, that one should go into details.
A (Arishta or Malefic Influences)
The second letter "A" represents Arishta or malefic effects of planets. Here as
usual, the lagna lord plays the most important role. Next to the lagna lord, the Moon
is important. Then come into play the sixth house and its lord, the eighth house and
its lord and the twelfth house and its lord.
Generally planets are divided into two categories, malefics and benefics. The benefics are Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and the strong Moon (the Moon is neither malefic nor very near the Sun). The malefics are Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu and the Sun. So
against five malefics there are only four benefics, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and the
Moon. Even out of these four benefics, the Moon and Mercury can become ineffective
or even malefic if they are in the company of malefic or come under their influence.
Then retrograde benefics also lose their natural benefic nature.
Checklist for Danger Points
1. Natural malefics are Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu and the Sun.
2. The Moon and Mercury under malefic influences become malefics.
3. Retrograde benefics lose their beneficence particularly if they are aspected by
4. The lagna lord placed in the eighth, sixth or twelfth house is bad for health.
5. The Moon, in childhood, is a danger signal for a child if under malefic influence and even in adulthood or old age if in ill-placed (in the sixth, eighth or the twelfth) house or/and malefic influences.
As usual, the dasha sequence and transit of planets are important in timing such
The Death Inflicting Planets
The lords of the second and seventh houses and planets in the second and the
seventh houses and their dasha periods are the periods to be watched, when
sicknesses and diseases affect an individual. There are many other principles. Here
only a very easy instance is being given. House-wise they are:
For Mesha, Venus as the second and the seventh lord.
For Vrisha, Mercury as the second lord and Mars as the seventh lord are to be
In this way all the death-inflicting planets can be tabulated for all lagnas. For further reading refer to my book, "Astrology, Destiny and the Wheel of Time".
Sound Time Tested Principles
The sound and time-tested principles of good life and health are:
1. Benefics in kendras (in the lagna, the fourth, seventh and tenth houses) and,
2. Malefics in the third, sixth and eleventh houses.
Therefore, before examining any horoscope apply the following check-list.
1. Are there benefics in the kendras?
2. Are there malefics in the third, sixth and eleventh houses?
3. Are lagna lord and the Moon ill placed in the sixth, eighth and twelfth houses.
4. Is the lagna afflicted?
5. Is the lagna lord afflicted?
6. Is the Moon afflicted?
7. Is the mahadasha running along with its sub-period running and the sub-periods
to follow promising recovery for continuing sickness or misfortune?
8. Are malefics in transit harmful?
9. Finally, is the opening dasha and its sub-period itself make that start of someone’s life with ill-health?
D. A. R. E. S.
Earlier, part of Memory Tablet was given, P.A.C. Now the full Memory Table is being
which I have taught successfully to thousands of students in India and in U.S.A. who
have found it working as a sound methodological analysis. The second half of the
memory tablet is D.A.R.E.S.
D for Dhana or wealth, monetary gains, the lords that should be seen for this are of
the first, second, fifth, ninth and eleventh and of course cords of those houses.
A for Arista or misfortunes of ill health and tragic events. The lords and houses to be seen are the third, sixth, eight and twelfth including the lagna invariably and its lord.
R for Rajayoga or combination for rise professionally and otherwise promise of
distinctions in various fields. The houses and the lords to be seen are the first,
fourth, seventh and tenth and their combinations (PAC) with the lords of the fifth and the ninth houses.
E for Exchange Some horoscopes have some very special features by overlooking
which we astrologers commit serious mistakes.
S for special aspects, if any.
So the full Memory Tablet is P.A.C.D.A.R.E.S.
This is to be applied with the mahadasha and its sub-periods and then transit of
planets of predictions.
Each of the D.A.R.E.S. is being explained now, one by one.
The method evolved here helps one grasp the essentials of horoscope well. It is after
this preliminary exercise has been done, that one should go into details.
A (Arishta or Malefic Influences)
The second letter "A" represents Arishta or malefic effects of planets. Here as
usual, the lagna lord plays the most important role. Next to the lagna lord, the Moon
is important. Then come into play the sixth house and its lord, the eighth house and
its lord and the twelfth house and its lord.
Generally planets are divided into two categories, malefics and benefics. The benefics are Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and the strong Moon (the Moon is neither malefic nor very near the Sun). The malefics are Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu and the Sun. So
against five malefics there are only four benefics, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and the
Moon. Even out of these four benefics, the Moon and Mercury can become ineffective
or even malefic if they are in the company of malefic or come under their influence.
Then retrograde benefics also lose their natural benefic nature.
Checklist for Danger Points
1. Natural malefics are Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu and the Sun.
2. The Moon and Mercury under malefic influences become malefics.
3. Retrograde benefics lose their beneficence particularly if they are aspected by
4. The lagna lord placed in the eighth, sixth or twelfth house is bad for health.
5. The Moon, in childhood, is a danger signal for a child if under malefic influence and even in adulthood or old age if in ill-placed (in the sixth, eighth or the twelfth) house or/and malefic influences.
As usual, the dasha sequence and transit of planets are important in timing such
The Death Inflicting Planets
The lords of the second and seventh houses and planets in the second and the
seventh houses and their dasha periods are the periods to be watched, when
sicknesses and diseases affect an individual. There are many other principles. Here
only a very easy instance is being given. House-wise they are:
For Mesha, Venus as the second and the seventh lord.
For Vrisha, Mercury as the second lord and Mars as the seventh lord are to be
In this way all the death-inflicting planets can be tabulated for all lagnas. For further reading refer to my book, "Astrology, Destiny and the Wheel of Time".
Sound Time Tested Principles
The sound and time-tested principles of good life and health are:
1. Benefics in kendras (in the lagna, the fourth, seventh and tenth houses) and,
2. Malefics in the third, sixth and eleventh houses.
Therefore, before examining any horoscope apply the following check-list.
1. Are there benefics in the kendras?
2. Are there malefics in the third, sixth and eleventh houses?
3. Are lagna lord and the Moon ill placed in the sixth, eighth and twelfth houses.
4. Is the lagna afflicted?
5. Is the lagna lord afflicted?
6. Is the Moon afflicted?
7. Is the mahadasha running along with its sub-period running and the sub-periods
to follow promising recovery for continuing sickness or misfortune?
8. Are malefics in transit harmful?
9. Finally, is the opening dasha and its sub-period itself make that start of someone’s life with ill-health?
Useful Information About Rashis
In making predictions about various events the most essential information that must
be made use of is being given in descriptive form partly and in chart-form, partly.
