P (Position) A (Aspect) C (Conjunction)
Remember that first leg of the Memory Tablet PAC is P.
How this P is applied is being shown here. After this try any other horoscope.
Why you must start with P first?
1. Remember by doing P you start your astrological adventure of collecting
information, intelligence and clues about the lord of each house of a horoscope. A
particular lord may be excellently placed while another may be in a bad condition.
2. Now you begin to see that life is never a story of all round joy or total sorrow.
3. But P is only the opening chapter of a seven layered story of your life which this
book will teach.
4. So proceed patiently first by doing this exercise intensely.
There is no book on Hindu astrology in which such tables have been given to oversimplify the understanding of aspects and earlier, of friendships and enmities of
planets, as here. It has been done mainly with the intention to help people avoid
memorizing. The traditional subject, late in their lives, and have no capacity to
memorise. When learning through rote memory is not possible, what is surely
possible is to learn through associative memory.
My Advice
1. Never start the analysis of any horoscope without applying the Memory
Tablet coined by me to make learning of astrology easy, methodical and scientific.
2. As you will see in the given example of John F Kennedy, the tragedy of his career
is well explained by wrong placement of many lords of different houses
3. You can develop your own astrological skill when you apply the first of two
Memory Tablets, I am teaching and keep repeating it... the first limb of PAC is P.
In the state of Uttar Pradesh there is a special branch of police known as PAC
created to control communal riots.
But the astrological PAC is meant to control anarchical and chaotic analysis of a
Therefore I have evolved a memory tablet, the first part of which is :
PAC – P stands for the position a planet has occupied in a horoscope. Instead of
taking fragmentary, confused and unsynthesized view, it is better, to proceed
systematically so that you are able to arrive at a meaningful conclusion.
In all horoscopes first of all see how the lord of a particular house is placed.
Therefore let me read a sermon to you first a dangerous sermon, which if you
remember, you will not take a fragmentary, muddle-headed and jumbled view of a
Monday, April 20, 2009
After revising it now the first preliminary step takes you into predictive astrology.
This is the aspect of planets. These aspects are general and special. Let me first takeup general aspects.
All planets aspect the seventh house form their position. It can tabulated thus.
Keep practising this lesson first.

Take up any horoscope and see which planets, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,
Venus and Saturn are aspecting the 7th house from its location in a horoscope. This
must become a natural habit with you.
You must remember that planets give their effects not merely from where they are in
a horoscope but also produce these effects in the house which they aspect.
Three planets Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have special aspects. Mars has two additional
aspects the fourth and the eighth. Jupiter has two additional aspects the fifth and
the ninth. Saturn has two additional aspects the third and the tenth.
So Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will have three aspects, one general and two special.
These are being given in a tabular form here.
Note – Mars will influence four houses, the first the house where he is positioned in
and then three other houses through his general and special aspects.
Remember – Even when Mars is in transit he will be aspecting three houses and
is positioned in one house.
After revising it now the first preliminary step takes you into predictive astrology.
This is the aspect of planets. These aspects are general and special. Let me first takeup general aspects.
All planets aspect the seventh house form their position. It can tabulated thus.
Keep practising this lesson first.

Take up any horoscope and see which planets, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,
Venus and Saturn are aspecting the 7th house from its location in a horoscope. This
must become a natural habit with you.
You must remember that planets give their effects not merely from where they are in
a horoscope but also produce these effects in the house which they aspect.
Three planets Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have special aspects. Mars has two additional
aspects the fourth and the eighth. Jupiter has two additional aspects the fifth and
the ninth. Saturn has two additional aspects the third and the tenth.
So Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will have three aspects, one general and two special.
These are being given in a tabular form here.
Note – Mars will influence four houses, the first the house where he is positioned in
and then three other houses through his general and special aspects.
Remember – Even when Mars is in transit he will be aspecting three houses and
is positioned in one house.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Your Moon Sign
From the foregoing discussion about your Lagna, it must have become clear to you
what your Sun-sign (Hindu) is.
But in Hindu astrology you must know your Moon-sign also.
Degrees of the Moon
Your Moon will be at certain degrees in some rashi hence in some nakshatra, say of
Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn or Mercury (one of these nine).
Moon Sign, Lagna and the Sun Sign can be different
Your Moon-sign is your rashi as distinguished from your lagna. If a specific question is
put to you, tell me your lagna, the Moon-sign and the Sun-sign, you now know that
they are three different points in your horoscope to be made use of for predictions.
So the answer can be.
(a) Lagna is Mesha, Moon-sign or rashi is Mithuna but the Sun-sign is Kanya, all
the three at three different places.
(b) They can also be at two points if the Lagna or the Moon or the Sun or the
Lagna and the Moon and Sun are in only two signs.
(c) All the three can be in one sign only.
Your may have sometime or the other read about your life on the basis of Sun-signs
or the Moon-signs and may even have been reading daily, weekly, monthly or even
yearly forecasts. Now can the patterns of destiny of the entire mankind be divided
only in twelve signs, since there are only twelve rashis? Have you seen the absurdity
of the situation? So do not get addicted to such prediction.
Your Janma Nakshatra
On the basis of your Moon, you can see what was your Janma nakshatra (or birth
constellation). It has to be one of the twenty-seven constellations mentioned earlier.