In making subtle predictions, the information is made use of but at an advanced
stage of an astrological career. More than seven decades ago, an old astrologer had
given in writing to a famous Indian not to go to hills for some years. But that could
not be avoided as the Indian had to go there to perform his duties. His car slid down
the hill and he received multiple fractures. That Indian was running the sub-period of a planet in Simha.
Similarly, the rashis are given directions, colour, caste and it is also explained how they rise. The last bit of information about the nature of their rise is made use of for predicting how quickly any work is done when a question is put in prashna astrology (horary) how soon a work will be done or not and whether there is any promise of auspicious results.
Similarly the quality of a rashi, Sattwic (Spirituality) Rajasic (activity) and Tamasic (inertia) is also useful in psychological-spiritual, mental and other characteristics that manifest in the mahadasha and the antardasha running at a given time.
Directions of Planets
East/ South/ North/ West
Sun / Mars / Mercury/ Saturn
South East /South West /North East /North West
Venus /Rahu /Moon /Jupiter

be made use of is being given in descriptive form partly and in chart-form, partly.
In making subtle predictions, the information is made use of but at an advanced
stage of an astrological career. More than seven decades ago, an old astrologer had
given in writing to a famous Indian not to go to hills for some years. But that could
not be avoided as the Indian had to go there to perform his duties. His car slid down
the hill and he received multiple fractures. That Indian was running the sub-period of a planet in Simha.
Similarly, the rashis are given directions, colour, caste and it is also explained how they rise. The last bit of information about the nature of their rise is made use of for predicting how quickly any work is done when a question is put in prashna astrology (horary) how soon a work will be done or not and whether there is any promise of auspicious results.
Similarly the quality of a rashi, Sattwic (Spirituality) Rajasic (activity) and Tamasic (inertia) is also useful in psychological-spiritual, mental and other characteristics that manifest in the mahadasha and the antardasha running at a given time.
Directions of Planets
East/ South/ North/ West
Sun / Mars / Mercury/ Saturn
South East /South West /North East /North West
Venus /Rahu /Moon /Jupiter
The Spirituality Associated With Houses
In delineating the effects of each house, the start should again be made with the
spiritual promise of each house. By each house from the Lagna which is always the
first house. Thus, for a person born with Meena lagna the first house is Meena, the
second house Mesha and the twelfth house Kumbha etc.
Since spiritual astrology is generally kept a secret and astrologers do not pay
attention to it, emphasis should be laid on this aspect both for the spiritual guidance of the person concerned and for preparation for a fine spiritual era into which mankind will enter after 2002 A.D.
The First House
The first house representing oneself, shows the beginning of awareness of spiritual
side of human life. If three or more planets are in the first house, such persons,
inspite of all distractions, can practice self-control with determination, and
From the first house springs the desire to enjoy peace generally and the tendency to
renounce because the first stage of renunciation is physical. To understand it, the
Four Purusharthas of classical Indian tradition should be understood. The first one is Dharma (religious conduct), the second is Artha (the desire to earn money), the
third is the karma to enjoy life physically and the last is Moksha to make efforts to
get salvation.
In Hindu astrology therefore starting from the lagna there are four trines for each
the purusharthas which are:

There is another set of four trines which depends on the division of human life into
four parts, Brahmacharya (life of celibacy) Grihastha (the life of a householder)
Vanaprastha (detaching oneself) from house-holder’s duties) and Sanyas (life of
renunciation). The scheme of division is the same as in the earlier trines.

In judging the spiritual importance of each of these houses, these trines should be
kept in the mind.
It is always important to remember that the lagna and lord must not be ill-placed (in
the eighth house, the sixth house or the twelfth house) and must not be afflicted by
Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu particularly through conjunction or aspect. In such a case
the health may be bad. It is sound health that alone ensures any type of
achievement in anyone’s life, including spiritual achievements. It is in rare cases that a person with ill health but strong sense of renunciation can be spiritually exalted. But we must proceed on the premise that it is sound health that is the foundation of even good spiritual life.
The Second House
The family environment gives to one some spiritual tendencies, which is what the
second house represents, being the house of Kutumba (or the family one is brought
up in). Faith in religious and spiritual traditions are inherited and also acquired
generally from parents. The second house represents it, besides, also being the
house of speech. See the planets (particularly Jupiter, Venus, Mercury) without
affliction to examine whether one has the tendency to speak truth or falsehood. The
second also being the house of earnings, monetary gains etc., the charity one does
with money and gifts are also to be seen from the second house.
Note – In this respect the role of the twelfth house is more important.
The Third House
The third house known as the house of valour and courage becomes favorable if
there is a malefic like Rahu, Saturn, Mars, Ketu in it. It shows a determination to apply oneself to spiritual practices with strong will.
Note – The third house, according to Maharshi Parashara, is the house of upadesha
or religious preaching.
The third house also is to be seen for short and quick pilgrimages.
According to the Uttrta-kalamrita, the third house represents the part of the palm
which is between the thumb and the index finger with which many rituals are
The Fourth House
The fourth house representing buildings, represents the religious-philanthropic
institutions one builds and also the trusts one creates or religious, philanthropic and other good trusts with the money one has.
In the life of an individual the fourth house represents his desire to pursue his
spiritual life in the quiet surroundings of a place, house or ashram with rhythmic
regularity. In the case of a yogi it can represent pranayama or breath-control. But if such a house is disturbed, such persons find that by moving from one place to
another only they can follow their spiritual pursuits.
The Fifth House
An important principle of Hindu astrology is that if a planet aspects its own house,
that house gets strengthened. This should be seen very closely in the case of the fifth house around which revolves the realization of the potency of mantra, yantra,
because this house is important in two ways: in the case of the individual whose
horoscope is being examined, it represents the spiritual merit of his past life and in the case of his father, it is the house of his spiritual merit of his present life. It is a good fifth house that bestows viveka or a sense of discrimination and deep spiritual wisdom born both of the reading of scriptures and spirituals practices.
The Sixth House
In the life of a spiritual practitioner fifteen types of distractions are normal. More often than not these take a person away from the desired spiritual path. To overcome such distractions, a malefic in the sixth house is always good. As it is, a malefic in the sixth house is good for ensuring sound health and the tenacity to overcome obstacles. In spiritual life this house helps in developing one pointed concentration.
The Seventh House
This house of sex is also the house of sex-sublimination. It is when the kundalini
power rises high that sexual lust gets transformed into love and a sadhak feel the
spiritual vibrations of the rising kundalini.
The Eighth House
It should be noticed that the fourth house is the house of spirituality and salvation in the trines given before. The eighth house is the second of such house, but being a
secret house (eighth house is a hidden house) one practices one’s sadhana in
secluded and cloistered places. It is true that this house also represents agonies
which must include spiritual disappointments in the act attaining a blissful state of
The Ninth House
Next to the fifth house, the house on which all astrologers lay greatest stress for
spiritual development is the ninth house. Yet, there is a controversy among
astrologers whether it is the ninth house or the fifth house that is to be seen for the spiritual merit of the past life. While majority of astrologers see the fifth house for the merit of the past life, it is also logical to see that after the eighth house of samadhi that the spiritual merit of this life blossoms out. The ninth house therefore is to be examined for all acts of penance, pilgrimage, worship of gods.
It is the house which represented the last stage of full spiritual development, after
which one can become a guru or a spiritual guide. This house also is for father, who
is one of the early gurus of a child.
Note – The fourth house which is the first house of the moksha triangle represents
mother which is why serving one’s mother is the service to adi-guru (the first guru).
The ninth house, the last of the dharma triangle, shows the importance of service to
one’s father, as the key-note of religious progress.
It is for this reason that the Sanskrit saying, "Matri devo bhava" (let mother be the
goddess) and "Pitro devo bhava" (let father be the god) is the eternal lesson children are taught to lay poper foundation of their spiritual life.Inferentially, those who are cruel to their parents cannot hope to be spiritually successful in their practices. This is a harsh spiritual reality which will not be palatable to many modern young people.
Yet an astrologer cannot afford to overlook this.
The Tenth House
The tenth house is the house of those deeds which are noticed. A person who has
potentised a mantra and has become a guru, wins social recognition through his
deeds (even misdeeds). It is for this reason that Jupiter, the greatest benefic is
preferred most in this house for holy deeds because the tenth house is the house of
religious, spiritual and ritualistic deeds.
Note – In the case of a guru the tenth house shows the quality of his deeds, along
with the lord of the tenth house.
The Eleventh House
In a spiritual sense, the eleventh house is a very enigmatic house. Benefics in it will attract one to worship of many gods and great scriptural scholarship and authorship.
Many planets in it will bring, as donations to a guru, lot of money as the eleventh
house is the last of the kama triangle or desires. Such desires can be good and evil.
The eleventh house is thus the house of the last of the temptations a religious person has to face, which must be overcome to reach the final destination, salvation.
The Twelfth House
The twelfth house, the condition of the twelfth lord and Ketu are the salvation giving factors. A bad twelfth house can ruin all the spiritual promises of an otherwise good horoscope.
Note – What has been given so far here is only a bare outline of the spiritual
promise inherent in a horoscope. These very promises are to be examined in greater
details through many other finer analysis. The use of Vimshamsha (one-twentieth
division horoscope) will have to be brought into use.
Jaimini astrology should be used before any predictions about anyone’s spiritual life
is given otherwise, spiritual astrology more often than not becomes a wild goose
Note – A safe and sound method which an astrologer can adopt is to make a
proper use of the navamsha (one ninth) division of a horoscope and examine the
fifth and the ninth lords and houses of navamsha and then the twelfth lord. Together
with all this, the most important factor in the spiritual evolution of a person is to see what (dasha in Vimshottari ) sequence one has got in life. The most favourable
periods are the periods of the fifth and the ninth lords.
spiritual promise of each house. By each house from the Lagna which is always the
first house. Thus, for a person born with Meena lagna the first house is Meena, the
second house Mesha and the twelfth house Kumbha etc.
Since spiritual astrology is generally kept a secret and astrologers do not pay
attention to it, emphasis should be laid on this aspect both for the spiritual guidance of the person concerned and for preparation for a fine spiritual era into which mankind will enter after 2002 A.D.
The First House
The first house representing oneself, shows the beginning of awareness of spiritual
side of human life. If three or more planets are in the first house, such persons,
inspite of all distractions, can practice self-control with determination, and
From the first house springs the desire to enjoy peace generally and the tendency to
renounce because the first stage of renunciation is physical. To understand it, the
Four Purusharthas of classical Indian tradition should be understood. The first one is Dharma (religious conduct), the second is Artha (the desire to earn money), the
third is the karma to enjoy life physically and the last is Moksha to make efforts to
get salvation.
In Hindu astrology therefore starting from the lagna there are four trines for each
the purusharthas which are:

There is another set of four trines which depends on the division of human life into
four parts, Brahmacharya (life of celibacy) Grihastha (the life of a householder)
Vanaprastha (detaching oneself) from house-holder’s duties) and Sanyas (life of
renunciation). The scheme of division is the same as in the earlier trines.

In judging the spiritual importance of each of these houses, these trines should be
kept in the mind.
It is always important to remember that the lagna and lord must not be ill-placed (in
the eighth house, the sixth house or the twelfth house) and must not be afflicted by
Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu particularly through conjunction or aspect. In such a case
the health may be bad. It is sound health that alone ensures any type of
achievement in anyone’s life, including spiritual achievements. It is in rare cases that a person with ill health but strong sense of renunciation can be spiritually exalted. But we must proceed on the premise that it is sound health that is the foundation of even good spiritual life.
The Second House
The family environment gives to one some spiritual tendencies, which is what the
second house represents, being the house of Kutumba (or the family one is brought
up in). Faith in religious and spiritual traditions are inherited and also acquired
generally from parents. The second house represents it, besides, also being the
house of speech. See the planets (particularly Jupiter, Venus, Mercury) without
affliction to examine whether one has the tendency to speak truth or falsehood. The
second also being the house of earnings, monetary gains etc., the charity one does
with money and gifts are also to be seen from the second house.
Note – In this respect the role of the twelfth house is more important.
The Third House
The third house known as the house of valour and courage becomes favorable if
there is a malefic like Rahu, Saturn, Mars, Ketu in it. It shows a determination to apply oneself to spiritual practices with strong will.
Note – The third house, according to Maharshi Parashara, is the house of upadesha
or religious preaching.
The third house also is to be seen for short and quick pilgrimages.
According to the Uttrta-kalamrita, the third house represents the part of the palm
which is between the thumb and the index finger with which many rituals are
The Fourth House
The fourth house representing buildings, represents the religious-philanthropic
institutions one builds and also the trusts one creates or religious, philanthropic and other good trusts with the money one has.
In the life of an individual the fourth house represents his desire to pursue his
spiritual life in the quiet surroundings of a place, house or ashram with rhythmic
regularity. In the case of a yogi it can represent pranayama or breath-control. But if such a house is disturbed, such persons find that by moving from one place to
another only they can follow their spiritual pursuits.