1. Your janma-nakshatra is important for calculating the time-cycle described as the
Vimshottari dasha of 120 years. Depending on your janma nakshatra what period of
which planet your are passing through is the most vital factor for predictions.
2. If you were born in the nakshatra of Ketu (7 years) it will be followed by that of
Venus (20 years) etc. See the chart on nakshatras.
3. These are called mahadashas. Each mahadasha is sub-divided into nine antardashas
or sub-periods. and each antar-dasha is sub-divided into nine pratyantar
dasha, each prayantar dasha is divided into nine sookshma dashas, each sookshma
dasha is divided into nine prana dasha. This five-fold division of dasha is the most
extraordinary and unparalleled system of timing events in the history of astrology.
4. Do not be surprised if I tell you that though the Vimshottari dasha is the most
popular, in Hindu astrology there are forty-five Jaimini dasha-systems and another
fifty-four nakshatra dasha systems of Parashara, the greatest astrological genius the
world has ever produced.
Divisions of Dashas for Timing Events
5. We will be using only the Vimshottari dash in the book and all our illustrations will refer to
(a) The Mahadasha (the major period)
(b) The Antar dasha (the sub-period) and
(c) The Pratyantar dasha (the sub-sub-period) only.
No use of the fourth division (sookshma dasha or the fifth division prana dasha) is
being made use of here. But in two cases when I made use of where I was absolutely
assured that the birth time noted was without any error and the calculation of the
horoscope was cast hundred percent correct.
1. Do not jump to any conclusion, generally pessimistic or optimistic, only on the
basis of the dasha-antardasha etc. But rest assured the sixty percent of correct
predictions are based on it. This is the best ever method of timing events ever
devised by mankind.
2. After you have become familiar with the use of the dasha system, use transits of
planets. Those who over-emphsise the role of transit of planets without first
examining the promised results of dasha, are like people who are measuring the size
of an elephant on the basis of the length its tail. But first revise what you have been taught so far, step by step.
From the foregoing discussion about your Lagna, it must have become clear to you
what your Sun-sign (Hindu) is.
But in Hindu astrology you must know your Moon-sign also.
Degrees of the Moon
Your Moon will be at certain degrees in some rashi hence in some nakshatra, say of
Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn or Mercury (one of these nine).
Moon Sign, Lagna and the Sun Sign can be different
Your Moon-sign is your rashi as distinguished from your lagna. If a specific question is
put to you, tell me your lagna, the Moon-sign and the Sun-sign, you now know that
they are three different points in your horoscope to be made use of for predictions.
So the answer can be.
(a) Lagna is Mesha, Moon-sign or rashi is Mithuna but the Sun-sign is Kanya, all
the three at three different places.
(b) They can also be at two points if the Lagna or the Moon or the Sun or the
Lagna and the Moon and Sun are in only two signs.
(c) All the three can be in one sign only.
Your may have sometime or the other read about your life on the basis of Sun-signs
or the Moon-signs and may even have been reading daily, weekly, monthly or even
yearly forecasts. Now can the patterns of destiny of the entire mankind be divided
only in twelve signs, since there are only twelve rashis? Have you seen the absurdity
of the situation? So do not get addicted to such prediction.
Your Janma Nakshatra
On the basis of your Moon, you can see what was your Janma nakshatra (or birth
constellation). It has to be one of the twenty-seven constellations mentioned earlier.
1. Your janma-nakshatra is important for calculating the time-cycle described as the
Vimshottari dasha of 120 years. Depending on your janma nakshatra what period of
which planet your are passing through is the most vital factor for predictions.
2. If you were born in the nakshatra of Ketu (7 years) it will be followed by that of
Venus (20 years) etc. See the chart on nakshatras.
3. These are called mahadashas. Each mahadasha is sub-divided into nine antardashas
or sub-periods. and each antar-dasha is sub-divided into nine pratyantar
dasha, each prayantar dasha is divided into nine sookshma dashas, each sookshma
dasha is divided into nine prana dasha. This five-fold division of dasha is the most
extraordinary and unparalleled system of timing events in the history of astrology.
4. Do not be surprised if I tell you that though the Vimshottari dasha is the most
popular, in Hindu astrology there are forty-five Jaimini dasha-systems and another
fifty-four nakshatra dasha systems of Parashara, the greatest astrological genius the
world has ever produced.
Divisions of Dashas for Timing Events
5. We will be using only the Vimshottari dash in the book and all our illustrations will refer to
(a) The Mahadasha (the major period)
(b) The Antar dasha (the sub-period) and
(c) The Pratyantar dasha (the sub-sub-period) only.
No use of the fourth division (sookshma dasha or the fifth division prana dasha) is
being made use of here. But in two cases when I made use of where I was absolutely
assured that the birth time noted was without any error and the calculation of the
horoscope was cast hundred percent correct.
1. Do not jump to any conclusion, generally pessimistic or optimistic, only on the
basis of the dasha-antardasha etc. But rest assured the sixty percent of correct
predictions are based on it. This is the best ever method of timing events ever
devised by mankind.
2. After you have become familiar with the use of the dasha system, use transits of
planets. Those who over-emphsise the role of transit of planets without first
examining the promised results of dasha, are like people who are measuring the size
of an elephant on the basis of the length its tail. But first revise what you have been taught so far, step by step.
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