The Fifth House
An important principle of Hindu astrology is that if a planet aspects its own house,
that house gets strengthened. This should be seen very closely in the case of the fifth house around which revolves the realization of the potency of mantra, yantra,
because this house is important in two ways: in the case of the individual whose
horoscope is being examined, it represents the spiritual merit of his past life and in the case of his father, it is the house of his spiritual merit of his present life. It is a good fifth house that bestows viveka or a sense of discrimination and deep spiritual wisdom born both of the reading of scriptures and spirituals practices.
The Sixth House
In the life of a spiritual practitioner fifteen types of distractions are normal. More often than not these take a person away from the desired spiritual path. To overcome such distractions, a malefic in the sixth house is always good. As it is, a malefic in the sixth house is good for ensuring sound health and the tenacity to overcome obstacles. In spiritual life this house helps in developing one pointed concentration.
The Seventh House
This house of sex is also the house of sex-sublimination. It is when the kundalini
power rises high that sexual lust gets transformed into love and a sadhak feel the
spiritual vibrations of the rising kundalini.
The Eighth House
It should be noticed that the fourth house is the house of spirituality and salvation in the trines given before. The eighth house is the second of such house, but being a
secret house (eighth house is a hidden house) one practices one’s sadhana in
secluded and cloistered places. It is true that this house also represents agonies
which must include spiritual disappointments in the act attaining a blissful state of
The Ninth House
Next to the fifth house, the house on which all astrologers lay greatest stress for
spiritual development is the ninth house. Yet, there is a controversy among
astrologers whether it is the ninth house or the fifth house that is to be seen for the spiritual merit of the past life. While majority of astrologers see the fifth house for the merit of the past life, it is also logical to see that after the eighth house of samadhi that the spiritual merit of this life blossoms out. The ninth house therefore is to be examined for all acts of penance, pilgrimage, worship of gods.
It is the house which represented the last stage of full spiritual development, after
which one can become a guru or a spiritual guide. This house also is for father, who
is one of the early gurus of a child.
Note – The fourth house which is the first house of the moksha triangle represents
mother which is why serving one’s mother is the service to adi-guru (the first guru).
The ninth house, the last of the dharma triangle, shows the importance of service to
one’s father, as the key-note of religious progress.
It is for this reason that the Sanskrit saying, "Matri devo bhava" (let mother be the
goddess) and "Pitro devo bhava" (let father be the god) is the eternal lesson children are taught to lay poper foundation of their spiritual life.Inferentially, those who are cruel to their parents cannot hope to be spiritually successful in their practices. This is a harsh spiritual reality which will not be palatable to many modern young people.
Yet an astrologer cannot afford to overlook this.
The Tenth House
The tenth house is the house of those deeds which are noticed. A person who has
potentised a mantra and has become a guru, wins social recognition through his
deeds (even misdeeds). It is for this reason that Jupiter, the greatest benefic is
preferred most in this house for holy deeds because the tenth house is the house of
religious, spiritual and ritualistic deeds.
Note – In the case of a guru the tenth house shows the quality of his deeds, along
with the lord of the tenth house.
The Eleventh House
In a spiritual sense, the eleventh house is a very enigmatic house. Benefics in it will attract one to worship of many gods and great scriptural scholarship and authorship.
Many planets in it will bring, as donations to a guru, lot of money as the eleventh
house is the last of the kama triangle or desires. Such desires can be good and evil.
The eleventh house is thus the house of the last of the temptations a religious person has to face, which must be overcome to reach the final destination, salvation.
The Twelfth House
The twelfth house, the condition of the twelfth lord and Ketu are the salvation giving factors. A bad twelfth house can ruin all the spiritual promises of an otherwise good horoscope.
Note – What has been given so far here is only a bare outline of the spiritual
promise inherent in a horoscope. These very promises are to be examined in greater
details through many other finer analysis. The use of Vimshamsha (one-twentieth
division horoscope) will have to be brought into use.
Jaimini astrology should be used before any predictions about anyone’s spiritual life
is given otherwise, spiritual astrology more often than not becomes a wild goose
Note – A safe and sound method which an astrologer can adopt is to make a
proper use of the navamsha (one ninth) division of a horoscope and examine the
fifth and the ninth lords and houses of navamsha and then the twelfth lord. Together
with all this, the most important factor in the spiritual evolution of a person is to see what (dasha in Vimshottari ) sequence one has got in life. The most favourable
periods are the periods of the fifth and the ninth lords.
Persons whom these Planets Represent in
Now, if we take the normal day to day, mundane affairs, these very planets represent
the following worldly persons.
The Sun
The king of the solar system, is the king always and everywhere. The level of regal
splendour he shows will depend on his condition in a horoscope.
Family – The father in a family and paternal relations, the Sun is also a dignified
administrative authority.
Society – The King in a monarchy, the Sun is the dignitary in modern democracies
and represents highly placed persons whether in government service or private
The Moon
Like the Sun, the other planet representing royalty is the Moon.
Family – Represents the mother and everything connected with mother.
Society – The wise men (Dwija) of the society, popular person and in
democracies, the Moon aspected by Saturn represents the charisma some
personalities develop.
Mars is the natural commander-in-chief in astrology.
Family – Brothers, sisters.
Notable – Some astrologers following the Bhrigu system of Hindu astrology give
to Mars the role of a woman in a man’s life. While many astrologers do not accept
this, there is strong enough reason to go deeper into this aspect as some of my
researches prove this to be very valid.
Society – Mars gives an important marital point which pertains to marriage which
is why in Hindu astrology so much stress is laid on Mangalya (happiness of a
marriage) and also Kujadosha (Kuja is a synonym for Mars). In social life, Mars
represents the army, the police and men in uniform, administrators, men in high
position, rulership, estate agents etc.
In astrology Mercury is the prince.
Family – Cousins, maternal uncles.
Notable – In Uttar-Kalamrita, Kalidas attributes to Mercury some other special
significations: maternal grand-father, and younger coborns and or brothers and
Notable – In a woman’s life Mercury represents, if afflicted by Saturn a husband
with less or no sexual virility.
Society – Mercury represents knowledge and in modern life, business. So this
planet has many great significations of very wide variety. Mathematicians, sculptors,
astrologers, astronomers, scholars, speakers, writers, men who know the secrets of
mantras and yantras. In modern age, Mercury is the financial expert, accountant,
auditor, journalist, newspaper man, paper merchant etc.
Notable – The association of Mercury with certain planets in some rashis from the
lagna is the clue to finding it out. Lot of new researches will have to be done in this area.
Jupiter who is given the honored place of being the guru of gods, represents, the
divine, the sacred.
Family – Children, elder brother, respected elders in the family (whose
intervention and advice helps solve family problems)
Notable – In Uttar Kalamrita, the other significations given to Jupiter are
grandsons and also grand-father.
Notable – In Bhrigu astrology, Jupiter is said to represent the husband of a
woman just as Mars is said to represent the wife of a man.
Society – Traditionally, the priest, the scholar, the adviser to the king (in ancient
times), Jupiter represents many new modern professionals.
Notable – The judge, the teacher, the lawyer, the adviser in new modern forms
become legal experts, the management experts, the psychologists, the bankers etc.
Venus, traditionally the guru of asuras (monsters), is described as the lord of sixtyfour
arts, meaning that Venus represents, culture and sophistication.
Family – Represents the sex-life of married partners in a tradition-bound society
otherwise, the sex-life of an individual. Generally Venus has been treated as wife. For
those born after sun-rise Venus is said to take the place of Moon and becomes the
Notable – Generally Venus represents family prosperity, conveyances, jewellery,
and precious possessions.
Society – Venus being representative of arts, all form of arts, fine or commercial,
dance, song, drama, literature, poetry being its sole domain, dramatists, poets,
dancers etc. are Venus-dominant personalities.
Notable – In modern context, the perfumers, hoteliers, owners of restaurant,
computer-software men and even those who deal with flesh-trade fall under the vast
Venusian umbrella.
Hindu astrologers are mostly superstitious in their understanding and treatment of
the significations of Saturn. True, Saturn represents, trouble, sorrow, old age,
sickness. Yet in all the great classics of Hindu astrology Saturn has been given some
other beneficent roles which are overlooked. My best research given in my books
emphasise the positive side of Saturn with many illustrations.
Family – Old men and servants in the family. Old, dilapidated houses specially
made of bricks. For those born at night Saturn represents father, taking the place of
the Sun, the natural significator of father.
Society – If the Sun is the aristocrat, Saturn is the democrat while Mars is the
dictator. These hints help us in making predictions about the type of government a
nation will have at a given point of time. Lower classes, democrats, crippled persons, old men, are represented by Saturn in traditional astrology.
In the changed socio-economic times of ours, Saturn is the seeker of powers through
elections to democratic bodies, iron-smiths and also industrialists (in cooperation
with Mars), a psychologist in cooperation with Jupiter, an artist in cooperation with
Venus, a sculptor in co-operation with Mercury etc.
Notable – Astrologers who fail to seek the very wide and sweeping range of all
new professions created by Saturn will fall into thousands of errors of judgments.
Next to Saturn the most condemned planet is Rahu. Unless astrologers do new
researches and see the positive side of these planets, more damage will be done to
astrology than has already been done so far.
Family – Paternal grand-parents (though Uttar Kalamrita also uses Rahu for
maternal grand-parents), old, sick person in the family and those that become nonconformist's.
Society – The foreigner, the engineer, the architect, the space engineer, the politician, air hostesses, aeroplane pilots and manifold new technical and semitechnical professions fall in the domain of Rahu.
Ketu is the most baffling planet in astrology, spiritual, divine on the one hand and
baffling in a medical sense.
Family – Represents maternal grand-parents (though Uttara Kalamrita takes
paternal grand-parents), the slightly unorthodox members of the family.
Society – Ketu is the planet which plays key role in shaping a doctor or other men
in semi-medical or alternative systems of medicine. Ketu, combined with other
planets, produces inventors, men dealing with subtle secrets of nature around our
Notable – Some hints have been given here about the persons represented by
different planets some of them are traditional and some of them are additional. For
instance Ketu represents languages and linguists. These days when people learn
computer it naturally falls under Ketu because there is computer language to be
If planets combine, aspect each other in certain houses from the lagna, the meaning
of this should be interpreted with an open mind. The classical principle should never
be overlooked and the new meaning must be discovered otherwise astrological
research will remain stagnant.
the following worldly persons.
The Sun
The king of the solar system, is the king always and everywhere. The level of regal
splendour he shows will depend on his condition in a horoscope.
Family – The father in a family and paternal relations, the Sun is also a dignified
administrative authority.
Society – The King in a monarchy, the Sun is the dignitary in modern democracies
and represents highly placed persons whether in government service or private
The Moon
Like the Sun, the other planet representing royalty is the Moon.
Family – Represents the mother and everything connected with mother.
Society – The wise men (Dwija) of the society, popular person and in
democracies, the Moon aspected by Saturn represents the charisma some
personalities develop.
Mars is the natural commander-in-chief in astrology.
Family – Brothers, sisters.
Notable – Some astrologers following the Bhrigu system of Hindu astrology give
to Mars the role of a woman in a man’s life. While many astrologers do not accept
this, there is strong enough reason to go deeper into this aspect as some of my
researches prove this to be very valid.
Society – Mars gives an important marital point which pertains to marriage which
is why in Hindu astrology so much stress is laid on Mangalya (happiness of a
marriage) and also Kujadosha (Kuja is a synonym for Mars). In social life, Mars
represents the army, the police and men in uniform, administrators, men in high
position, rulership, estate agents etc.
In astrology Mercury is the prince.
Family – Cousins, maternal uncles.
Notable – In Uttar-Kalamrita, Kalidas attributes to Mercury some other special
significations: maternal grand-father, and younger coborns and or brothers and
Notable – In a woman’s life Mercury represents, if afflicted by Saturn a husband
with less or no sexual virility.
Society – Mercury represents knowledge and in modern life, business. So this
planet has many great significations of very wide variety. Mathematicians, sculptors,
astrologers, astronomers, scholars, speakers, writers, men who know the secrets of
mantras and yantras. In modern age, Mercury is the financial expert, accountant,
auditor, journalist, newspaper man, paper merchant etc.
Notable – The association of Mercury with certain planets in some rashis from the
lagna is the clue to finding it out. Lot of new researches will have to be done in this area.
Jupiter who is given the honored place of being the guru of gods, represents, the
divine, the sacred.
Family – Children, elder brother, respected elders in the family (whose
intervention and advice helps solve family problems)
Notable – In Uttar Kalamrita, the other significations given to Jupiter are
grandsons and also grand-father.
Notable – In Bhrigu astrology, Jupiter is said to represent the husband of a
woman just as Mars is said to represent the wife of a man.
Society – Traditionally, the priest, the scholar, the adviser to the king (in ancient
times), Jupiter represents many new modern professionals.
Notable – The judge, the teacher, the lawyer, the adviser in new modern forms
become legal experts, the management experts, the psychologists, the bankers etc.
Venus, traditionally the guru of asuras (monsters), is described as the lord of sixtyfour
arts, meaning that Venus represents, culture and sophistication.
Family – Represents the sex-life of married partners in a tradition-bound society
otherwise, the sex-life of an individual. Generally Venus has been treated as wife. For
those born after sun-rise Venus is said to take the place of Moon and becomes the
Notable – Generally Venus represents family prosperity, conveyances, jewellery,
and precious possessions.
Society – Venus being representative of arts, all form of arts, fine or commercial,
dance, song, drama, literature, poetry being its sole domain, dramatists, poets,
dancers etc. are Venus-dominant personalities.
Notable – In modern context, the perfumers, hoteliers, owners of restaurant,
computer-software men and even those who deal with flesh-trade fall under the vast
Venusian umbrella.
Hindu astrologers are mostly superstitious in their understanding and treatment of
the significations of Saturn. True, Saturn represents, trouble, sorrow, old age,
sickness. Yet in all the great classics of Hindu astrology Saturn has been given some
other beneficent roles which are overlooked. My best research given in my books
emphasise the positive side of Saturn with many illustrations.
Family – Old men and servants in the family. Old, dilapidated houses specially
made of bricks. For those born at night Saturn represents father, taking the place of
the Sun, the natural significator of father.
Society – If the Sun is the aristocrat, Saturn is the democrat while Mars is the
dictator. These hints help us in making predictions about the type of government a
nation will have at a given point of time. Lower classes, democrats, crippled persons, old men, are represented by Saturn in traditional astrology.
In the changed socio-economic times of ours, Saturn is the seeker of powers through
elections to democratic bodies, iron-smiths and also industrialists (in cooperation
with Mars), a psychologist in cooperation with Jupiter, an artist in cooperation with
Venus, a sculptor in co-operation with Mercury etc.
Notable – Astrologers who fail to seek the very wide and sweeping range of all
new professions created by Saturn will fall into thousands of errors of judgments.
Next to Saturn the most condemned planet is Rahu. Unless astrologers do new
researches and see the positive side of these planets, more damage will be done to
astrology than has already been done so far.
Family – Paternal grand-parents (though Uttar Kalamrita also uses Rahu for
maternal grand-parents), old, sick person in the family and those that become nonconformist's.
Society – The foreigner, the engineer, the architect, the space engineer, the politician, air hostesses, aeroplane pilots and manifold new technical and semitechnical professions fall in the domain of Rahu.
Ketu is the most baffling planet in astrology, spiritual, divine on the one hand and
baffling in a medical sense.
Family – Represents maternal grand-parents (though Uttara Kalamrita takes
paternal grand-parents), the slightly unorthodox members of the family.
Society – Ketu is the planet which plays key role in shaping a doctor or other men
in semi-medical or alternative systems of medicine. Ketu, combined with other
planets, produces inventors, men dealing with subtle secrets of nature around our
Notable – Some hints have been given here about the persons represented by
different planets some of them are traditional and some of them are additional. For
instance Ketu represents languages and linguists. These days when people learn
computer it naturally falls under Ketu because there is computer language to be
If planets combine, aspect each other in certain houses from the lagna, the meaning
of this should be interpreted with an open mind. The classical principle should never
be overlooked and the new meaning must be discovered otherwise astrological
research will remain stagnant.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Learning Some Basics of Predictive
The memory table will be expanded now to make it a complete scheme. But before
learning them, it is necessary to understand some technical terms of astrology which
are used more commonly.
1. Kendras (Quadrants) – The Lagna, the fourth, seventh and the tenth houses of
the lagna are called kendras and the lords of those houses are called lords of
kendras, wherever they may be placed in a horoscope.
2. Trikonas (Trines) – The lagna and the fifth and the ninth houses from the lagna
are trines. The lords of the fifth and ninth houses have been described as trikonas
which is a fallacy. The word 'tri' in Sanskrit means 'three'. In what is known as the
ashtakvarga, in trikona shodhana , the lagna, the fifth and the ninth houses are
taken. Thus lagna lord is both a kendra lord and also the trikona lord.
3. Panapharas (Cadent) – The second, fifth, the eighth and the eleventh houses
are known as panapharas. Then a special term used is Upachaya house which are
the third, sixth, tenth and eleventh houses and their lords.
4. Apoklimas (Succudent) – The third, sixth, ninth and the twelfth houses are
known as apolklima. But since the ninth house is trikona, it is generally omitted
from this category.
Points to Remember
In understanding the meaning of P.A.C. the combinations of the lords of these houses,
or the aspect of one of them on a house or a planet or the mutual aspects of the lords of these houses reveal the secrets of horoscope. It is an area of ever-expanding research, very simple apparently, but very complex.

In the example horoscope, kendras are Kanya, Dhanu, Meena and Mithuna.
Trikonas are Kanya, Makar, Vrisha.
Panapharas are Tula, Makar, Mesha, Karka.
Apoklimas are Vrishchika, Kumbha, Vrisha (Omit it) and Simha.

It will be good if a reader gets used to these terms after understanding how these
terms come into a writer’s articles in so natural a way that the writer does not know
that they may appear foreign to many.
The permutations and combinations of these, lords of kendras, trikonas, panapahars,
apoklimas and upachayas are used for predictions.
Persons whom these Planets Represent in
Daily Life
Now, if we take the normal day to day, mundane affairs, these very planets represent
the following worldly persons.
The Sun
The king of the solar system, is the king always and everywhere. The level of regal
splendour he shows will depend on his condition in a horoscope.
Family – The father in a family and paternal relations, the Sun is also a dignified
administrative authority.
Society – The King in a monarchy, the Sun is the dignitary in modern democracies
and represents highly placed persons whether in government service or private
The Moon
Like the Sun, the other planet representing royalty is the Moon.
Family – Represents the mother and everything connected with mother.
Society – The wise men (Dwija) of the society, popular person and in
democracies, the Moon aspected by Saturn represents the charisma some
personalities develop.
Mars is the natural commander-in-chief in astrology.
Family – Brothers, sisters.
Notable – Some astrologers following the Bhrigu system of Hindu astrology give
to Mars the role of a woman in a man’s life. While many astrologers do not accept
this, there is strong enough reason to go deeper into this aspect as some of my
researches prove this to be very valid.
Society – Mars gives an important marital point which pertains to marriage which
is why in Hindu astrology so much stress is laid on Mangalya (happiness of a
marriage) and also Kujadosha (Kuja is a synonym for Mars). In social life, Mars
represents the army, the police and men in uniform, administrators, men in high
position, rulership, estate agents etc.
In astrology Mercury is the prince.
Family – Cousins, maternal uncles.
Notable – In Uttar-Kalamrita, Kalidas attributes to Mercury some other special
significations: maternal grand-father, and younger coborns and or brothers and
Notable – In a woman’s life Mercury represents, if afflicted by Saturn a husband
with less or no sexual virility.
Society – Mercury represents knowledge and in modern life, business. So this
planet has many great significations of very wide variety. Mathematicians, sculptors,
astrologers, astronomers, scholars, speakers, writers, men who know the secrets of
mantras and yantras. In modern age, Mercury is the financial expert, accountant,
auditor, journalist, newspaper man, paper merchant etc.
Notable – The association of Mercury with certain planets in some rashis from the
lagna is the clue to finding it out. Lot of new researches will have to be done in this area.
Jupiter who is given the honored place of being the guru of gods, represents, the
divine, the sacred.
Family – Children, elder brother, respected elders in the family (whose
intervention and advice helps solve family problems)
Notable – In Uttar Kalamrita, the other significations given to Jupiter are
grandsons and also grand-father.
Notable – In Bhrigu astrology, Jupiter is said to represent the husband of a
woman just as Mars is said to represent the wife of a man.
Society – Traditionally, the priest, the scholar, the adviser to the king (in ancient
times), Jupiter represents many new modern professionals.
Notable – The judge, the teacher, the lawyer, the adviser in new modern forms
become legal experts, the management experts, the psychologists, the bankers etc.
Venus, traditionally the guru of asuras (monsters), is described as the lord of sixtyfour
arts, meaning that Venus represents, culture and sophistication.
Family – Represents the sex-life of married partners in a tradition-bound society
otherwise, the sex-life of an individual. Generally Venus has been treated as wife. For those born after sun-rise Venus is said to take the place of Moon and becomes the
Notable – Generally Venus represents family prosperity, conveyances, jewellery,
and precious possessions.
Society – Venus being representative of arts, all form of arts, fine or commercial,
dance, song, drama, literature, poetry being its sole domain, dramatists, poets,
dancers etc. are Venus-dominant personalities.
Notable – In modern context, the perfumers, hoteliers, owners of restaurant,
computer-software men and even those who deal with flesh-trade fall under the vast
Venusian umbrella.
Hindu astrologers are mostly superstitious in their understanding and treatment of
the significations of Saturn. True, Saturn represents, trouble, sorrow, old age,
sickness. Yet in all the great classics of Hindu astrology Saturn has been given some
other beneficent roles which are overlooked. My best research given
emphasise the positive side of Saturn with many illustrations.
Family – Old men and servants in the family. Old, dilapidated houses specially
made of bricks. For those born at night Saturn represents father, taking the place of
the Sun, the natural significator of father.
Society – If the Sun is the aristocrat, Saturn is the democrat while Mars is the
dictator. These hints help us in making predictions about the type of government a
nation will have at a given point of time. Lower classes, democrats, crippled persons,
old men, are represented by Saturn in traditional astrology.
In the changed socio-economic times of ours, Saturn is the seeker of powers through
elections to democratic bodies, iron-smiths and also industrialists (in cooperation
with Mars), a psychologist in cooperation with Jupiter, an artist in cooperation with
Venus, a sculptor in co-operation with Mercury etc.
Notable – Astrologers who fail to seek the very wide and sweeping range of all
new professions created by Saturn will fall into thousands of errors of judgments.
Next to Saturn the most condemned planet is Rahu. Unless astrologers do new
researches and see the positive side of these planets, more damage will be done to
astrology than has already been done so far.
Family – Paternal grand-parents (though Uttar Kalamrita also uses Rahu for
maternal grand-parents), old, sick person in the family and those that become nonconformist's.
Society – The foreigner, the engineer, the architect, the space engineer, the
politician, air hostesses, aeroplane pilots and manifold new technical and semitechnical professions fall in the domain of Rahu.
Ketu is the most baffling planet in astrology, spiritual, divine on the one hand and
baffling in a medical sense.
Family – Represents maternal grand-parents (though Uttara Kalamrita takes
paternal grand-parents), the slightly unorthodox members of the family.
Society – Ketu is the planet which plays key role in shaping a doctor or other men
in semi-medical or alternative systems of medicine. Ketu, combined with other
planets, produces inventors, men dealing with subtle secrets of nature around our
Notable – Some hints have been given here about the persons represented by
different planets some of them are traditional and some of them are additional. For
instance Ketu represents languages and linguists. These days when people learn
computer it naturally falls under Ketu because there is computer language to be
If planets combine, aspect each other in certain houses from the lagna, the meaning
of this should be interpreted with an open mind. The classical principle should never
be overlooked and the new meaning must be discovered otherwise astrological
research will remain stagnant.
The memory table will be expanded now to make it a complete scheme. But before
learning them, it is necessary to understand some technical terms of astrology which
are used more commonly.
1. Kendras (Quadrants) – The Lagna, the fourth, seventh and the tenth houses of
the lagna are called kendras and the lords of those houses are called lords of
kendras, wherever they may be placed in a horoscope.
2. Trikonas (Trines) – The lagna and the fifth and the ninth houses from the lagna
are trines. The lords of the fifth and ninth houses have been described as trikonas
which is a fallacy. The word 'tri' in Sanskrit means 'three'. In what is known as the
ashtakvarga, in trikona shodhana , the lagna, the fifth and the ninth houses are
taken. Thus lagna lord is both a kendra lord and also the trikona lord.
3. Panapharas (Cadent) – The second, fifth, the eighth and the eleventh houses
are known as panapharas. Then a special term used is Upachaya house which are
the third, sixth, tenth and eleventh houses and their lords.
4. Apoklimas (Succudent) – The third, sixth, ninth and the twelfth houses are
known as apolklima. But since the ninth house is trikona, it is generally omitted
from this category.
Points to Remember
In understanding the meaning of P.A.C. the combinations of the lords of these houses,
or the aspect of one of them on a house or a planet or the mutual aspects of the lords of these houses reveal the secrets of horoscope. It is an area of ever-expanding research, very simple apparently, but very complex.
In the example horoscope, kendras are Kanya, Dhanu, Meena and Mithuna.
Trikonas are Kanya, Makar, Vrisha.
Panapharas are Tula, Makar, Mesha, Karka.
Apoklimas are Vrishchika, Kumbha, Vrisha (Omit it) and Simha.
It will be good if a reader gets used to these terms after understanding how these
terms come into a writer’s articles in so natural a way that the writer does not know
that they may appear foreign to many.
The permutations and combinations of these, lords of kendras, trikonas, panapahars,
apoklimas and upachayas are used for predictions.
Persons whom these Planets Represent in
Daily Life
Now, if we take the normal day to day, mundane affairs, these very planets represent
the following worldly persons.
The Sun
The king of the solar system, is the king always and everywhere. The level of regal
splendour he shows will depend on his condition in a horoscope.
Family – The father in a family and paternal relations, the Sun is also a dignified
administrative authority.
Society – The King in a monarchy, the Sun is the dignitary in modern democracies
and represents highly placed persons whether in government service or private
The Moon
Like the Sun, the other planet representing royalty is the Moon.
Family – Represents the mother and everything connected with mother.
Society – The wise men (Dwija) of the society, popular person and in
democracies, the Moon aspected by Saturn represents the charisma some
personalities develop.
Mars is the natural commander-in-chief in astrology.
Family – Brothers, sisters.
Notable – Some astrologers following the Bhrigu system of Hindu astrology give
to Mars the role of a woman in a man’s life. While many astrologers do not accept
this, there is strong enough reason to go deeper into this aspect as some of my
researches prove this to be very valid.
Society – Mars gives an important marital point which pertains to marriage which
is why in Hindu astrology so much stress is laid on Mangalya (happiness of a
marriage) and also Kujadosha (Kuja is a synonym for Mars). In social life, Mars
represents the army, the police and men in uniform, administrators, men in high
position, rulership, estate agents etc.
In astrology Mercury is the prince.
Family – Cousins, maternal uncles.
Notable – In Uttar-Kalamrita, Kalidas attributes to Mercury some other special
significations: maternal grand-father, and younger coborns and or brothers and
Notable – In a woman’s life Mercury represents, if afflicted by Saturn a husband
with less or no sexual virility.
Society – Mercury represents knowledge and in modern life, business. So this
planet has many great significations of very wide variety. Mathematicians, sculptors,
astrologers, astronomers, scholars, speakers, writers, men who know the secrets of
mantras and yantras. In modern age, Mercury is the financial expert, accountant,
auditor, journalist, newspaper man, paper merchant etc.
Notable – The association of Mercury with certain planets in some rashis from the
lagna is the clue to finding it out. Lot of new researches will have to be done in this area.
Jupiter who is given the honored place of being the guru of gods, represents, the
divine, the sacred.
Family – Children, elder brother, respected elders in the family (whose
intervention and advice helps solve family problems)
Notable – In Uttar Kalamrita, the other significations given to Jupiter are
grandsons and also grand-father.
Notable – In Bhrigu astrology, Jupiter is said to represent the husband of a
woman just as Mars is said to represent the wife of a man.
Society – Traditionally, the priest, the scholar, the adviser to the king (in ancient
times), Jupiter represents many new modern professionals.
Notable – The judge, the teacher, the lawyer, the adviser in new modern forms
become legal experts, the management experts, the psychologists, the bankers etc.
Venus, traditionally the guru of asuras (monsters), is described as the lord of sixtyfour
arts, meaning that Venus represents, culture and sophistication.
Family – Represents the sex-life of married partners in a tradition-bound society
otherwise, the sex-life of an individual. Generally Venus has been treated as wife. For those born after sun-rise Venus is said to take the place of Moon and becomes the
Notable – Generally Venus represents family prosperity, conveyances, jewellery,
and precious possessions.
Society – Venus being representative of arts, all form of arts, fine or commercial,
dance, song, drama, literature, poetry being its sole domain, dramatists, poets,
dancers etc. are Venus-dominant personalities.
Notable – In modern context, the perfumers, hoteliers, owners of restaurant,
computer-software men and even those who deal with flesh-trade fall under the vast
Venusian umbrella.
Hindu astrologers are mostly superstitious in their understanding and treatment of
the significations of Saturn. True, Saturn represents, trouble, sorrow, old age,
sickness. Yet in all the great classics of Hindu astrology Saturn has been given some
other beneficent roles which are overlooked. My best research given
emphasise the positive side of Saturn with many illustrations.
Family – Old men and servants in the family. Old, dilapidated houses specially
made of bricks. For those born at night Saturn represents father, taking the place of
the Sun, the natural significator of father.
Society – If the Sun is the aristocrat, Saturn is the democrat while Mars is the
dictator. These hints help us in making predictions about the type of government a
nation will have at a given point of time. Lower classes, democrats, crippled persons,
old men, are represented by Saturn in traditional astrology.
In the changed socio-economic times of ours, Saturn is the seeker of powers through
elections to democratic bodies, iron-smiths and also industrialists (in cooperation
with Mars), a psychologist in cooperation with Jupiter, an artist in cooperation with
Venus, a sculptor in co-operation with Mercury etc.
Notable – Astrologers who fail to seek the very wide and sweeping range of all
new professions created by Saturn will fall into thousands of errors of judgments.
Next to Saturn the most condemned planet is Rahu. Unless astrologers do new
researches and see the positive side of these planets, more damage will be done to
astrology than has already been done so far.
Family – Paternal grand-parents (though Uttar Kalamrita also uses Rahu for
maternal grand-parents), old, sick person in the family and those that become nonconformist's.
Society – The foreigner, the engineer, the architect, the space engineer, the
politician, air hostesses, aeroplane pilots and manifold new technical and semitechnical professions fall in the domain of Rahu.
Ketu is the most baffling planet in astrology, spiritual, divine on the one hand and
baffling in a medical sense.
Family – Represents maternal grand-parents (though Uttara Kalamrita takes
paternal grand-parents), the slightly unorthodox members of the family.
Society – Ketu is the planet which plays key role in shaping a doctor or other men
in semi-medical or alternative systems of medicine. Ketu, combined with other
planets, produces inventors, men dealing with subtle secrets of nature around our
Notable – Some hints have been given here about the persons represented by
different planets some of them are traditional and some of them are additional. For
instance Ketu represents languages and linguists. These days when people learn
computer it naturally falls under Ketu because there is computer language to be
If planets combine, aspect each other in certain houses from the lagna, the meaning
of this should be interpreted with an open mind. The classical principle should never
be overlooked and the new meaning must be discovered otherwise astrological
research will remain stagnant.
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